

fuck you

I still have this game
haven't played in two years
what did i miss?

Fuck you X2
You money grabbing, loyalty neglecting failure of a company.

Another expansion came out, 299$ for loyal current players, 5.99$ for New comers.

a great game for great people

299 fucking dollars? what do you get? It better have at least ass.

This hurts me at a deep, personal level.

That game never came out, surely it cant be worse then the abomination they glued the name on.

tried three times to get into this game because i really want an mmo to get into but everytime i just can't.


I waited for that game to come out for so long and stopped caring when I started working.

How's that esport going?

It wasn't even that bad at launch, unless you were a GW1 purist expecting it to be GW1v2 I guess. The "no trinity" gimmick was a good idea, with one heal skill per hero etc. tying attack skills to weapons was a good idea from balance and role perspective, combat was fluid and responsive. Armor designs were few but promising. WvW was a very intriguing mode for its time, for allowing high scale competitiveness and a sense of community in PvE gear.

It was a bit too barebones with little amount of meaningful content.

Then with each concurrent update they systematically fucked the launch magic up.

>ascended tier mere months after release because "lol we didn't expect people to obtain exotics so fast" yeah right..
>stupid shit like "new player experience"
>aptly named HoT which was hot garbage with its lack of quality control and asinine design changes
>healers in a no trinity game
>vertical maps and platforming shit nobody asked for
>outright broken content because muh deadlines

The game's potential at launch is ruined, it's practically unsalvageable unless they get their shit together and implement some bold changes with the second expansion, which is a tall order.


>>vertical maps and platforming shit nobody asked for
that was one of the few things this game did right, 3d platforming is so fucking rare these day's I'll take this piece of shit's garbage hitboxes.

I only play it to RP, it is insane that other games don't have GW2's guild system.

>unless you were a GW1 purist
this game is shit even if you never played an mmorpg before

No it isn't. That's why it still has a playerbase. Most of the people that still play this shitpile have never touched an mmo before.

>this game is shit even if you never played an mmorpg before

Come on it really ain't. Its current direction is a bit shitty and questionable but the basis is solid.

What would you change about the game?

me and my friend were enthralled with the world and the exploration and the dynamic mission appearances and being able to coop through his races missions despite us being human and him a catdude.

but the combat was so attrocious we stopped.

A bit shitty is like saying Hitler wasn't a big fan of the jews. It's a lifeless pile of dong that couldn't hold my attention more than 2 hours in the free trial. There is nothing solid here. It got criticized back and forth a million times on the internet. I wouldn't change anything, I would scrap the entire fucking game. I could get more fun out of Maple Story.

I don't like the art style of GW2.

The style of GW1 is what made it Guild Wars....

such a shame Guild Wars was so comfy

pre-searing was maximum comfy.

indeed it was

I had faith in GW2 until the first expansion was just fucking Maguuma

No Cantha, no Elona, just a few fucking zones of fucking nothing.

Recently just got back into it. I've missed literally all of the living story but I want to start reading up on what happened.

I like the combat a lot for the same reasons that many nostalgiafags hate it, its action-oriented approach with dodging and self healing makes it really appealing since I can't exactly play often enough to be involved in a guild. The lack of a decent endgame is the only con, but I made a new character so that's really fun.

Removing the holy trinity could have been a good idea, the problem is they replaced it with such a flawed system. Even disregarding guild wars 1 the combat in GW2 was dull and incredibly lackluster.

Its horrible. You have only one or two weapons usable per class in pve since its a balnce act between survival and dps in pve and most of the time, people just choose dps and stack. The endgame is a joke. Brainless paintrains throufh the dlc or repepetive daily map runs.
The character artstyle is terrible. They made all armors skin tight. Heavy armor looks fucked because of that.
The community is dogshit. You have people leave mid maps or just after one failed attempt at beating them.
The overworld turns into a joke afte rreaching lvl 60, even with scaling. by that time you are full zerk 1-2 shotting every enemy.
Weapon movesets are flawed. You have weapons liek the greatsword for the warrior that ultimativly beats any other weapon in termsof survival and dps, while weapons like the sword, are borderline useless in any scenario.

Are you saying I should just make a new GW1 character?

I dont know, never played it is it good?

Shit story.
Shit gameplay.
Can't talk about PvP or WvW in forums because it hurts other peoples feelings.
End game is gem store and they still cant get that right. Shit outfits(trench coats) instead of armor sets to mix, yet the fags still complain that female chars show to much skin.

>Armor designs
Actually one of the things I hated about GW2 since the very start, I thought everything looked like ass

norn cultural armor, in general, is pretty awesome