Based Capcom does it again.
Don't bother fixing the game just give us more paid costumes.
Based Capcom does it again.
Don't bother fixing the game just give us more paid costumes.
eastern developers are objectively superior :3
ara araaaaaaaaaaaaa
ugu uguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
the don't even hide at this point anymore
just get KoF XIV or Guilty Gear.
Additional comment: why Akuma is looking even worse? Are they actually trolling the fans?
What's wrong with the game, user.
People actually bought into the Street Fighter V meme?
People has said it about a million times now, just go through the archive.
Saves you the trouble of the usual greentext followed by generic responses,
>still no deejay
game is shit
Why does Akuma looks like a sunflower?
>be an 09er
>spoiled by being able to randomly hit normals and do sick endless block chains
>*presses FA* haha im gud nutral xD
>OS everywhere so i don't have to think
>SFV hits
>realize nothing i learned is of value
>get trashed in any real fighting game
>spend my days bashing SFV as if i have a horse in this race, although im not part of the fgc, as i never leave my basement.
>Saves you the trouble of the usual greentext followed by generic responses,
Yes yes, it's much easier for me to go search down an archive than to have a fucking conversation on the topic at hand.
Not that user but I swear these are the worst types of replies.
I can't decide which game was more destructive to its respective franchise. SFV or DmC.
I really think Dimps or Capcom or whatever is trolling because they hated to make this game.
SFV without a doubt. Not that DmC was good but it wasn't DAT bad.
>Don't bother fixing the game just give us more paid costumes.
What is wrong with the game OP?
SF5 might take down the entire genre with it, like SC2 did. At least Platinum still exists for action games.
You remember that kid? that kid that used to say "I'll tell teacher about your gameboy if you don't give me your food." yeah. That kid is now browsing Sup Forums
Arcsys still exists so the fighting genre won't die.
Where's the new DLC character for April?
Sup Forums told me its shit.
delayed until june, kek
ill just buy blazblue while waiting for that update
It sucks
>Don't bother fixing the game just give us more paid costumes.
Okay since OP is being a faggot as usual, does anyone else in this thread know what is wrong with the game?
>SFV hits
>defense is punished immensely, light normals are spammed
>anti air jabs
>every character is rushdown, zoning is shit
>every combo is like 4 hits
>horrible roster and balance
>every match is the same because every character is rushdown
Btw the way Sup Forums talks about focus attacks is funny. It didnt replace neutral game at all. The only pro who used it a ton was Daigo and he got routinely shit on in the latter half of sf4
Don't reply to him. Please.
>new DLC
>when capcom hasn't even finished making the last set
>Delays the 'Not A Hero' DLC for RE7 because the devs felt it wasn't good enough
>Continues churning out costume packs for SF5
What did Capcom mean by this?
Ok so since this is a shitposting thread and people are not discussing anything. As a player who started on SFV, here's some things that bother me:
-Mass amounts of paid for DLC
-Costume imbalance (why does Chun have so many whereas Fang has like 2)
-Season Pass where you don't even know who you're buying
-No Makoto (She looks fun, I want to play her)
-50/50 situations where you have to guess and if you pick wrong you eat a 40% combo
-Certain charcters aren't viable or require way too much effort to even get to the level that others can in a few hours(Alex, Juri)
-Constant delays on updates (In the near future is a common Capcom saying these days)
-Players with defensive styles seem to eat shit more often than not
If I'm wrong, tell me what I'm wrong about.
yeah man i can't get out of silver because alex is bad, thats all. and i have to fight chun-li's with imbalanced costumes like +50% damage!!
All of this is nit picky bullshit that has nothing to do with the gameplay.
capcom is very fucking weird about updates
the sfv launch made them say they're not gonna rush shit anymore
but now they've gone on the opposite extreme of the spectrum with the RE7 devs literally getting on camera saying they can't get the content now, it'll be available later
as for the game itself, yeah, too much guessing, too few defensive tools
>yeah man i can't get out of silver because alex is bad, thats all.
you know that not's what I said. Just he requires way more work that say Urien does.
>i have to fight chun-li's with imbalanced costumes like +50% damage!!
Oh fuck off.
-Players with defensive styles seem to eat shit more often than not
-50/50 situations where you have to guess and if you pick wrong you eat a 40% combo
-Certain characters aren't viable or require way too much effort to even get to the level that others can in a few hours(Alex, Juri)
There is nothing wrong with Balrog.
Jesus Christ are you serious? TWO months delay? Fucking hell Ono what are you doing over there?
its a meme
but for real though, it's gonna be may
Unironically this. 09ers aren't used to blocking.
Even the Japanese pros have gone on record to say S2 Balrog is fucking retarded, and that's something they usually never do for fear of upsetting daddy Capcom.
>Special costumes ... but only if you play as these characters
Why do they do this?
>Don't bother fixing the game just give us more paid costumes.
Oh boy! I sure do love Ryu and Chun costumes #37! Why bother potentially making money with other characters people might be using! Boy Howdy!
What are you even trying to say?
To stop making costumes for the same 4 people over and over and concentrate on a market that exists. About a third of the cast are still limited to their standard, story, and battle costumes. Why do they hate money?
Play other fighters. Its shit and wont ever get better.
Nothing but it had a bad launch and we all agreed to talk smack about it forever now
Been on it since the 1st beta, its shit.
been on your mother since the first beta, she's overpriced and does nothing but shitty costumes too
unlike SFV which is honestly one of my favourite fighting games ever and people don't even try and say anything negative in particular about it anymore, just say "it's bad" and leave it at that. Fuck you, you've come to realize "normals feel stumpy" makes you sound like a retard haven't you.
>lol i fuk ur mom
>mah favrite fighter is SFV!
>fuk you, now realize dez nuts
Its shit son, you being mad over a post wont change that.
You know I'm still waiting for some actual criticism.
The saddest part is I actually really like SFV as a fighting game, but holy fuck it's been a long time since I've seen a company blunder this hard in terms of post launch """"""support""""". This is Evolve-tier at this point.
>PS4 exclusive colours
what purpose does that serve exactly other than pissing the pc community off?
Sm4sh. Or as I like to call it Tr4sh
>won't stop complaining about a game they supposedly hate
>suggest other fighting games out of spite and not because they actually play them
>say SFV is fucked
>bitch when company tries to unfuck the game
>complains about lack of content
>bitch when content is delivered
>won't stop proclaiming it "dead" when it has the largest active playerbase in a fighting game right now
It's like there's a second FGC forming on the internet that doesn't actually play fighting games, but spends way more time theorizing them.
I guess this is the world we live in when even an actual retard can get voted into presidency.
It's not fun at its core. It's a bad fighting game and just a bad game overall. And of course that means it's not even fun to watch pros play it.
Funded by Sony, take a guess why they're promoting that version over PC.
After your juvenille post littered with shit talking and insults? Really?
Check the archives of the past 100 SFV threads on Sup Forums. You know exactly what I'm gonna say.
I also wont play you if you're looking for that in hopes of solidifying your claims with that nigger mentality.
And for the last (you), lemme repeat: Been here since the beta, its irredeemable shit, no amount of additions will make it better unless its rebuilt from the ground up.
Have fun replying with cookie-cutter greentext
>no arguments
>i won
Like a retard. I'll enjoy other fighters.
I want to like revelator, i really do.
Yet after two weeks of training i hate almost everything about it and have no desire to play.
Just like sfv
>I'll enjoy other fighters.
You're not fooling anybody.
You will get destroyed if you block in sfv
no arguments
I won :^)
>t. 09er
because they want you to pay for his classic costume
We're talking about real fighters
Like Tekken/Kof
Not weeb trash
The game play is shit
Buying anything related to SFV is supporting Sony...
What do you not like about it might I ask?
I'll money match you in BBCF when its out tomorrow fag.
Not even gonna use top tiers like Izanami or Carl.
KoF is weeb trash, though.
You seriously don't see why they would want special treatment for their platform to make it more appealing for people than the alternative?
>I'll money match you in BBCF
Sorry, I don't play weeb trash. See me in USFIV, SFV or Tekken 7 if you have balls.
Pros hate it too user. What do you have to say to that?
Is that you Moth-kun?
I like how it looks. Animations are god tier.
I hate everything else. Especially burst and roman cancels.
>Pros hate it too user.
Nah, they don't. Being critical of a game doesn't mean they hate it.
If you want a game that was hated by pros to the point they stopped playing entirely, look at SFIV.
I bet you're one of those people who thought the $60 launch with nothing but online match and training mode was all fine and dandy because the gameplay was already there and perfect.
>SF5 is bad
Whats your region?
What constitutes hating it? Shitting on it? Pros did that with SFIV on a daily basis.
If they actually don't like it they don't play it. SFxT did not die because of a lack of esport-support, tell you that much.
I'll play you in USF4. Whats your steam?
>7frames Jumpdash Fighter V
don't make me laugh
I don't have it on Steam.
What's your CFN?
DIfferent user, but, yeah, pretty much. Except I bought a key for 30 bucks on release day. Capcom communicated the fact that it's releasing early with tons of single player stuff missing pretty clearly. And all the stuff they promised came in a reasonable time.
Nah, I don't play against scrubs. You're not worth my time, kid.
Well, good luck teching kammy's throws online with built in input delay.
Can't blame you. Personally I only hate danger time, and definitely prefer RCs to something like v-trigger.
What did you mean by this?
Nice dodging if its you and not the other guy.
Got me there.
It's not so much the input delay that gets me with Cammy and more that her buttons transition seemlessly into her throw animation.
I asked for your CFN because I don't have USFIV on Steam. Are you saying you don't own SFV?
Why should that matter? I have clearly expressed in many of my posts that V is irredeemable shit. I won't play you on a shit game, its uninstalled now anyway.
>We are reatching a point where people have become sufficiently good enough at the game that fucking V-trigger, one of the lamest and most uninspired mechanics in a fighting game EVER is starting to look like X-factor
So you're ducking? Cool.
You ducked me in USF4 though.
but the best players are 09ers
I don't own the game on Steam. You do own SFV.
get over your E-peens lads, you're both clearly more proficient than each other in your respective games and scared to face that fact
Sure you dont.
Just keep saying I ducked you man, whatever helps your fragile ego.
I'll go play my weeb trash now. Have fun playing shit.
>I'll go play my weeb trash now.
No, you won't. :^)
Nice dodge, by the way.
I'm just searching for people to play in SF4 is all. Don't hurt me user-sama.