Can we talk about Dragon's Dildo?
Just beat him for the first time. Level 68, Hard mode, as a Ranger. It took 35 minutes.
Can we talk about Dragon's Dildo?
Just beat him for the first time. Level 68, Hard mode, as a Ranger. It took 35 minutes.
Other urls found in this thread:
Get your asshole ready for his true form.
>needing this long as a ranger
Should have taken more blast arrows and conquerors periapts with you.
Those suck any fun the fight could have been right out. Bringing them along for your first time is a terrible idea unless you only use them to interrupt his gay pawn destroying move. Even that feels kind of bad because the opening afterwards is so huge the fight is basically over.
Honestly, he's a pretty poorly balanced boss now that I think about it.
Mystic knight mustard race
is it really wrong to fuck a pawn?
Alright so you just finished the Bitterblack tutorial then.
Have fun playing the game without training wheels now i guess.
No, only to fall in love with one.
this game is ok at best and the combat is the only good thing about it
Well, not every game's got to try and be a novel. Sometimes good gameplay is enough.
>implying MK is good
Stop this meme. Sooner or later some newfag will stumble into these threads and believe you.
MK are literally the worst class.Any other class is stronger, and many are more fun.
>Honestly, he's a pretty poorly balanced boss now that I think about it.
Yeah, he favors rangers.
>MK are literally the worst class.
It seems you forgot Warrior even exists.
except the game play wasn't that good and it isn't enough.
Am I the only one who plays a great gamble focused ranger? There is nothing greater than avoiding your enemy, seeing your pawns sacrifice themselves to buy you time and in the last second while the enemy is rushing you using great gamble perfectly and seeing multiple bars of health vanishing.
>he hasn't used Arc of Deliverance
I have, and it does the same damage as HFB, if not less. Not to mention that Daimon's second phase forces you to either use ranged option or climb on him, if you want to do any damage. And Warrior lacks any options for either of those methods, except the basic fucking melee attack when climbing.
Just started another playthough a few days ago. Man I don't know what it is but I've been really hooked on it. The last two times I've played it the fatigue of having played it so much set in a bit but this time I've been exploring and doing all the notice board quests I usually skip.
Just did come to court and I'm like level 50.
>he wasn't able to stunlock Daimons second form to death
Well, this is not a fun way to fight him, but he isn't really fun to fight with many classes. Also if you are brave enough you can charge the arc while getting sucked into his vortext and arc him out of it.
>first time
Try again boyo
>35 minutes
>get bitterblack bow
>now like 6 minutes
If the entire game was about dungeons like the DLC instead of open world meme this would have been such a great game.
>BBI while great was still full of the same fucking enemies you faced the entire game
I think I tried that and it didn't actually work. Maybe I didn't stack enough stagger or something.
For example MK's Stone Forest seems to be guaranteed stagger on pretty much anything in the game.
The enemy placement was great though and there were unique variations and the grim reaper is unique I think.
t. pleb
Also the ending was GOAT
Eh. BBI is great and all but it's linearity gets kinda boring. They needed more connectivity and metroidvania style level design instead of just a straight corridor.
Not to mention it's so copy paste heavy it might as well be called the Everfall.
Conquerors periapts are your friends, but you sure do also need a good weapon, like for anything in BBI. Don't know if this works with level 1 weapons.
The entire game is linear with copy pasted enviroments.
Is stagger even affected by the damage you do? It's listed as a separate stat on weapons and the character screen.
Newfag to the game, what things should and shouldn't I do to make sure I don't fuck myself on the first playthrough?
We must have played a different game.
Well it's still pretty copy-paste though.
IT WORKS. That's all I can say about that. Maybe you need to breach the defense for the stagger to happen.
Considering buying it again. Haven't played it since it came out on console but I've got no consoles anymore and I never played Dark Arisen. How does it run on PC? Is the FPS more consistent?
You can meme around in the world but there is nothing to do so you will go back to the main quest. The worst experience I had with the game is when I decided to explore the world. It was so fucking boring and except for that camp full of women and a dragon I have found nothing interesting.
I USED to get a flat 60 all the time on it, but now for absolutely no reason I get slight consistent stuttering in some long view-distance town scenes. Nothing drastic or gamebreaking but weird nonetheless.
I guess we really played a different game.
In my current playthough the 48 of the 50 or so hours I've played have been fucking around in the world doing sidequests and shit.
It takes like 2 hours do to the main quests.
>Can we talk about Dragon's Dildo?
First time playing and I'm wondering when Bitterblack Isle content should be attempted. My pawns and I get pretty fucked up as I attempt to progress down there and I can't seem to do much against the eyeball boss.
Should I just go seek death and take on Grigori? He called me a bitch nigga and said that the weak find death when the seek it.
I usually start it around level 60, post dragon and after grinding the everfall for a bit to get some good equipment.
>He called me a bitch nigga and said that the weak find death when the seek it.
He say that all the time but it's actually him who's a bitch as nigga. Makes the fight a bit underwhelming actually.
The sidequests are all uninteresting shit like fetch quests and the reward is shitty too.
I sure do like dragons
You reallsy should fight Grigori first and do other SPOILER things.
I disagree. It's the main quest that is pretty boring.
I enjoyed the open world more than BBI. If I wanted a linear dungeon I'd play a Souls game instead.
You should definitely wait until after you beat the final boss to start it, since you're more inexperienced with everything at the moment.
Levels 60s to 70s are good starting levels for it though.
Don't worry if you struggle with it. It is super hard no matter what level you are. Unless you're a Magick Archer. Everything is easy as a Magick Archer.
I enjoy taking pictures of my arisen
>tfw charging Arc of Deliverance while Daimon pulls you toward him with that white hole move and blowing him away when you get to him
The hilt smash while climbing actually does a ton of damage with a properly leveled and augmented warrior, even if it doesn't look that cool
This isn't even my final form
This is the best Arisen EVER!
I'm doing it at level permanently locked at 40. I'm finding it pretty balanced at that level, no idea why people tell to play at lv 60.
You should still play it definitely after beating the Grig, though.
Why the hats?
It has insane early game stats desu
>The hilt smash while climbing actually does a ton of damage with a properly leveled and augmented warrior, even if it doesn't look that cool
This. After some practice I was able to do Damon 2.0 runs as a warrior with very little trouble.
Now Ur-Dragon on the other hand, that's just a blatant slap in the face to warriors.
My Arisen disagrees
Me too but do yourself a favor
I didn't like BBI and quit the game after killing daimon once. It's just boring damage sponge shit.
For the record, Capcom rushed the release, so they didn't have time to make the world better or add more lore.
At least the combat works.
Dragon Dogma threads are too uncommon.
As much as I love love love love love DD user is right. Especially on hard. I've got the dragonforged light daggers and every enemy in BBI takes so many hits to kill. I enjoy the main continent much more
I played a demo for this game on my 360 and thought it was shit. The controls felt bad and the screen was ridiculously cluttered for the fov they give you
"Don't mind me, just pirating this heart."
He pirated my hear alright
option to marry Griggy when
This scene broke my copy righted heart
Getting a level 2 bitterblack weapon should be your first priority, even if you have to godsbane for it
Then you just need to hope that it's set to be a weapon you can actually use
you look like you need to murder Snow White
>stats over looks
DD2 when
cunt had it coming
I don't know why people complain about the world design, it is easily the strongest aspect of the game.
Exploring around everywhere after you reach Gran Soren was a fantastic experience that I would never be able to get again. Wondering around the overworld at night is legitamately scary at lower levels.
The only real fault of the game was the lack of decent side quest contents. There's a handful of memorable ones, but given the size of the world, there could have been much more.
It's small and there aren't many great things to find, few chests really worth the effort. But personally I enjoyed the journeys, even though the world is pretty small travelling can take time, ressources and can be genuinly dangerous.
The two journeys to the blue moon tower and to the beach at the south-west corner are one of my favorite things to do in the main game.
Can I has six skills as warrior yet?
>to be an effective mystic knight you have to level basically any class but mystic knight
yes very fun system
Never ever
Yeah, get the hook mod
hope you kill yourself
Be aware you only get one save slot (backing up a save isn't too hard though).
I wouldn't recommend starting as mage, but that's just because I like other classes better.
Stock up on healing items for an easier time in general.
Don't rush the main quest, a lot of sidequests are locked out by progressing the main quest.
Hard Mode is shit and will lead to an overall worse experience with the game. Modulate difficulty by using more/fewer pawns instead.
Bitterblack Isle is a late game/end game DLC, don't go there first unless you're into masochism.
The first 100 levels of your character are the most important, and will define your health, stamina, physical and magical damage and defense.
Upgrade weapons and armour when you can.
Don't farm for collection quests, it's not worth it.
Escort quests are also cancer.
Try not to fuck Fournival. You may fail this step. Accept your fate. Be nice to his daughter.
Oh and most importantly, if you ever go anywhere that takes a while to get to, drop a portcrystal down so you can get back there quickly.
rip ddg
I unironically enjoy Dragons Dogma Online
so I finished Grigori the other day and have just been walking around looking at the post-dragon content. what else is there to do other than notice board quests and the everfall? anything I should do before going to BBI?
also wondering what I should do with my pawn, she's a Fighter with Scather + Challenger. I leveled out the Warrior Vocation for the Clout and Proficiency augments. we're both stacking Vehemence and Clout, and since it's hard mode my character is running Bastion and Fortitude for defense. both are lightweight and running about the same gear
what should I do with her shield/weapon skills? would it be better to limit her to 1 on both or keep it 3 skills in each
I'm trying to get her as aggressive as possible, she has 0 defense skills equipped like perfect/divine defense, etc
p.s. where to get quick RC? just need 10,000 for Secret of Metamorphosis and some skin pigments
srry for the loaded post. ddg is dead uwu
MK are the best melee class next to strider and assassin. the latter two can kill single targets faster but can't shit aoe and burst living armors into treats
i really liked the main world for what it is but it was too shallow. DD with elder scrolls amount of content is my dream game
you don't, gear makes up for it. guy in the vid is just a min/max autist. there's ways around it on pc anyway if you were that concerned about it.
>anything I should do before going to BBI?
Nope, go to BBi whenever you feel like it
>shield/weapon skills?
Dragon's maw is good, and the one where they stab an enemy a shit ton is good. Both have a ring in BBi that makes them better. As for shield skill, the taunt and perfect guard is really all you need since you don't want your pawn to be too defensive. As to how many, that's up to you.
>p.s. where to get quick RC?
Get your pawn hired. Other than that, you'll have to farm it, and I couldn't answer how fast or slow that would take.
best you can get is shield skills and bow skills, 6 longsword skills isn't possible
it doesn't have the charm of DA but it's fun enough where i would give it more of a shot if it got a western release
>yuge buffs out the ass
>magic counters
>magic cannon
>stone forest
Is it hard being so fucking stupid?
Equip no shield skills for a fighter pawn they perfect block like crazy
Esther's a fookin' legend.
Early game has the best fashion though, why are you ruining that with your ugly DLC gear
ugly as fuck
Wow rood
this image is very old, but this is my potato