RE7 devs apologize for the "Not A Hero" DLC delay on video

>RE7 devs apologize for the "Not A Hero" DLC delay on video

Why can't more devs be like this Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>RE7 devs apologize
Wish you could have left it at that.


That feeling when you'll never be a high speed, low drag operator.

Why even join a multi-national pharmaceutics' paramilitary arm?

He's implying re7 sucks.
He's not wrong.


"we didnt know people would actually really love RE7 so we were making some shitty ass DLC to just make some quick bux off... but now we realize we have to make actual good DLC or people will flip their shit"

>not on par with the quality of the main game, but will be now
I can smell the upcoming price tag from a mile away

>why can't more devs get down and grovel for daring to make us wait for our toys?
If you care about delays you are a literal fucking retard.

how about they apologize for the rape of Nanking?

>so we were making some shitty ass DLC to just make some quick bux off

But the DLC will be free.

It's free DLC m8

So why do they care if its bad or not?

>delays new character and patch for SFV
>"makes up for it" with cosmetic DLC
>delays RE7 DLC
>"makes up for it" with apology video

jesus fucking christ capcom, get your shit together

they're starting to give a shit about brand quality maybe

Because they actually care about the fans you fucking jew

Yeah they sure care about fans.
T. Resident evil movie franchise watcher

>tfw devs will never commit seppuku because the game does not meet the expectations of the players.

>having to explain you shitty opinion
> having to samefag you shitty opinion
Top kek dumbass

>sorry for making shit, now that we know it's bad, we won't
The fact that apologizing for making a shitty product is looked up to, as opposed to just not making a shitty product to begin with, kakes me sick.


Because they are the same people that greenlight the movies for sure

>6cucks still mad

>everyone should be perfect all the times even tough is a impossible task

Now you gonna shitpost about you being perfect and that everybody eles should be the same

Its one thing to accidentally fuck up, it's another to purposefully try to put in barely any effort and then retract only when you realize people are actually paying attention to the shit you're shoving at them.
Don't defend the shitty practices of a faceless company. You're the reason most games are going to shit and are chock full of useless DLC.
Get sone fucking standards.

I'm Redfield.

Who's ready for some glorious RE CoD?

>having to read you shitty sentence
>having to read you fuck up twice

Not even him, but fuck off moron.

>The Jap biohazzard devs made the western resident evil movies.

What are you doing user... really

It's the same fuck in this thread defending it, you can tell by the broken grammar.


You literally have zero idea why/what is wrong with the DLC that is causing the delay and yet you're spitting shit about the DLC being purposely made shit.

You're a dumbass. What if they didn't like the direction the story ended up going? What if they didn't like the locations the progression went through? What if they didn't like the rate of advancement?

They're so many reasons for correcting something that aren't "we made it shit but then decided we shouldn't" not to mention if they really did make it shit and they knew it, they wouldn't give 2 fucks if people called it shit because you know... they know.

>Devs make free DLC for game
>Decide to take more time so they can add more content while still being free
Leave it to Sup Forums to spin this as a bad thing.

I was clearly saying that capcom as a whole does not give a shit about the re fans, as proven by 10 shitty movies and lots of shit games and spinoffs


Even Capcom didn't have hope for this huge piece of trash. They just wanted to make a quick buck out of the let's player audience. Sadly nu-fans's taste is horrible and they ate that shit up like the literal retards they are and praised it as GOTY even when it's absolute dogshit and miles behind the actual good RE games (1-3)

Fucking kids, get off my website and my lawn

That's a lot if buzzwords in a single paragraph.

If it isn't shit then why the fuck is he apologizing? Apologizing implies guilt and wrongdoing, not just "hey, we decided to change it a bit, so it'll take longer".
Don't blame me for assuming when its literally in the OP.
Then why not just make the DLC instead of issueing a public apology like you did something wrong and know about it?

Not a Hero's free DLC, dickbutt.

This is from Not a Hero? Where's the image from?

Is re7 really that bad?

YOU'RE free DLC, gayboi

No, it's just a meme started by folk whose first Resident Evil game was RE4.

But NotaHero was confirmed on release and is free.

that was my fucking point retard, next thing we'll hear is that theyll be charging for it in order to give us "the best experience possible"

Not him but they're from here

Where've you been for literally the past 10 years? This is standard now. Make a shit product and damage control for it later, only difference here is capcrap cheaped out of hiring marketing agencies this time.

Watch the video again retard, they just said the DLC is still free.

no of course its not why would you take any opinion on here seriously listen to literally anyone's opinion other than Sup Forums's

Thanks famiglia

not really, but its very forgettable, no replay value to speak off.
Its better than 6 for sure and maybe better than 5, but the sheer amount of content in five pushes it over the line i think

It doesnt hold a candle to re1-4

But I started with re1 in the mid 90's and I think 7 is a jumpscare game cash-in.

do you have some sort of reading problem?
Is it really that hard to fathom the possibility of another video coming out in a month saying that they will be charging for it?

Are you getting mad at something that hasn't happened and likely won't happen? Save your autismo rage for when and IF they charge.

Do you eat shit or something? Why would they make a free DLC cost money all of a sudden?

And again you'd be wrong, capcom had 0 to do with the movies, they just gave the rights to make them.

Capcom itself is a big business, like most if not every big business, they don't give a fuck about how you feel. You can say that about literally every big publisher in every market.

That has absolutely nothing to do with how the developers within capcom feel/communicate/do.Just look at the SF devs when they randomly rock up to tournaments and their communication with the community, they love them and do heaps of shit for them. look at Mike Ross and the shit he has done for the FGC.

Developers views/feelings =/= executive decisions of corporate. Stop being silly user.

Nah You just have a terrible taste

>Its better than 6 for sure

Only retards think 7 is better than 6.


>thinking the story-bloat mess that is RE6 was better than 7

>capcom had 0 to do with the movies, they just gave the rights to make them.

>hitler had nothing to do with the holocaust
>he just gave his orders to his men to exterminate those vermins

>re7 devs have nothing to do with capcom
>they work for free and get no management

Because marketing? Because brand loyalty? Because japs are generally very apologetic when it comes to errors, even if they're not at fault?

Again, any number of reasons, I just don't think you use your brain very often, seem more like the irrational jump to conclusions without thinking type of person. Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups, saying exists for a reason.

>giving a shit about story

RE story has always been fucking bad, what makes these games fun is the gameplay and RE6 has the best gameplay in the series, this is a fact you can't deny.

>T.butthurt RE6 fag

Top kek enjoy being wrong

Yeah I'm sure all that negative publicity/boycotting/hate training would totally be worth it in the long run for the franchise.

>RE6 has the best gameplay in the series
sometimes i almost feel sorry for your kind

And yet is nothing like lets player bait. It involves a lot of action and reflex/good aiming its always rewarded. Unlike walking simulators like Amnesia and others actual letsplay bait.

first hour is kinda on rails and very shitty.
the next part is great. Classic Resident Evil.
The last level has too much action tho.

lol nice argument there kid

>capcom doing stupid shit
>what is on disc dlc

>Being soo much of a butthurt retard that you start denying reality

Thats amazing

Anything is better than 6. Literally end yourself

Thanks for confirming you're retarded I guess. Leaps of that magnitude, must be American, that IQ 70 kicking in hard. Neither of those situations are even remotely comparable. Why do Americans have such huge problems with accurate analogies? Legit see this shit at least once a week.

RE6 has the best controls. Not the best gameplay.

The word gameplay includes enemy routines, ai, level design, interaction with the world, etc.

And all of those are shit on re6. It has arguably the best controls and feel on a tps wasted on the shittiest game possible. Gameplay all around is a 4/10.

Only inbred retards like would associate just controls with the whole of the gameplay

Yeah because they continued doing that shit after copping massive hate from the community. Also they're not even close to the only publisher to try and pull that shit.

>implying my hitler reference didnt blow you the fuck out

who's retarded now biiitch

Too bad that the so-called "best gameplay in the series" is constantly interrupted by QTEs, scripted sequences and sections where the only thing you're allowed to is walk.
RE6 is a 7/10 at best. RE7 is at least an 8/10.

>people were waiting for this

this is not an apology its trying to get views and players back nobody gives a shit about this DLC.

player base dropped so quickly because it was a shitty game made for playstation VR.

Nobody gives a shit about this game

"Entitled" is a dumb buzzword by corporate shills but I'm not sure what else to call being pissed that FREE DLC is being delayed to ensure quality.

based japs how can muslim infected west cucks even compete?

user, your mom doesn't count as a friend.

>Capcom sells the rights to develop the movies
>Third party company begins development of movies
>Capcom has zero input in the development/story/progression as they sold the rights to do so.
>Idiot on Sup Forums blames Capcom for a bad movie

>Hitler jointly develops the final solution with his advisers/officers
>Executes his idea in full with the assistance of his supporters with him spearheading the campaign
>Continues to support and oversee the operations of said campaign and augment when needed.

Yeah totally comparable, fuck off back to school.

t. guy that got Btfo by my epik hitler reference

But if I compare them to Hitler that means they're the bad guys and I win!

He kinda is, it's the third best RE game after REmake and 4.

>Doesn't hold a candle to 4
Sup Forums is so young RE4 is considered great. Baby's first memeshit qte ridden third person action shooter with escort mission is now considered better than a true return to roots like RE7.
This board pisses me off so much

But the holocaust and muh 15 quadrillion jews is fake. I bet you're a circumcised murikan.

What firearm is this?

Thor's Hammer.

>people who hate all new AAA media because they're conditioned to

Cool hud. I hope it works like Republic Commando's/Metroid Prime's HUD that has wipers and stuff for when gore splatters on the visor

The Call of Duty impression of Mjolnir

Depends on your expectations. Some people here hate it because it reminds them of Amnesia or Outlast and they generally have a hateboner for e-celeb shit, so they categorize it with that.

As someone who started the series with RE1 when it released, and who hasn't even played Amnesia or Outlast let alone have explored the e-celeb world at any length, I didn't relate it to that at all. What I saw was the Revelations director's take on a mainline RE game, who tried to recapture some of the sensations of moving through the hallways of the mansion and boarding house in RE1, the body horror of RE2 (Birkin's mutations, the moth nests) or the feeling of being chased by a relentless powerhouse like in RE2 and RE3 which you can temporarily incapacitate to get away from (Jack), all the while reimagining it with his own taste in horror (Evil Dead). Also, they brought on the writer from the first FEAR as a narrative consultant.

I think my least favorite part of the game is Evelyn but overall it was still very good. Super refreshing after playing RE4-6, which I also liked, but for very different reasons that are detached from why I liked RE1-3. 7 is far from my favorite RE though.

>full tube of yellow herb
>full tube of red herb
What did Redfield mean by this?

Reasonable opinions on my Sup Forums? Get the fuck out...

Why would they even apologize? it's not like someone was eagerly waiting to play it anyway. RE7 was an okay game, but didn't leave such an impact that people want more of it like this.

I'm more hyped for the first person VR REmake 2 desu.

>Commander Redfield
What did they mean by this?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they added stuff like new herbs in among various other new mechanics / items.

If you look at the base game and then the DLC that's already out, they had already added small things like that to the game. The RE7 devs seem a bit more laid back that way, following less of a scheduled "get X features out in Y months" development cycle and having more of a "I just thought of this feature while playing, let's add it" attitude, which I think is very welcome.

You have to stop.

I'm surprised people are overlooking that they confirmed there's a third paid set of dlc being worked on as well (only other mention was said in the season pass)

Now is not the time to discuss future paid DLCs. That comes later.