I don't get it

Emulation... Why are ROM's so freely available on websites? How is it companies like nintendo don't AT LEAST attempt to shut down these sites? Has there ever been a case where individuals have legal action taken against them for downloading and playing ROM's?

I don't get it guys. Do you all emulate free from reprisal?

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Why should they give a fuck? It's not like they're expecting people to actually go out and buy a copy of Super Metroid. the time and money it would take them to wrangle these sites offline legally is time and money they could devote to other, much more profitable things.

I don't want to spend 8 fucking dollars or whatever bullshit prices Ninty wants me to spend to play Mega Man 2 or whatever.

The games aren't that long, they aren't that hard, and there's newer and better games to get; and especially an older clientele might have more important things to spend their money on like bills or food or whatever.

8 dollars might not seem like a lot, and it isn't really. But 8 dollars for less than what, 3mb of data, 20-30yrs from it's release is just ridiculous. Make it 1 dollar, 2 dollars at most. And make PSX or 64 games or whatever more than like. But the price is just nuts and the game selection is just fucking awful sometimes, especially if they want you to pay multiple times for the same game at the same price on different consoles.

No. Just no. I'd rather spend literally 4 seconds to download it for free and play it that way.

>No. Just no. I'd rather spend literally 4 seconds to download it for free and play it that way

I undertand that user, my point was i suprised there is no one kicking our assess for taking the shit they try to sell on virtual consoles..

they're probably hosted in some country outside of nintendos reign of terror

are you 12?

they all tried to shut things down

Legal battles aren't free, nintendo isn't going to spend money taking down websites uploading old games they don't make money off anymore.

Theres a reason they only go after people infringing on relevant stuff. You can do whatever you want with the metroid franchise and they leave you alone, but if you touch zelda they go after you because it can take away from breath of the wild.

I dont get it. How could it be?

hey guys

And yet CEMU is happening and i bet not a single one of you anons who downlaoded BOTW will ever face legal action will you?