Would you a flying middle eastern who rains death from above?

Would you a flying middle eastern who rains death from above?

Not sure if stupid or just baiting

Modern Egypt is one of the most Muslim nations on Earth

What kind of loaded question is that?

Id impregnate Pharah so fast she wouldnt be able to finish her ult voice line

And yet, Pharah is very clearly not Muslim.

>Arabic character who blows things up from the air

I'm amazed no one made a fuss about this

Middle East doesn't mean Muslim you imbecile. How did you get past middle school?

Not sure if stupid or just baiting

>you'd cum in three seconds
Why'd she like you when mercy can give it to her for hours

Does this artist have literally zero idea how limbs, proprtions, or perspective actually work?

And no I'm not some HURR DURR ANIME SUX nigger. This is just bad art.

>all these children still mixing up theology with ethnicity

what else to expect from overcuck players tbqh

I just met this god tier Winston who managed to shutdown Pharah and D.Va's ults with a single bubble shield, he then proceeded to go ape shit and wipe my team.
I could have prevented this if I didn't waste my dart on a hog to save Mercy.

I want to marry Pharra and start a loving family and help her become a better mom than Ana ever was to her

those boobs are not huge enough to drive attention away from the mangled spine

>800 shield blocking a 2.5 k dmg ult

In modern times, it's better to say Middle East than Northern Africa. Since it's right in the middle of "news worthy" areas.

Pharah killed herself before it broke and D.va's ult will be totally blocked by it no matter the HP.

>middle east
>a location
>a follower of Islam
>not located in the middle east, nor a person who follows Islam

Were you home schooled by dead rats?

Egypt is traditionally included in the Middle East.

Lovin' that facebook filename desu senpai

>In modern times
Older than that. You can go all the way back to Roman empire.
There was always a separation of Egypt from the rest of North Africa.

what's up with the whitewashing

>facebook filename

I want to impregnate Pharah and Ana at the same time.

>draw pharah
>make her white
fuck off

>draw Pharah
>make her a musclebound brute
fuck off as well

>most Muslim
>only country that actually has people protesting against traditional Muslim values and politics (because they fucked Egypt up)

She is trained, you fag.

Would you?

>Would you a flying middle eastern who rains death from above?
>Would you a flying middle eastern

can you finish this sentence for me you asswipe

blue-eyed Pharah = best Pharah


I mean, look at France.


Would you?

>give her blue eyes
>but give her the skin tone of a corpse
One job.

Ive told you in other threads i would impregnate and marry Karkatinq in a heartbeat

She is literal perfection

Assuming you use the middle east synonymous with Arabian you are wrong. Egypt is considerd part of the Mashrek and is definitely an Arabian country.


Because it's literally not the Overwatch character all the mentally retarded overcucks in this thread think it is. Different eye and skin color and by an artist that does other Egyptian themed art like that. The ears also kind of give it away.

What's worse than these threads are the faggots who post mobile-sized samples.

Fuck off OP.

>reverse search the pic
>all results are OW related

The character literally has nothing in common with the overwatch character besides the Eye of Horus but you're mentally ill so you don't give a shit

>Indonesia is now Middle Eastern

Calm your autism bud, she has the same hair braids.

It hurts how perfect she is

Too much.

No such thing as too much of her

>not middle eastern

What is it then, senpai?

inb4 he tells me Africa

It's egypt.

>facebook filename

Post the same image with better quality, you fucking mongoloid. Head back to Kikebook

That's actually really impressive.

This is the only acceptable answer other than middle eastern.

Pharah cosplays are better.

Brown girls are too perfect when they want to be

Good God

I like Pharah

Only homosexuals don't.


Yes. She is part of my holy overwatch waifu trinity. Mei, Mercy, Pharah

She's pretty.


eh, 2 outta 3 ain't bad

post more pharah

This user has it right


Hnnngh, I want to fap to Pharah. Keep posting pics!

On it.

so does anyone actually think overwatch is a game that's fun to play or do they all just sitting around making fanart and/or masturbating to the characters?

genuine question, i haven't played it

It's an okay game, nothing too special.
High quality waifus, though.

Please good user, my body can't take this torture. Do you have a link to the set?

It's not a set, it's just the artist makes Pharah pics every now and then.
He's called Pseudonym3d.

It's a MOBA, so it obviously has a legion of battered wives who come back every day to get milked.

It's fun.


Wtf with that shit res? Anyone with a higher?

Thanks user.

>That pic

>It's a "muh phara. actually, lets spam that ugly 3D whore xD" episode


You are welcome.


>All this love for Pharah
>When young Ana is better

houtengeki, fuck yeah! Love his girls, especially the ones you posted!


Same here user.




>middle east
>cuz its muslim
you sir are retarded holy shit


there are protesters in Iran too

Why are you dumping your weebshit folder?

I want to fan her and hand-feed her grapes desu

Slavishly doing chores for Amélie in her Huntress outfit would also be acceptable.



Weeb stuff is fine with me. A better point to make is that this isn't vidya.
It's still sexy as fuck.


It's generic weebshit, who cares.

>weebs take over a Pharah thread
Can't you fuck off to the rest of the site and let people with taste enjoy what few posts actual cater to them?

I agree to this non-shitpost post, unlike that certain other that is CLEARLY bait.
The whole thread is barely vidya and just an excuse to pot 3DPD anyway.

I care; it's good weeb stuff.


She's not a nigger you stupid cunt.

>All these mad shitposter

Oh, so it is an assblasted weebshit.
Always good to cause asshurt in these ''people''.