>tfw people act like this is a big deal for vidya
Name ONE American made game that had decent writing/amazing story from the past decade.
I'll wait.
>tfw people act like this is a big deal for vidya
Name ONE American made game that had decent writing/amazing story from the past decade.
I'll wait.
Other urls found in this thread:
no u
I cannot
>Name ONE American made game
All you needed to say.
But really, all the decent-story american games I can think of off the top of my head are indies written by their developer.
Resident Evil 7 had an american lead writer
This affects TV more than video games. Its 2008 all over again where all the good shows suddenly went to shit.
Why does it seem like writers are literally always on strike?
Why are they striking?
Legacy of kain defiance.
The Last of u- hahahahahahaha there isn't a single fucking one OP
They never learn, do they? With SAG-AFTRA on strike, and the Writers Guild on strike, people are just going to focus on Netflix, instead of new content.
Wait aren't voice actors also on strike? Holy shit does this actually mean we'll get games with actual gameplay now instead of shit tier stories, dialog, etc?
People didn't like their fucking fanfiction so now they are angry.
>Its 2008 all over again
So, no difference whatsoever?
>Another Writer's Strike
Well the era of great TV was fun when it lasted. It's 2008 all over again.
Last time this happened, every show on tv either died for that season or quickly turned to shit.
Why are striking about now? Last time it was about dvd sales or some shit.
People think RE7's story was good?
>Writers Guild Members
No offence, but they aren't the best people for videogame writing, since few of them have a good understanding of gameplay.
Sure you could hire them and get one hell of a world bible for your setting to base your story on. But as far as the actual in-game plot and dialogue is concerned, you'd probably want someone intimately familiar with videogames.
For TV shows I heard it's largely about writers not being able to work on other projects while the show they wrote for is airing. essentially, after writing, they're stuck siting on their thumbs until the show is either renewed for another season or cancelled. on top of that, writers typically get paid per episode, and shows run much shorter seasons nowadays due to consumer demand and skyrocketing production cost
Better than average.
New Vegas
Higher wages and script fees to offset changes in how writers are expected to work. Basically, since the companies want them to do much more work for much longer periods at a time, they want to be paid more for it.
>muh shekels
Same reason that most people strike, really- they've fucked themselves by not getting a real job, and now- rather than un-fucking themselves- they're unironically demanding that an entire industry bend over backwards to meet their needs.
I don't think vidya writers are part of WGA, user.
Said nobody ever
I just said it
Yeah nobody, like he said
Yeah you're nobody
Because faggot actors make more money despite contributing less to the show. Nobody would watch game of thrones if it was that dragon improvising instead of reading her lines.
that doesn't even make sense because you wrote "ever"
Because they're very often not paid for their work. Instead they're getting """""""exposure""""""" which means fuck all.
You can always find one moron.
>being this retarded
I'm calling you a nobody. Keep up.
How is writing not a real job?
And no, most people who strike don't have unconventional jobs. Not even close. You only think that way because the only strikes you notice are ones that are directly relevant to your hobbies because you don't keep up with real current events that actually matter
Because the profits from streaming services like Netflix have exploded over the last several years, and the writers haven't seen an increase in pay.
>pot calling kettle black
I can kinda feel that good writers are definitely underappreciated but on the other hand this is such a hack job and most writers are not even trying.
What is it with cuckservatives and their irrational hate for unions?
>im bored, please take on the impossible task of talking me out of my irrational and ignorant conclusions about the quality in video game writing.
Nice try OP.
They can't treat employees however they want
Perhaps if they were compensated better for doing their jobs well, they'd put more effort into it?
I (we) don't hate unions. We just hate when they have a monopoly on industries, especially public unions.
Join, strike, while, etc. All you want. Just don't force everyone to join, don't shame and attack companies who get non union workers, and public unions should be illegal.
>attacking the source of the question instead of actually answering the question
Isn't this some form of a fallacy?
>most strikers don't have WEAL jobs!
>being this ignorant of recent history
You'll be feeling a deep sense of shame once you look at countries that aren't America.
It's always a bad idea to give the reward before the result. If they wanted more money they should have put in the effort and then went on a justifiable strike. I can imagine why the writers guild goes on a strike every 5 years. To follow this profession you need to come out of a well off household to begin with so there is no problem financially going trough a strike.
That's a broad statement, considering how suffocating producers and execs get with what they want in their shows. Only blaming writers for shitty shows is like blaming your left eyelid for how much of a failure you are as a person
Because unions are all political now and are outdated. They force you to pay dues even if you want nothing to do with them. They're just a scam cartel for protection money and always fight for losers who do their jobs half ass so employers can't get rid of them.
Originally they were for benefits but now healthcare is different the union is obsolete.
I hate this but I understand why they want to do it however gaming writers are extremely replaceable and the good ones that can't be replaced are not members or not even americans.
>post vidya with good stories
Don't these fucks strike like every other month these days?
Producers and executives don't have any idea what they're doing so they greenlight any hack job. That's why visual are solid as fuck most of the time, you can see flaws without any effort but with writing you need to get mentally involved and visualize the story to see the flaws.
Last time they struck was ten years ago, you retard.
Literally only happened with one post (re7) and that's because it's story was not well written. Hell the protagonist is boring as hell.
Someone mentioned legacy of kain. I didn't agree or disagree because I didn't play it.
>most strikers don't have WEAL jobs!
I'm afraid that is implicit, yes.
>but now healthcare is different the union is obsolete.
What sort of mongoloid reasoning is this?
>It's ok for me to give you shit conditions and insecure work because healthcare has gotten better, oh btw you won't be able to afford healthcare :^)
Nevermind, that was voice actors
Fallout New Vegas was written by Americans. Weebs BTFO
There might be a good story there but it's piled under so much shit, you can't find it
Too bad they didn't hire enough good voice actors to put the writing into an attractive form.
>How is writing not a real job?
Is it secure? Does it pay well?
If the answer to either of those questions is anything less than an enthusiastic yes, then it's not a real job.
Only good answer so far
>It's ok for me to give you shit conditions and insecure work
There are laws and safety inspectors that pretty much make unions worthless.
Plus like I said, they're bought out and an arm of a political party. They're worthless.
So what are some examples of "real jobs", in your mind?
>There are laws and safety inspectors that pretty much make unions worthless.
Ok you have no idea what you're talking about.
Is it really surprising that most union members fall under the Democrat flag when Republicans pushed for "right-to-work" states?
>all the shit current writers jew out
>new talent that isn't greedy fills the gap and actually makes decent stories
is this possible
Would be if the industry was not controlled by unions and itnwas actually viable to be a non union worker.
Its not.
Nope, I'm attacking the OP so let's revisit it.
>Name ONE American made game that had decent writing/amazing story from the past decade.
>I'll wait.
This isn't an opportunity for discussion, it is asking people to bring rebuttals forward so you can shut them down without having to form or present argument, yet still feel like you've won something. If you were serious about your opinion and had the balls to defend it you would take a critically acclaimed game in terms of story and dismantle how it fails at basic story telling. You don't even bother to cite any examples of what would be considered good.
This is just an a way for you to feel right by telling someone else they are wrong without having to think too much.
>Toby goes on strike from writing
>Can't release his own game because he is on strike
Fallout NV has a pretty shit tier story especially compared to other mediums.
Yup. I'm a skilled trade union member in an area that is about 50/50 between union and non labor. They are cheaper but we provide the better service and it creates a good balance.
I think trade unions are great. I think public service unions are the devil. The difference is public service unions have no checks on their power like trade unions do. If my union goes completely nutty with our demands then customers will just hire non union labor. That option doesn't exist with the police union.
>nope, I did and proceed to keep doing exactly what you said
Yeah because it's all dem greedy fuckos bleeding the poor employees dry for their poor writing skills Mr. Nosenberg. And they won't let writers who just demand honest pay for their superior writing come into the market either.
Still better than pretty much everything japanese.
Exactly. I'm literally a "right wing extremist" and I have zero issues with this. Glad we can agree and escape all this nonsense rhetoric.
Oh fuck
Oh god
I'm still mad about that strike. I'm never gonna get my name is earl and sarah conor chronicle
If you told me most American shows and video games were done mostly by improv and heavy reediting I would believe it.
scabs would write better than 90% of american game writers
Halo 3: ODST had dope albeit short campaign.
Haha sure.
>literally all forms of media have been absolutely dogshit for years
>writers strike
>implying they are even worth paying for given the shitty content they've produced
Behold, the left and their creative minds.
>Resident Evil 7
Maybe if you're retarded
Name one japanese game with good writing.
Please Fuck my Wife
Radiant historia.
FF tactics
Other than those, I really couldn't say.
>literally all forms of media have been absolutely dogshit for years
You parroting this doesn't make it true.
Fair enough.
Isn't this problem just butthurt network writers bitching about cable television/internet streaming making more money than them?
What the fuck is a good story anyway? Something that gets those neurons firing that requires me to have a PhD in socioeconomics or cognitive science? Or a really heart wrenching story about something close and personal like breaking relationships and getting old?
Themes fall flat in comparison to execution. Being tonally coherent is the challenge in creating a good story (for the right audience).
That is why Bully, a game that manages to be mean-spirited but light-hearted fun from
beginning to end,
seems so great in comparison GTA V which wants you to have a similar experience 85% of the time but then expects you to not raise an eyebrow when it becomes a character drama or "serious" social satire.
Same goes for Dark Souls. Desperation both in its narrative and gameplay. Or Hotline Miami maniacal through and through.
What if your fake job gives you satisfaction in life?
Good writing, meaning that you would believe that the story could unfold like that because of special circumstances. Every action, every atom in your story needs to have substance, nothing is just there for style or flavor.
As someone who still hopes to be a writer someday, this behavior makes me sick.
Someone give me some tips on how to scab these writing jobs
I don't think people don't really mind tonal inconsistency in the writing itself, a good writer can pull it off and games aren't usually consumed in single long sittings anyway so the emotional state of the player is almost certainly going to change multiple times during the telling of the story. Thematic inconsistency between the writing and the gameplay is what seems to bug everyone. You get a hell of a lot of hypocrite protagonists in video game writing. For example, you can't have a protagonist go on and on about how killing is badong and then have gameplay that includes shit like incentives for gory execution kills. that's just retarded and yet it's rampant in videogames.