You guys always say that this game and that game is "Reddit: The game"
But what would be "Sup Forums: The game"?
You guys always say that this game and that game is "Reddit: The game"
But what would be "Sup Forums: The game"?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anonymous Agony
Virgin Quest
Shower with your dad simulator
Parappa the Brappa
Crazy Bus
Was that game ever finish?
Autisim simulator
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Yes, long ago.
Although may depend on your definition of finished.
no that's tumblr
that's 2channel
We're the only ones who play this game.
I should actually play it already, downloaded it like 4 years ago but didn't boot it yet
Postal 2.
Are Phantom Thieves just?
Autism Fortress
>tfw saw some guy on Sup Forums call Yostuba "reddit literal who" yesterday
Sengoku Rance
"reddit" has finally fully replaced "cuck" as the generic insult.
whats a yostuba?
Big rigs: over the road racing
you should go head back toward reddit if you can't even keep up with a meme that's now like over 2 years old I forget
Calling people a faggot seems so tame in comparison now.
minecraft alpha
next you're going to tell us about how you saw someone call moot "literally who"
>oldfags have to keep up with newfag memes meme
other way round, kiddo
Probably some newgrounds shit where random edgy violent stuff happens
Calling people faggots has never really been an insult on Sup Forums.
Soon, all sense of sensitivity and empathy will be lost, an endless sea of anger and autisim, comfyness will be a distant memory
Dwarf Fortress
Katawa Shoujo
Orgasm Girl
Faggot was the best insult because it was a good, flexible generic insult.
Cuck's just misused and the more people use it, the more people get desensitized to it, and then eventually the actual fetish will become normal and acceptable, and then it's all ogre.
Who is moot?
Sup Forums the game would probably some normie shit like battlefield.
Sup Forums the game would be a gay hentai game, undoubtedly.
>I like staring at this tree
>So you're a PC player
Don't you know? This smug idol is now the face of four chun
But why.
Koshimizu Sachiko full 1207620
Hiro said so
Just look at the home page
No other game perfectly represents the autism of Sup Forums.
Yotsuba is still in the 404 and ban pages
>words were appended with -fag
>faggot was never an insult on Sup Forums
Choose one.
grezzo 2
For years now there have constantly been at least 3 active Souls threads at any point and BB is one of the most shitposted games of all time on here.
Nope, Sup Forums is heterosexual
delet this my loud clique of freaks represent Sup Forums
For the last couple of years? You sure senpai?
It wasn't an insult. It was a generic modifier. If mommy hadn't dropped you on the head because she was too drunk to carry you as a toddler you'd understand this.
>lisa is now tumblr
>implying it's not so much better than undertale
What the fucking shit are you negros on about now
>while your freinds stay in place if go forwards at as steady pace, you will go backwards, regressing at an unimaginable speed, soon you will fall into the grey void, where all direction and hope of returning is lost, and you can only drift aimlesy, wondering what went so wrong
People called each other faggots as often then as they call each other cucks now and calling me stupid won't change that.
Sup Forums has a home page?
You didn't catch of the dev going full retard and talking about how white people are the devil and shit?
Katawa Shoujo
No actually, now I'm curious. Post dem links
>But what would be "Sup Forums: The game"?
Kouen Itazura simulator
Came here to post this.
I haven't even played it yet and this was the obvious answer to me.
Ony correct answer
But reddit was a generic insult before cuck.
>normies first VN
>Genuinely actually about chan users
>Misinterpreted, becomes hugely popular on leddit with people that don't really get where it came from and only like it on a surface level
>Becomes hated by the groupthink on Sup Forums because of its association with leddit
It's the best fit, in terms of both content and reception.
There's "user is a faggot" and "As a x-fag, blah blah blah". Two completely different things.
Austin is Tumblr. Lisa is not.
Games Sup Forums doesn't want to admit it is
Gmod, TF2, Persona
Games Sup Forums would like to be but 90% is not
Deus Ex, old rts of your choice, old rpg of your choice
Do you even /fit/? Faggot is literally a term of endearment there and probably else where too. That and autism I imagine are used on Sup Forums the same way black people call each other "nigga".
>Faggot is literally a term of endearment
Am I being baited or are you just that retarded?
No More Heroes anyone?
All games that Sup Forums likes are denounced by Sup Forums after they become popular as normie trash (Minecraft, .io, Transformice, Trackmania, etc)
Damn, an actual newfag, wow.
Normies don't play VN's you dumb fuck
you're actually probably right