I truly believe that 30fps are more cinematic and i completed Skyrim and Witcher 3 with a 30fps lock, even tho i can max60fps them.
Now, fight me
>inb4 bait (no)
I truly believe that 30fps are more cinematic and i completed Skyrim and Witcher 3 with a 30fps lock, even tho i can max60fps them.
Now, fight me
>inb4 bait (no)
t. the great sage
This is some kind of meta bait
>finally decided to investigate the cinematic meme
>movies are unironically shown at 24 fps
Ever sense I went 120hz, anything sub-80 looks, and feels like utter garbo. It's sluggish, crude, and gives me a headache.
OP here
Not a bait: i use Bandicam or DXTory to lock the fps. Nvidia Inspector works too
That's because movies have use motion blur that makes the best use of 24 fps giving it fluidity, videogames don't do that and in fact look really choppy at 24fps.
Why did you think anybody would care?
Play games like you want to. If you like low resolution, play on low resolution, if you like low fps play on low fps etc.
30 is definitely playable, but 60 is just better. Although I think locking at 30 Fps in some games is okay if your machine can't handle them at steady 60 without fps drops, I did that to play Dark Souls 3 and Fallout 4 at Ultra graphics with a 750ti, because I prefer a steady true 30 at all times over a fucked up hiccup framerate that can't decide where to stay. However after upgrading to a 1070, I can play most games at high settings and 60 and it's the best feeling ever, if your hardware can handle it, why not go there?
This is always a good bait because I never know if it's true or not
this, did you fuckers never pause a cool movie in a fast action scene to grab a screenshot only to be disappointed by how blurry it looks when paused? movies live off motion blur
I truly believe you should kill yourself
It really depends on the game being played
Just as well, film effects tend to rely on covering their tracks with motion blur. The fps meme is one of admittedly many reasons why the Hobbits movies looked so garbage.
Then you're a drooling imbecile.
>Now, fight me
No, picking on retards isn't fun. Fuck off.
Movies also think intensely where they point and move their cameras.
There's one webm where this director does a 360 degree shot of trees, and its fucking sickening because of the framerate.
Because your computer is shit and can't hold constant 60 fps on high and ultra. Your rig is so shitty that running the game on 60 fps on mid creates microstutters and dips below 50-40 fps. You are trying to justify your shitty rationalization. Only by attaining true 60fps that you would immediately throw that shitty argument and forget 30 fps ever again. I also hope that this thread is bait and people actually doesn't think this way
And dont forget that a movie or video has a set timeline of image changes, a video game, where you impact whats happening on screen, is completely different where as low fps makes it feel like shit/sluggish/delayed
Right now playing the first Witcher game at locked 30 fps. No need for more. Git gud
This exactly why ds2 will always be better than ds3.
Ds2 runs at 60 fps.
>bait (no)
(You) are really retarded if (you) think ppl dont notice this is a baith thread. (You) even post the same stupid image that is used in this kind of threads.
Anyway, take some extra (You)s for making me write
(You) (You)
Doesn't DS3?
And you still think this is a bait. Kys entitled faggot, not everyone is trying to pick you up.
I completed Skyrim at 5 FPS. 30 just feels too cinematic for me, I prefer it to feel like a fantasy novel where each frame is like turning a page
You can do whatever you want, just don't post here ever
Thanks to getting used to high refresh rates I actually get sick when playing under 50fps.
wow nice bait newfaggot OP sage
You fucking subhuman
>play over at friends place
>old PC
>friend haven't really gamed in years
>playing rocket leauge split screen
>can't play if the fps drops under 55 because it's unresponsive and disgusting
>he says nothings is wrong with it I'm just a faggot
>says 40-45 fps is perfectly the same as when it's on 60
>he builds a brand new pc a month later
>playing everything on ultra 60+ fps
>rocket drops to 50-55 fps on aquadome from some bug
>he says "what is this disgusting shit I can't play like this"
I'd like everything to be 60FPS but man frame drops are more annoying that a lower framerate. I'd rather have a rock solid 50 fps than framerate that bounces between 60 and 50. Hell, I'd rather have 30fps solid than have the drops from 60 to 50s.
(I don't notice drops from 144 to about 130 so I guess that is personally acceptable).
For me stability > high rates > graphics.
If it is some story driven shit or single player game, as long as it is HARD LOCKED at 30 I couldn't care less.
If it is a multiplayer game, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING if your shit isn't 60.
>I truly believe that 30fps are more cinematic
This is how I know it's bait. If you just said you liked it more, or you simply preferred it, I'd accept it as you making a decision that I never would, but I'm okay with.
Instead you try to play it off as an educated standpoint of "No it's truly better" which makes no sense other than to bait people.
100% agree, altough for me stutter is what murders any game. Screen tearing is disgusting as hell. Smoothness does mattert and blur+analog sticks can make 30fps tolerable on a console I give it that. Still fuck anything than >60/stutter/tearing.
>Now, fight me
I don't beat up mentally handicapped people, that's just immoral
He embraced his digital-Aryan heritage.
Screen tearing should be an illegal crime punishable with jail time on consoles. If it shows up on my PC games it's a sign that I need to dial something back.
Funny thing is that these people are stupid and simply can't understand that there is better because they haven't seen it. I can't really comprehend 140hz because I haven't seen it but I'm 100% sure that it's better by a mile. Smoother gameplay can always be better.
Reminder that anything between 30 and 60fps is just a meme
I totally agree with you. Some games just do look better at 30fps. TW3, for instance.
>Here's my opinion on something that is subjective to everyone
>Let's argue over it
Yeah ok, not baiting my ass.
>upgrade to 144hz master race
>fan is a fucking jet engine now
Well fuck. Even the 72-90 FPS I limit myself in most games was worth it though
THANK GOD someone understands
i count my lucky stars that i'm an old man so i don't care about frame rates and the graphics on ps4 games blow me away/
>i count my lucky stars that i'm an old man
Yeah, luckily death isn't too far off, so your suffering is nearly over.
Poor little princess
Anything between 30 and 120*
op, your monitor is only 30hz... you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps.
30: what the fuck are you doing
60: acceptable
72: getting smooth now
90: smooth
120: diminishing returns territory
144: mostly good for vsync (allows vsync/caps to be 72 without tearing)
240: I wasted my money
No one cares if you play at 30 FPS we only care if we are forced to do so
I hope someone sensible murders you
It is more cinematic than, say, 60fps because movies are usually in about 24fps. Games aren't movies, tho...
IDK about the 30 FPS meme but the DOF actually makes an image more cinematographic.
To think there are assholes that want the whole image on focus makes me sick.
Movies are choppy as fuck too unless you use motion interpolation. Which most TVs do.