>People bought a Switch for this
I feel so bad about those console peasants
>People bought a Switch for this
I feel so bad about those console peasants
Other urls found in this thread:
Do people still think that game is good?
So does this use the Wii-U version and would it run from a disc?
I don't want to feel like a scummy pirate by just downloading the game for free.
getting a legit copy to work is a huge pain in the ass. if you want to play guilt free, buy it, but grab a pirated copy for the purpose of easily emulating it
>Had to "fund" some jews that already had this shit working to release it to the public
Never change PC cucks.
Fair enough.
> flickering world in the background
> FX are just 1-frame long flickers
> constant animation glitches with links legs
> jittery shadows out the ass
> wii u
nice """""game""""" you got there.
That's cool for screenshots I guess but you def miss out on game feel if you run it through the sterile environment of an emulator.
>game feel
Yeah, those silky smooth 20fps on consoles are part of the experience.
>Had to "fund" some jews that already had this shit working to release it to the public
no i didn't
its 5 bucks to get early access. what are you? poor? wait couple weeks then
>paying for emulators
It owns it's one of my favorite games actually
Maybe they were interested in the hardware and also didn't want to wait months for a pirated copy of the game?
>getting a legit copy to work is a huge pain in the ass.
Shame really. Imagine Nintendo's response if they were selling more copies of their games to pc emulators than the people who buy their consoles.
what're your other favorite games? visual novels?
>it owns
yeah this is what I expect from nintenthings
>what are you, poor?
>advocating for piracy
Didn't a patch just about fix most frame rate issues?
can i play this on pc yet?
Crack for 1.7.5 when?
I mean, if I had to rattle a top 10 off the dome
1. Ys: the Oath in Felghana
2. Etrian Odyssey IV
3. Link's Awakening
4. Mega Man 9
5. Crypt of the Necrodancer
6. Tales of Phantasia
7. Skies of Arcadia
8. Ikaruga
9. Monster Hunter (series)
10. Mushihimesama
You'll find happiness someday
yeah wtf
>have to jump through hoops to play
>most of the time to be interrupted or removed from the experience by glitches
I don't mind the 20fps honestly, rather have than than to re-cache my shader archives every time I enter a new area or save and exit the game so I can enable this or that code hack in order to bypass an area the emulator glitches out in. by the end of all that you're too tired of chasing the carrot stick to even enjoy the game. I'd rather boot up the console and enjoy uninterrupted play/maximum immersion.
By like I said, CEMU does make for a pretty good screenshot engine
It's a free emulator, familia.
>emulators with DRM
>Paying to pirate
The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me
Why are mods deleting all these threads?
>everyone who bought it has played and is done with it now
>L-LOOK EVERYONE! NOW I CAN JOIN YOU WITH 4K AND 30FPS (with a lot of visual and animation bugs but whatever..)
its on PC now so of course it sucks
I haven't bought a switch yet but I plan to.
and thats with me having a pc that could easily run Cemu
>have never seen any physics or boss dungeons with CEMU
So does this shit only work in the starting area?
You can also just wait a week or pirate it
>Giving a fixed amount of $ per month for an emulator
you are not paying to pirate, you are paying 300$ dollars less to play something of a console you dont want
Ok chantards,
Reddit cemu piracy community, go get your free 1.7.5 it was cracked yesterday. Also PCMASTERBLASTERRACE
Of course, Nintenshill, of course.
>You'll find happiness someday
yeah next time just post a smug anime girl if you want to pretend to be so above it all
In English, professor?
>PC pays a subscription to play console games poorly emulated
Really makes you think
how have nintendumbs not realized that the only people paying for anything here are the actual backers and you can get it for free otherwise
Can you complete the game in CEMU or not? Rendering the geometry of Hyrule Field isn't that impressive.
Check the links where it says "Descargar Cemu Crackeado"
Saved you 5 bucks
>everyone who bought it has played and is done with it now
so now it is not worth it anymore?
They said it was a good game tho.
Thanks for saving me the download time of a shitty game then.
I'm still amazed by how much an exclusive game lose quality when become available on other platforms. It happens all the times, yet people can't admit that exclusive are always overrated.
>paying to pirate
>having to pirate the emulator you're going to pirate on
fucking lmao
>everyone who bought it has played and is done with it now
>unless you play the game when it's fresh from the oven then you're doing it wrong
This board says the dumbest shit
>get free version of a shit game with bugs
>pay $500 for shit game without bugs
Jesus christ nintenchildren are seething
case in point
poor babby never figured out how to pirate things
dude this game was supposed to be played in MARCH 2017. now it doesn't hold up, it aged like shit.
>tfw consolecucks tears in this thead
>(Patreon build)
>tfw already beat the game for free thanks to literally one click cfw on Wii U
Wew, enjoy your scraps PClads
Judging by the language I promise you it's probably cracked, familia.
what's the prob just download it yourself
so can i play this on pc yet or not?
must of been nice chugging along at 15fps the whole time. Thanks for letting us know you ate the WHOLE plate of shit though, faggot.
I hate this stupid meme. Why are the "Scraps" always better than the actual dinner?
>playing with better performance and fidelity than you ever could
You're pretty sad user. What's your mental block? That you can only play a game when it's brand new?
I feel bad for people that seriously pay money to play on an emulator
>God tier
Wii U CFW for free day one
>Great tier
Waiting to emulate at 4k with a stable framerate on PC
>Mediocre tier
Buying it for you Wii U
>Shit tier
Buying a Switch for one game
I didn't pay for it :3
>Having to pay for the emulator
>Having to pay at least $900 for a PC that can handle Zelda at 30fps
>"p-pc master race won again!! :')"
Least those 15 frames per second allowed me to get off the great plateau
How much of this do you think is actually going towards development? How much of it do they take home?
CEMU only needs to work enough for PC players to take high quality screen shots of link standing in one of the fields. How come there are no 4k screen shots of anywhere but the plateau?
>if I close my eyes real tight the emulator will stop working
You're pathetic.
>How much of this do you think is actually going towards development?
everything, i mean whats there to pay for? It is just a bunch of guys writing codes and nothing else.
>if I close my eyes real tight maybe the physics will start working and let me get off the tutorial area
>Paying for piracy and telling people they're stupid for paying for a game
w e w
Works on my machine.
So Switch users have the superior version? Good glad we settled it. Switch master race reporting in.
>He didn't already have a PC good enough for Wii U emulation
>Having to pay for the emulator
>Having to pay at least $900 for a PC that can handle Zelda at 30fps
>shitposting on an japanese image board
>thinking the money is going into development
These guys are fucking buying cars and houses.
enjoy your single multiplat game console i guess
>beat this game 3 months ago
>it was ok, best zelda game in a decade but zelda has more bad games than good so that isnt hard
>move on, playing other games now
>PCbros are actually excited to play an emulated version that doesnt work very well anywhere but the tutorial area but at least its 4k
BOTW PC is literally one of the worst wastes of time I have ever witnessed. SO much money and time is just being thrown at it and for what?
>Not owning a PC that can emulate a fucking Wii-U game
denial is such an ugly thing
I'm excited to play a version at a consistent framerate and downsampled so it'll look super pretty. I can wait for the emulator to get to that point
That $300 thing has always sounded stupid. When you go on a rode trip do you factor in the cost of your car when figuring out gas expenses?
>These guys are fucking buying cars and houses.
I wrote that badly, my point was that indeed nothing is going into the development, because like i said what do they need to pay for? nothing, it is just writing new codes and rewriting old ones.
These guys are taking everything home
>""Donating"" for an emulator that you will get for free anyway.
I wish I could squeeze money from retards too.
>Playing Zelda BOTW with a keyboard + mouse
>84 posts
>42 IP
Mad consolecucks are the best shit ever.
>you don't need to pay for the emu
>that $900 PC emulates more than just Zelda perfectly; it emulates EVERYTHING
>runs every game worth having on console
>runs every past game from older consoles
>runs every release on Steam without a problem
>in 5 years when I have to upgrade, I pay $200 for one new part that gets switched out
you tried
>>"p-pc master race won again!!"
you're more right than you know
"Exclusives" are a cancer, all games should be multiplat and consoles should prove their worth with quality hardware alone.
It's almost as if human labor costs something in the real world
>it is just writing new codes and rewriting old ones.
>Programming isn't work
>in-in 59 years I will only need to spend like $10 to upgrade
Are pc fags that much retarded?
Everything changes, CPU slots, memory slots, PCi express protocols, etc.
You'll need a new MB new RAM, new CPU and new GPU.
Not talking about a minor update where you change your GPU,
Oh no no no! I'll be playing with my pro controller!
enjoying begging for scraps from CEMU for objectively worse versions of Switch games. Don't forget to donate
I've already moved onto new games, so no denial here. Enjoy your emulator for a now dead console though, I've already played all the games for free while you pay a monthly subscription for an emulator that will never finish since the patreon would dry up.
I mean, you spent a lot on that pc. Keep shitposting user.
I'm already running 16GB of DDR4 with my mobo which supports that and my i7. The only thing I'll need to upgrade for a damned long time is my GPU