B-but all MK8D does is add a battle mode

>b-but all MK8D does is add a battle mode...

Wow, Nintendo sure BTFO'd Sup Forums

>on a handheld hybrid, can play any way you want
>now in native 1080p60fps on TV instead of 720p upscaled like on the WiiU, even in 2 player mode
>improved shadows in multiplayer mode
>reduced loading times compared to WiiU
>can now hold two items instead of just one, no more only getting a single lame coin
>karts, bikes and the parts etc. all rebalanced to slightly nerf heavies and make other options more viable (lights, bikes and so on)
>purple boosting stage added to make up for fixed fire hopping exploit
>full on proper battle mode with multiple new game modes added and several completely new arena tracks
>all DLC included from the start, no more split online or problems of only ever playing on basic or dlc maps, all maps weighed equally now and accessible by all
>new characters, mii costumes, new karts, new parts (unlock Gold Mario for beating all 200cc cups)
>new items (feather and boo)
>can now change your character and kart online while in a lobby between the races instead of having to back out completely

Other urls found in this thread:


>b-but all MK8D does is add a battle mode
that's 100% true. It adds 1fps more but that's irrelevant.

>paying 500aud for a game series that should have died out over 10 years ago along with Zelda

No one over the age of 12 should be excited for this.

How can it be 100% true when the OP just gave you a long list of changes and additions?

>playing handhelds in public


also the way you wrote this post OP is very bad
You are passive aggressive trying to justify full price for a port that was released 3 years ago.
You are either baiting or you are actually trying to convince people what Nintendo did is acceptable.
And you mr Contrarian, you are a cancer for defending this jewry.


>still no mission mode
Why even bother releasing it?

>mfw didn't get a Wii U so all this content including DLC
I knew it was wise to skip a console gen

That's a bunch of neat QoL changes, but it's not worth a new console and paid online. I'd also have to unlock everything again.

No you don't, everything except kart parts and Gold Mario is unlocked right away.

Even so, still not worth buying a new console and paid online.

I still won't pay twice for a game I already own not to mention I have to pay to play online

Sure it isn't. No single game is worth buying a whole console for, really.
I doubt many would expect you to do that either. They'd probably ask whether you're also interested in ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Super Mario Odyssey and such.

Also I'm pretty sure I'd have to unlock the gold parts again, you did say kart parts.

That 1 additional fps also prevents the game from stuttering now, as the frame rate now synchronizes perfectly with the refresh rate.

>being so beta you can't play hand helds in public and judge those who do

So fuck all basically?

If this is more than 20-30 bucks Nintendo is just scamming people.

How so?
It's the most content-rich Mario Kart of all time. Not just that, it's also as good as it gets on the Switch. Keep in mind that the game jumped from a home console to a handheld and yet STILL went from 720p to 1080p among other improvements. That's as good as it gets, even if a hypothetical MK9 were to be made in some years, I can't imagine it looking any better or having more content.

Because it's a port of a 4 year old game and playing full price for a re-release, even if it has some new content thrown in there, is just premium jew behavior.


I feel like people are going out of their way to justify rebuying a slight update to mario kart wiiu.

like yeah having a battle mode is neat and of course its going to run better, but the only new content people care about is characters/courses and there's only a couple of new characters.

honestly i'm worried about how holding 2 items will affect races for everyone

Nintendo shills don't even try to hide it.
You guys must be extremely desperate after the Wii U scam flopped

The original game is still $60, too.

Speak for yourself. I'm very excited for dual items, the new items, fire hopping being removed (finally), the rebalance of bikes and light characters above all. All very crucial changes to the gameplay that'll make it much better.

Nintendo lost everything good they had since 2008
I don't know if it's Myiamoto or whatever but Nintendo is a real mess despite making good games every 2 years

Fuckign Nintendo man. I feel no sympathy for them when people pirate their games at this point.

Literally all of that could've been a free update. That's NOT worth a new console.

I don't think you know what contrarian means.

>original game
60 + 12 for dlc

>mk8d comes out
>sell mk8 for ~25 bucks
>get mk8d for 35 bucks, about half of what the original mk8+dlc cost you

There's your discount for having owned MK8

>fire hopping being removed (finally), the rebalance of bikes and light characters above all
So they sell you a broken buggy version for $60, DLC for $15, make a "fixed" version 3 years later and charge full price, and you think thats a GOOD thing?
Nintendofags must have stockholm syndrome or something

>no more split online or problems of only ever playing on basic or dlc maps, all maps weighed equally now and accessible by all
At least until MK8Dx gets its own DLC set, and splits the userbase again.


>I'll defend what is unacceptable
that's contrarian.

>>sell mk8 for ~25 bucks
Like anyone is going to buy the obsolete version for that much.

You do realize that no one out there knows what a WiiU is, right? That's the reason why the WiiU failed in the first place, the fucking horrendous name and marketing. No one ever understood what it is or even knew it existed.

If anything it's a great idea of Nintendo to re-release, in enhanced versions, their biggest hits of the WiiU. We should hope that they do this to other games such as DKCTF as well. Fantastic game that way more people should get to play and maybe if it ends up on a platform people actually know about there is a chance for that.

just sold mine bruh :)
sorry you got btfo...


You are now aware that Mario Kart is still boring as fuck and f-zero remains never ever status



>same exact game
>on a slightly more portable shitty tablet console
>6 more points on metacritic
Embarrassing, either nintendo is straight buying reviews or reviewers are worthless, I've never seen an old port with dlc get that much of a better score. The industry is going down the toilet. RIP video games.

No it isn't. It's fun as fuck.
If you can't enjoy playing Mario Kart with other people then you just hate video games.

No it isn't.

Defending what's unacceptable is either fanboyism or stupidity. They kind of go hand-in-hand.

Contrarian is disliking something just to go against popular opinion.

Maybe you should actually read the list in the OP, it'll tell you why MK8D is 6 points better than MK8.
You're welcome.

That isn't yours and most of them go for $15 even in the shit you linked, that one is an exception

You should get a discount because the game is old as fuck.

How the fuck Nintendo has such a loyal fanbase while they are one of the biggest jews in gaming is beyond me.

I'm not buying it you stupid shill, fuck off.

I'm not here to write all my hate and in fact I'm leaving this thread.
However since the 3 JRPGs Nintendo of America refused to localize and jewed everyone with gamestop 80bucks I think they went downhill and on top of that they are hiring queers and dykes to market their products even though they say word by word they don't like video games they are there because of the political agenda.

It's too slow, and le wacky items are always fun ruiners in party games

Your discount is selling your copy of MK8.
If you never owned a WiiU, don't even know what that is, have never owned MK8... why should you get a discount? With MK8D you're getting 100% new content and so much of it that it is the best Mario Kart in history by far, it's not even close.

Literally just
>cosmetic dlc
>battlemode dlc
>patch notes
>still runs worse than cemu emulated version

Sounds like a common patch to me.

>Your discount is selling your copy of MK8.
No one will buy it

>cemu autists with their "M-MUH 4K BRO HELL YEAH 4K"
>can't even play online
>none of the mk8d changes available
lmao, neck yourself cemutard

Blatant hypocrisy from Nintendofags once again.
Also, you can't resell DLC or a digital copy

We have already established that people will
Gamestop will also give you at least 15 bucks, that's the minimum discount even a mongrel like you can get.

>buying digital
You only have yourself to blame, people warn you every single time, don't be stupid and buy digital

A whole $15 discount from $460!

>bought a console where the only benefit over nintendo's last failure is portability
>doesn't even have 3g or lte
Yeah you enjoy your "online" which you're going to be paying for monthly like a stooge, despite the fact you won't ever be able to use it when actually making use of the switch's only worthwhile gimmick.

I think items are a necessary evil, in sonic transformed there's no win buttons like the bullet bill so the race is decided in the first 30 seconds; the person in first will get an insurmountable lead.

>why should you get a discount?
Because the game as old as fuck, we went over this.

Would you buy a 4 year old phone for the same price if it had a slightly better camera? No you fucking wouldn't that would be insane.

>cops vs criminal scum mode

Nintendo won.

>can now hold two items instead of just one, no more only getting a single lame coin
The preceding clause does not negate its subordinate.
>purple boosting stage added to make up for fixed fire hopping exploit
I imagine people will solely respond to this post on this point, Fire Hopping had tight risk/reward given its execution. Purple boosts, like the stages before it, are about finding the proper line.
>can now change your character and kart online while in a lobby between the races instead of having to back out completely
So everyone just picks the best combo for the next track.

Nintendo don't need the money. Selling for 60 bucks when people already paid at least 360 dollars (Switch + Zelda) and perhaps 70 for a pro controller is like something I would expect only from King Solomon The Banker of Israel.

Now try with an analogy that actually makes sense.

>on a handheld hybrid
If I wanted to play a handheld mario kart I'd play the much more interesting and high-skill MKDS.

Not him but my country has a terrible reselling culture. Nobody is bidding for it if it's over 10 bucks or so.

Okay. Would you buy a 4 year old phone for the same price if it had a slightly better camera? No you fucking wouldn't that would be insane.

Would you buy a 3-year-old game with the same graphics, barely any new content, and paid online for full price? Would you buy it if Nintendo didn't make it?

You vastly overestimate how tryhard people are. Even in Sup Forums rooms, which can be pretty damn tryhard, you get mostly people who play as whatever they enjoy instead of the statistically 1% superior combo.


I can see why you would be crying over a few bucks here or there now that you told us you live in a hellhole like Romania

wasnt upscaled on wii u. where do you have this information from?
native 1080p all along

Don't forget the $30 for online when they build the paywall in a couple months.

the fuck are you talking about and what does it have to do with my post

I know you're still here

Still cheaper than PSN, which all of you seem to pay without complaining

are they charging 30 bucks for online? what kind of goodies do you get?

But now it has anti aliasing.

You are wrong. It was 720p upscaled on the WiiU. You can read up on this on a ton of sites. Or just use your fucking eyes, are you blind?

You get to play one (1) NES and SNES game per month before having to give it back at the end of the month. You also get to continue playing on peer to peer connections because Nintendo is too cheap to give their players dedicated servers.

>passive aggressive
You're a retard and a pussy

>b-but sony
Every time.

>it's only bad when Nintendo does it

not giving the wii u owners all this shows me that nintendo doesn't care and doesn't deserve my trust.

not buying the switch. just playing the stuff that is actually good on emulators.
fuck you nintendo.

It's bad when everyone does it.

I wouldn't call Sweden a hellhole, not yet at least. I mean, we are certainly on our way there, but so far we are still one of the most developed countries in the world.

>which all of you seem to pay without complaining
Nice assumptions too bad no one mentioned Sony

>wasting resources on the WiiU when it is fucking dead, no one knows what it is and no one bought it

And I say this as someone that owns a WiiU. It had a good library of exclusives, but I can understand why Nintendo wouldn't bother doing anything with it anymore, the Switch is doing so much better in every way.

I'll buy a Switch used when piracy happens.

>paying for P2P

That's fucking disgusting

Pirates deserve nothing
The next time you whine about there being no new Metroid, Advance Wars or what have you remember that you stole it

>Nintendo is just as bad as Sony
And yet you defend them for being just as shitty as this other shitty company.

>You get to play one (1) NES and SNES game per month before having to give it back at the end of the month
Seriously? you just lose the game? what kind of kikery is this?
I don't know I think I was right to say that since the Operation Rainfall JRPGs Nintendo has been fucking jewing everyone with no shame. It's not only Nintendo of America it's Nintendo of Japan as well.

>(unlock Gold Mario for beating all 200cc cups)

Nintendo should make good business decisions to make their hardware and software worth owning. Selling a glorified DLC pack and balance patch for full price is the opposite of that.

Not quite as bad.
PSN is 50 a year at the minimum. Nintendo's online seems to be around 20 to 25 a year, so only half as bad.

Ideally I would never have to pay extra to use my own connection, but every single console now does it and all of them will do it forever from hereon out, complaining about it on Sup Forums won't change it.

as if you knew it just from looking at it. it looks pretty fucking fine.
get over yourself
but it shows that you can't trust those slit eyed fuckers.

We don't know yet. Nintendo said they are rethinking their online structure about hearing feedback and they will probably talk about it at e3 or something, together with VC.

if Sony told me to give it back the ''free'' game by the end of the month I swear I would sell my PS4 right now.

>can now hold two items instead of just one
this is a BAD thing, this ruined the perfect item balance MK8 had

>Subscribers will get to download and play a Nintendo Entertainment Systemâ„¢ (NES) or Super Nintendo Entertainment Systemâ„¢ (Super NES) game (with newly-added online play) for free for a month.
You also get the privilege of using Nintendo's voice chat on your phone, a device designed to talk to people on by default.