Things that were unnecessary



Why does she look like Wayne Rooney?

The good thing is that I never fapped to her because right now I would feel a loser

Idk how people think she is not ugly

SMR Was necessary though. It helped nintendo build up nostalgia for the switch release

she is a beautiful woman, you need to expand your horizons

because on the side angle she is acceptable and she has a nice ass
wrong. No one that played on iphone bought a Switch because of it. In fact normies still don't care about Switch

anything thats sony exclusive is automatically shit and ugly

8.5/10 Looking dude
3/10 for a girl since she looks like a man

i was unironically hyped for this even though i knew it was an autorun nsmb.
but then you find out mario hops over goombas automatically and i was fucking done.

Name THREE (3) pieces of necessary pop culture

>in fact normies still dont care about the switch

Wrong. I know dozens of normies clamoring for one. Never happened with the wii U. You anti switchfags have been btfo repeatedly the last few weeks

boku no pico
legend of the drunken master
the video game that guy gave to the pope


Nazi Germany
Black Lives Matter


And also

Horse protection is not "unnecessary", and the armor is very nice. I would gladly pay about $2.50 or 200 microsoft points for it.

And lets not forget

Thanks for destroying the thread Nintendröne Glad to know the Nintendo Anti-Fascist Brigade is ready 24/7

Those are all my posts idiot all of these companies are not needed and could go away

Also this one

your birth

And lets not forget the ruonation of the PC for many many years

Nintendo hasn't done anything for the industry to improve it since 2002, but like what are ya gonna do when the reason why is the old president who made it good had died.

The DS, Wii, 3DS, Wii U and Switch are all unecessary and detracted from competing hardware that was actually impressive while not really being priced properly. Maybe you think the Wii wasn't so expensive bu when you consider it was barely a hair stronger than a gamecube it really wasnt, including repurposing gamecube parts which they'd already been printing for years.

greed and profit margins have absolutely strangled the company's growth and I haven't been excited for a Nintendo machine since i saw Halo and DoA3 running on an xbox, nor a Nintendo game since i saw SotC running on a PS2.

Nintendo existing outside of the yamauchi family is unnecessary.

Consoles after the PS2/GC/DC/Xbox

Finally agree with you
Sorry for calling you anti-fascist.
But without Nintendo the only option left is Microsoft and we don't want that to happen.

Video games

should I pay the €10 for the full game?

And last but mot least these in general fuck video gamez fuck people who play them and fuck the comaony who have soents YEARS wasting time making them when any other tech could have been improved but no instead we waste time and money on pointless bullshit

Fuck you all and fuck this stupid thread

Microsoft and Sony.

>Fuck you all and fuck this stupid thread

I remember a time when it was perfectly okay to give Nintendo shit over the Wii not having a generation leap in tech, but it seems like years of doing it and marketing it as "so we can innovate" with stuff like 3D and motion controls or gamepads has just tried to smear critique away. Nintendo is delusional and very good at not actually addressing complaints.

What if the Xbox 2 was just an Xbox but smaller and a gyroscope in the controller.
What if the PS3 was just a PS2 Slim, but rounded corners and edges and a gyroscope in the controller.

What if the Wii wasn't just a smaller gamecube with a gyroscope in the controller?

>sony redesigns their current console and makes it smaller
>still the same console
>microsoft redesigns tgeir current condole and makes it smaller
>still the same console
>nintendo redesigns their current console and makes it smaller
>"The next generation is here"

s-stop it

switch isn't even the same architecture as the wii u, dummy

You're right.
it's worse

no it isn't, games like MK8D and Fast RMX prove that.


Switch doesn't have a gamepad though that it also has to stream footage to. That probably made the difference

the gamepad has its own internals to handle that in most cases, it doesn't have any real impact on performance except for games like SF0 that try to render a different environment on there.

MK8 and Fast didn't push the Wii U to it's limits.

If it isn't reaching the ceiling of potential, they can lower the ceiling.

>MK8 and Fast didn't push the Wii U to it's limits.
could you name a game that pushed the Wii U any further than MK8? Maybe Sm4sh, but there's no comparison with the Switch for Smash yet. MK8 still remains one of the graphically best-looking games on the Wii U, whether you like the game or not.

That launch batman game had better graphics, and yes smash: 8 player smash in particular.

developing for the switch is actually difficult if you want to get the most out of it, not nearly as simple as Nintendo said it would be. A simple barebones approach is developing for the limitations of handheld mode, which is basically half as powerful as a Wii U (352 -> 170), then when docked, it doubles the resolution from 720p to 1080p (170 -> 390).

Not only is that the simple approach, but could very well be the only approach for many games. To instead develop and utilize every ounce of performance for docked mode's 390 GFLOPs could flaw the game when undocked and performance is halved. Physics calculations halved, collision calculations halved, model quality calculations halved, every math bit halved to the point that your 60FPS game turns into 25fps undocked, or 30FPS to 12FPS.
All the games we've seen on the switch so far are designed with undocked's limitations first, as they have pretty much just been ports.

There might be a possibility of making a game where math of physics and collisions and model detail and so on isn't so much that it would matter, getting the most out of that well under undocked mode's specs, so docking could increase visuals solely and make it look better than a Wii U game, and certainly this works with Nintendo's design philosophy of game design - but there too would be an example where the game could visually look drastically different between docked and undocked, which is something we haven't seen yet.

Don't expect 8 player smash undocked, but docked could very well make the mode available.

They've got some issues to iron out with how games should handle getting undocked while operating in mode or feature that otherwise requires being docked.

>That launch batman game had better graphics
and also ran like shit. Sm4sh is honestly the only game that pushed the wii u to its limits whilst still running really well on the system; MK8 would be a runner up for this.