Badly written video game characters?

Badly written video game characters?
Annoying, illogical, flat, who and why?

For me this is the reason that I dropped GTA V. Franklin was just a boring shit, this on the other hand was annoying as fuck.

I dropped tony hawk's because the stories suck

There's not a single shred of bad writing in GTA V, you're a moron.

Haha oh wow

dan houser please leave, your "LOLSORANDUM STABS YOU WITH SPORK 2META4U" character was shit

Fucking Jowy from Sukioden 2
(I don't really mean that, these wouds cant't heal, tho, for this many years (I was little sensitive user back then with lvery soft heart lol). that's a lot of words for "faggot"
Nowdays juist this faggot. It's fuckin over the top rude and that's 100% not connected to game progres ( you help this cunt few times) he spits etc. No one knows why he's so against your kind and you in particular.

Franklin has the same problem Jacob has in Mass Effect 2. They're both too rational and trying too hard to be inoffensive that they become boring. All the character in Franklin's missions came from Lamar

Not nearly as poorly written as Franklin.

lol this post

I bought this solely for modding purposes for $30.