Why is it allowed that all we know about the gameplay is "lol sticks and ropes"?
Death Strandings
I don't know how people can justify it. We've seen ZERO gameplay, just fancy CGI trailers that tell nothing about gameplay. When Activision or EA do this they get shit but apparently when Kojimmy does it people say it's some great piece of art.
I'm still hyped for Death Stranding but I really want him to cut the bullshit
Because people put a lot of faith in Kojima even after MGSV.
Who cares, it's just a shitstation exclusive anyway
He said it was gonna be like Uncharted
>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location)
>the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy)
>moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations
>kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times
>has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was)
>the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)"
>before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped
>the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord
>time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment
>when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up
>ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985
>new playstation ad has the old kojima productions logo in the background
>the contractor who trademarked sony's "v" is also responsible for death stranding and decima
Then check out the poster. PT. Reverse Death Stranding. You get SD.
The events of Phantom Pain were a coma nightmare. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills. On top of that the REAL MGS5 will be coming out next year.
Kojima Say something
>MGfags cream in their pants
To add to this:
>mads slipped up and said kojima has 300 people at his tokyo offices working on death stranding
>kojima has claimed only 100 people are, to keep up the illusion this is a new independent studio
>a gz prisoner mumbles about the schrodinger equation
>"last year i thought i lost everything but i...*laughs*...didn't lose anything" - this is what kojima actually said at dorito pope's show
>the pt system crash screen is signed by "j", the letter j is on the bridge toro enters in the ds trailer 2
>jordan vogt-roberts laughs when asked about the konami / kojima split 39:08 of youtu.be
how ironic, how can a few pieces of movie make you hyped for something interactive you know nothing of.
it's just because you have a hardon for asian men dont you
Sonybros have so few games they've given up on gameplay period. All their most praised titles are "cinematic experiences".
It's an open world third person shooter with some gimmicks related to death and multiplayer.
Better than showing us 7362 trailers that spoil the whole game
>why dont they just tell us everything about the game 2 years before it comes out? This is bullshit!
WTF are you talking about?
Kojima didn't say anything about this... He says "Death Stranding will try and go beyond the traditional definition of action and RPG found in similar games"
stop with your misinformation
I don't want to know about the story, I'd like that to stay a secret.
Be nice to know what sort of game I'll be playing, though.
literally this the game
Action adventure, similar to the division and uncharted. This is year old information. Get with it.
What part of the ruse involves Konami aggressively burning all bridges?
It's amazing how deluded that video is
Good production quality though
kojima explained literally human race since metal gear solid to this game, this man will be remembered as the most based videogame deplover on human history
>This is year old information. Get with it.
Funny, I have yet to see a gameplay video?
Fuck everyone?
That still doesn't look like gameplay to me.
Just memes.
>Open World
Of fucking christ, after how shit MGSV's open world was, I am not excited.
>That still doesn't look like gameplay to me.
Don't you think that the game concept is finalized long before gameplay video is created? Are you fucking stupid?
There is no gameplay yet. Im not sure what you are getting at. Its still in very early production. How can you be so dense?
>i haven't seen any gameplay yet
Uh, nobody has?
Isn't this coming out forever from now? Is it normal to show gameplay that early?
Well at least now we know Death Stranding is a video game
No gameplay has been shown. First trailer was made before the decision what engine they will use has been made
Well I know, but I'm confused as to why everyone is bitching about gameplay not being shown? It'd be strange to show it this early wouldn't it?
It's an actual sequel to mgs2 retconning 4 and 5, hayters back on voicework too, screencap this
>hayters back on voicework too
Please no
go to bed kiefer
Sup Forums has no idea how game development works.
Because Ee Sree is later this year?
I don't even care how long it takes this time, I just want to experience another Kojima ruse cruise.
>tfw the 2015 /mgg/ threads are NEVER coming back
It's just annoying not knowing what the gameplay is supposed to be like once it exists.
After his performance in PW the only thing that is left in me for him is respect, but even that is lost after his constant bitching on twitter.
Because Kojimbo generally delivers.
dumb trannyposter
>I'm still hyped for Death Stranding but I really want him to cut the bullshit
thats exactly why kojima never says anything he's a master of saying little and letting autists sperg out about figuring out the game from a 30s teaser movie. he's not even good at what he does anymore considering the mess that was mgs5 and its unfinished state
your post doesn't make sense kill yourself
I bet hanging out with this retard would be great fun desu
Nah, kojima never even liked hayter that much, they will likely never work together again.
Okay, little bub, I will make it simpler for you
Hayter is garbage. His performance in Peace Walker was horrendous. It was pretty clear that he can't act for shit anymore, but I still respected the guy. After the GZ announcement Hayter went full twitter drama queen. Therefore I do not even respect the guy anymore.
Is that clear enough?
>full drama queen
Proofs? I thought hayter handled it really well.
holy hell
norman got some serious ass
Kojima was mid-ejaculation when Konami clamped down on his cock with MGSV. You can't blame him for that.
>hayter handled it well
no, they were probably paying him in monopoly money for peace walker too, he has a right to say whatever he wants publicly, it has no voice barring on his voicework. keifer is not solid snake and I'm glad the series is gone.
>ask for proofs
Soooo, proof or no? I'm not saying you're wrong I don't have a Twitter account, but I don't remember him doing anything "drama queen"
I know this is bait pasta, but there are people who unironically believe this.
nigga is u fr fr?
>I don't have proof of my claims
That's all you had to write user.
Ok here we go
Kojima must fucking love working for Sony, all he does is eat and go to the cinema.
There is no Death Stranding but there is a Kojipro webstore please buy this mug.
That's more than we know about CP2077's gameplay.
d-don't call me a retard
>Kojima must fucking love working for Sony, all he does is eat and go to the cinema.
fucking kek
it's funny cause it's true
I like how on that picture even Snake is like "who the fuck is this lunatic"
Wow what a fag
Kojima is like a tumblr girl, except he's male and japanese. He's so easy to read when it comes down to what media he's been consuming. I swear, if Death Stranding announcement wasn't last year, but 2 years ago we would have had Benedict Cumberbatch playing a lead role.
Cos there is no pre-order button
CD2077 was always said to be far off since the very beginning. People actually started caring about it when W3 turned out to be fucking amazing while simultaneously forgetting CDP is one team and makes their projects sequentially.
Amazon says the game comes out in june of 17
yeah right
2019 I'd believe
he did nothing wrong
Same reasons why NBGO subreddit is still a thing.
Wasn't that for some shitty smartphone game?
B-but it's not fair! Where's the gameplay? Why is it allowed!?
In one hand, i'm glad Kojima has stopped making MGS games, MGSV has clearly shown he was burned out of them and it's good he's trying something new.
But, yet, i can't shake off the feeling that well, it's Kojima, you'll either be a great game or a huge pile of shit.
Pffft, Kojima at his worst is still better than most shit released today.
Allow what?
Justify fucking what?
Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?
The only reason yo know about this is becouse the company owners were really hyped and proud to get a chance to work on a IP that (to them) is so famous. Literally the only reason. For them it's like stepping into the hollywood of gamemaking.
TW3 is basically the ultimate form of the cancerous Ubisoft open world formula.
It's not challenging, the quests are not complex and the game handholds you through everything.
It's a 130 hour long tutorial.
True RPGs died a long time ago.
I'm interested based on Kojima's involvement alone, but the lack of any information regarding gameplay is extremely tiresome at this point. I honestly forget this game is a thing every time I'm not looking at a thread or article directly referencing it.
MGSV was at least a blast to play, even if the story and presentation was garbage.
>but the lack of any information regarding gameplay is extremely tiresome at this point
Dude, the game's been in development for less than a year and you already have two trailers, the norm would be knowing absolutely nothing about it until 2018 at least.
Seriously, what game has given you that much information so early in development to have such expectations?
>True RPGs
The height of choice in storytelling in computer/console rpg was in Bioware rpgs before that you could to practically nothing and were railroaded with the story. Witcher isn't worse than anything pre-bioware while also not being Planescape it's a balance.
>Cyberpunk 2077
>been in development for 5 years
>CGI trailer that came out years ago
>no one bats an eye
>Death Stranding
>been in actual development about 8 months
>two trailers already
>Why is it allowed that all we know
when trying to meme gives you a brain aneurysm
It's worse in the fact that there's simply no challenge whatsoever.
There's no complex quests, there's nothing.
Everything is perfectly marked on your map, your Batman vision reveals stuff in that marked place.
Yes, I love that NPCs tell me a very dramatic story giving context to the side quest they are about to give me, but the structure of those side quests, and of the entire game in general, is just boring.
That's exactly why it's tiresome. Why even bother announcing the game when all you have is a couple extremely vague thematic trailers and a signed actor? That's the exact same shit they did with MGSV, and it sure as hell burnt a lot of people out by the time the game was actually released. It doesn't serve any purpose to announce a game this early in development except to get eager fans frothing with hype about a game they know literally nothing about. It's anti-consumer.
How likely is there to be an early playable demo? Kojima likes to do that
>it sure as hell burnt a lot of people out by the time the game was actually released
No it didn't, fucking everyone was hyped.
>It doesn't serve any purpose to announce a game this early in development except to get eager fans frothing with hype about a game they know literally nothing about
Why do you care about what other people do or feel?
>It's anti-consumer.
Oh yeah, in fact, you could say that it's literally rape.
There won't be. Now he has the resources and no deadline to do what he wants.
>made three great games with no fuckup
>last good game was MGS3, as CEO of the games division he personally sunk Konami IPs(contra, silent hill, castlevania) with outsourcing to make MGSV, enabled pachinko CV
Let me remind you that MGSV had cinematic trailers + 40 minute gameplay demos.
Death Stranding needs the latter to be taken seriously.
>three great games
The Witcher 3 is the only thing of value they have ever done.
TW1 and TW2 are shovelware-tier.
Although you can give it to TW2 the fact that it has much better writing than 3, but as a game it sucks.
>three great games with no fuckup
>CEO of the games division
>enabled pachinko
You must be baiting hard or somehow be so delusional you actually believe this.
Everyone shit talks that dead game, stop willfully misreading situations.
I don't understand how you can be so proud to be such a sheep. I'm guessing you're probably underage, and should be paying attention to class.
For the record, I was extremely hyped for MGSV, and was then extremely let down, so I'm speaking from personal experience; I would've enjoyed the game more if the trailers were more representative of the game, and didn't promise vague yet grand stories and themes that the actual product never delivered on. I guarantee Death Stranding will have the same exact problem.
Because edging people with trailers that create more questions than they answer over the course of a couple of years is way more interesting and keeps peoples attention better than blowing your load in a single trailer and a Q&A
What's up with this influx of obese redditors who unironically type shit like
I don't feel anything, you are just desperate to hate him and you are blowing trivial shit out of proportion to be as angry as possible.
>I was extremely hyped for MGSV
Because of montages with a few disjointed cutscenes and 80's songs playing in the background?
>Because of montages with a few disjointed cutscenes and 80's songs playing in the background?
Ok he was VP of the gaming division. But he was the one that said Konami devs can't match western one and he was the one that outsourced the games mentioned. Also the pachinko CV was made during his reign in the game division. He MUST have had a hand in approving it.
Oh, let me correct it, because of montages with a few disjointed cutscenes and 80's songs playing in the background, and about 4 hours of gameplay that did nothing but show how empty the open world was and how unimaginative the mission structure was?