Literally a whore, get some standards

Literally a whore, get some standards.

Meido is cuter than sensei, I can't believe how much shit taste people have preferring her ugly mop instead of twintails

Literally a self admitted over the hill whore who has already been used and discarded.

That face is fucking disgusting.


her normal appearance is better than her "sexy" maid


Holy fucking yuck

>tried to be a whore
>no one would buy her

Becky a SHIT

Sensei a CUTE


The cute maid outfit is made for 16 to 18 year olds. She's too old for it.

Shit taste

maid outfit is only good for showing off the girls
and some sexy back glimpses


Fuck off to /vg/ already and take your zelda bitch boys with you.

Yes sir, 27 more console war threads and 5 non-video game threads coming right up.

Needs more doujins, tbqhwy senpais.

>zelda and persona threads are the only video game threads on Sup Forums

Are you retarded?


>Kawaii uguu

>I'll show you my true strength

Sensei is literally MADE of pillows.


Is there a template?



gimme sauce







>"I didn't think that kind of stuff happened in real life... well okay... I'm gonna go now"

what do those kanji say? all i got was

make cofee and hai

Fug, only last boss left but I don't want to end it yet.

The only two parts that are in English are enough to get what's going on

He's already maxed his with the teacher and now he's going to fuck the girl he has on level 9

Sex worker. I'm dissapointed, Sup Forums.

>mfw realising Morgana watches you slay all the hot tush the entire time
>He literally gets cucked if you pick Ann

Morgana suffered a great deal in this game.

What learns Tetraja?

I made a skill card. Make Principality.


>tfw no hiimdaisy persona 5 comic because she turned SJW

I exploded of laughter the first time she came into the coffee.