Haven't seen many threads on this game lately but i'm really enjoying it so I wanted to start some discussion about the game.

Won my first game after only playing 18 games and getting top 10 in all but 5 of those. Managed to win that game with an M416 that had a red dot and foregrip against some fully geared guy. The only reason I won was because he decided to push me when I had the advantage of distance and cover. What are your victory stories or close to victory stories Sup Forums?

Fuck off and kill yourself.

>Haven't seen many threads on this game lately
Fuck off

There are constant threads 24/7

Has there been a lot? Or do people just hate the game?


My bad lol. Guess I look like a fucking autist now.

Don't worry, every thread is just a bait thread for shitposters. Yours is the only one trying to discuss the game

Flavor of the month trash. Move along.

Considering buying it to play with friends but how is it when playing alone?

I want to know this too because of lack of friends

Enjoyable. But with friends it's really fun especially when you do good.

Thanks user

Play squads a lot. We have one friend who just drives a car around all the time because people are retarded and try and kill him so we just flank and kill them back. Craziest win we had was 4v4 and it was in a city so everyone was house camping. Managed to get everyone with shotguns and we found the house they were in we just rushed in blasting away and managed to kill 6 people.

I'm enjoying myself, but there's a lot of little fixes that could make the game a lot better, being able to see how you died for one.

had a blast with a couple of friends but i wont see the appeal in it for a long run though, definitely not sacrificing my other multiplayer games for this one though unless being called into action

Why can't we just call this shit Battlegrounds? Why does everyone feel the need to include PlayerUnknown's?

I purchased it, refunded it before the 2 hours were up on steam and thought I had enough.

Then I repurchased it and play it nonstop until it gets old.

So just call it battlegrounds like everyone else does? Why are you retarded?

I do it often and constantly get in top 20. It's a lot of fun but there is a lot of downtime in the end. A whole lot of sitting and waiting.

not him but i hear people call it pubg all the time

Friends and I just call it battlegrounds. Pubg isn't bad but this twat is acting like you have to say PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds every time you discuss the game.

Give me the battlegroundpill

Is it basically incredibly fun despite being glitchy, and most the people hating it are consolecucks upset how popular it is

The fucking OP called it PUBG you illiterate shit

I was saying the exact opposite, I see people call it PUBG all the time and was just curious if there was a reason when Battlegrounds is easier. Why are you so quick to show your autism?

it is the best BR game available right now
the developer isn't retarded and has at least a conceptual understanding of game balance
the game is pretty fun as is
guns and hitreg work fantastic after the early game lag has settled

it needs first person mode already for fucks sake
grenades need to be faster
zeroing needs to work properly
the circle needs to obscure vision like it does in h1z1
the game lags earlygame until like the first ~30 people die so if you get in an area with other people early game fighting can suck
many buildings have objects that block windows that you should be able to shoot out of

Does this cunt think he's some Tom Clancy or what. What a pretentios twat.

>the circle needs to obscure vision like it does in h1z1


What's wrong with that? As I stated before PUBG is fine but the retard is acting like you have to say, fuck it reread my reply you fucking idiot.

Reread what I said the first time. Fucking christ.

When you people see PUBG do you actually say in your heard playerunknown's battlegrounds? Or do you say PUB G?

Yo he mad as fuck rn

I play with my friends and gf. We all have a ton of fun.

Don't. Theres 1 thread max.

I see people calling it Player Unknown's Battlegrounds out loud all the time, that was my original point. I was just asking if there was a reason or not, no idea why you decided to sperg out about it.

user here who constantly has to play online games by himself. It's the first time in a very long time I have actually talked to people in the game and most are usually pretty helpful and chill.


Duude wtf. How goes?

Haha very good brother. If this is Teo keep on making the only gaming content remotely funny.

I haven't taken my meds today.