how do you do a pokemon mmo?
How do you do a pokemon mmo?
As a traditional MMO, you don't.
You could do some fun stuff by making it a dungeon crawler with Pokemon's battle system, though.
Pokemon XY is already an MMO you fucks need to use your brains for once
whats that website that uses pokemon rom and adds in online play
You don't.
Half of the Pokemon fanbase is 8-12 year old kids.
The other half is 30+ year old furry, pedophilic manchildren.
You don't want these two halves to meet in an MMO.
Just like this guy says: I don't think yoiu could make a good traditional MMO out of it. I also think it would work better as a dungeon crawler. Barring that, I think a Pokemon MMO could work if it was mostly single player and just had a bunch of multiplayer elements added onto the experience.
Just to be clear I don't think a Pokemon MMO will ever occur.
Add as much grinding and RNG as possible so the autistic fanbase won't max everything in a week
X and Y already had MMO elements. You had a list of players on your bottom screen at all times, and you could always just tap a random one and challenge them to a battle, ask for a trade, or give boosts to one another.
Put the PSS back into SM 2
Battling others in a regular MMO would actually be slower than with the PSS because it was an incredibly convenient feature and it is a mystery as to why they removed it.
PokeMMO is the most popular but there are several others, including a PMD MMO.
You don't.
>tfw still play pokemon
>tfw none of those things
Feels bad man
>it is a mystery as to why they removed it.
Have you ever played consecutive Pokemon games before?
there used to be a pokemon MMO created in some RPG maker called Pokemon Cyrus Online. But the dev shut it down due to lack of funding and interest. I liked it because it had a custom world with up to Gen 5 pokemon randomly scattered. Their facebook page is still out there somewhere
If by MMO you mean a game where every player is in the same game world at the same time, that would be an awful idea. One of the best things about Pokemon is that you can play it on the go anywhere without an internet connection and you don't need an internet connection to trade with people in the same room as you. The only multiplayer aspects the series needs is the PSS, allowing players to initiate trades and battles anywhere in the game. The series became famous for being a single-player game with multi-player features and it should remain that way.
I believe PokeMMO has an app that lets you play on your phone too on the go. But it does require internet
Just do an open world 3D Pokemon with purchasable cosmetic items. It'll rake in more dough than any shitty MMO.
You think you want it, but you don't.
You don't, the battle system would mean that you'd be playing it the same as if it wasn't an MMO.
So you can either totally overhaul the game (bad idea), or just have it the same thing with easier trades.
instance all the routes and have the towns be hubs, sort of like guild wars 1. Have battles with other trainers be done in towns.
PokeMMO (a 3rd gen mmo) is now trying to upgrade to gen 5, check it lads
you don't.
But aren't those the only two playerbases in *any* MMO?
not massively, more like online lobby, where you can meet, chat, trade battle players you see while doing autism moves
that basically exists--the Smogon site. Except there's no trading and you choose your team's stats down to the perfect number of IVs to get a specific nature move so it's maximum autism.
i forgot to say avatars, monster hunter like online lobbies