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Why what? Why did they make a joke about crossdressing? Because men in women's clothing is funny.
It's more than funny when you're trying on some panties and your dick gets hard
It's funny because it's shit armor and if you decide to wear it for the rest of the game you get bashed like the faggot you are.
No it's not die cis cum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo knows that their fans are all cross-dressing sissy faggots who want to take dick up the ass. Nintendo just made it easier for them to relate to Link.
These retards have no sense of humor, so they missed the fact it was a joke.
>people pretending that fetishes are lifestyles
Fuck this LGBTBBQ horse shit.
(((Legend of Zelda))) is white genocide.
there are 3 type of people when it comes to this
1. The real fags that think "YESS GAY IN MHU GAYMES" like the pic you posted
2. people like that think crossdressing link is funny
3. Traps enthusiasts that want to fuck Link sweet ass
Only one is unacceptable, guess what. it's the #1
If you can't meat the game without getting hit, you're a fucking scrub
yes... a joke. That is why I have all these saved onto my computer, it's just because they are funny. It makes sense now...
Oh yeah I forgot. You can change genders based on the clothes you wear.
I do not like this new non-word
Am I the only one who got the message that 95% of women are stupid because a guy in womens clothing can fool them?
what is "yas" and how is it different from "yes"
because they need an article for people to click on
false flagging is considered shitposting
Is "yas" the lgbt version of "yes" ?
What's wrong with gay people enjoying a sexy costume?
>implying that isn't the game's target demographic
the only people who enjoyed it are LGBTQ gamer furfags.
why do you think so many of them want to fuck a fat bird man.
a furfag voices half of the main roles
what the fuck is up with this new "YAAAAAAAAAS" meme? Is it just to say "yes" obnoxiously?
this one is funny too right, haha
>If you can't meat the game
you can have some of my meat, fag boy.
Do you live under a rock?
What the fuck does the "Q" stand for?
Some stupid meme that white people co-opted from drag queens just like how they co-opted nigger speech because white people have no modern culture
queer, queer.
there is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck fat bird man
That's pretty gay, my dude.
>LGBTQ think that cross dressing is LGBTQ
just shows how fucked up they are that even they think its the equivalent to them.
>thing that is considered a joke in japan
God LGBTQ are fucking retarded.
Ok, queer.
their whole life is a joke user
What is this new q addition? Queer?
All this kass art with huge cocks and balls is going to breed a new generation of hyper genital fetishists.
Why does almost half the art have to be this way? Even if its not from the same guy.
that braixen suit is well made 2bh
It's what overweight black women say before they start clapping
Who else is getting sick of SJWs trying to latch onto japanese games?
Isn't this """"cultural appropriation"""" or whatever?
Link is hot as fuck. Crossdressing or not I understand it.
I don't know what that is, but I don't want to watch it.
>Do you live under a rock?
No, I live in a civilised country.
Okay, that's a fucking lie, but we don't use that term where I live anyway.
Why are you so jealous?
Or people who, you know, don't really care. He wore Garudo garb to get into Garudo village big fucking whoop.
What a "YAS"? Does that mean they like it or that they hate it?
Is there any way to get mid level heat resistance without eating?
Why does it matter? The nips don't give a fuck, so why should anyone else?
See, here's the thing. You saved that picture through one of two ways.
1. You visit The Gaymer yourself
2. You saved it from Sup Forums for the purposes of shitposting and making worthless bait threads
Either way you're a pretty gigantic faggot home slice.
>Not bara
Fuck outta here
it's not that huge to be considered hyper genitals tough.
It's the difference between "lol" and "kek" but for tumblr
how daaaaaaaaaaare people like seeing fictional characters that reflect their own lives
For those that don't know what YAS means
I don't speak Ebonics, Does that mean yes but spelled in a retarded way?
wow thats hilarious haha post more haha
It's the harrowing sound land whales make before devouring the soul of a little boy
I think this triggered me more than anything
The real joke is you
What the fuck kind of term is that, did they like it or not?
>m-muh representation
Just faggots being faggots. Ignore it and move on with your life
>they gaymer
Fags were a mistake.
Nintendo knows that women and gay men make up the overwhelming majority of their fanbase.
Do they actually get barbequed?
I figure "yas" is more of a white teenage girl thing
>What a "YAS"? Does that mean they like it or that they hate it?
YAS is just a super emphatic way to say "Yes," so it's a sign of approval.
Dear liberals,
Stop speaking and acting like niggers.
it doesn't, link is not gay. Crossdressing is not a thing gays do. That's why ia wrong. You can think whatever the fuck you want, but Link in girl clothes doesn't represent you or the LGBT or whatever the fuck they're called.
people in the 2 group don't give a fuck about link in a girl dress.
what went right
Obviously, they do or it wouldn't be funny to them.
Nothing because that's fan art on the right
>so it's a sign of approval.
Then why is Sup Forums complaining? For once LGB faggots enjoy the same shit as them.
Can somebody explain what queer means in the context of LGBTQ? I'm a faggot and I always thought it was an outdated way of saying strange or something you call fags but fags are covered by G so I don't get it.
actually the way you acquire these clothes is a joke, the game makes fun of the crossdressing guy at first, even the npcs arent ok with that guy
>tfw zelda turns you into a crossdressing bitch
3DPD trannies/traps are disgusting trash. Just hide it in real and be a girl online with an anime avatar.
Or maybe they just think it's hot?
Did saying that make you feel good in your tummy?
>a-at least i'm not gay
You're still a fucking loser who needs to get a job already lmao
>you will never be a subhuman who thinks comparing fanart with official art is the same thing
It's literally a blanket term for the special snowflakes that don't want to allow themselves to be concretely categorized.
Sup Forums links sexy link because they can yank their dicks to him. LGBTWhatever likes sexy link because it represents them or something.
>Sup Forumsv gets mad when SJW think sexy costumes are bad
>Sup Forums gets mad when SJW think sexy costumes are good
You can't win here
Link looks like such fucking edgelord in Twilight Princess.
Jesus, that fucking caterwauling...
>why is Sup Forums complaining?
is this a joke?
links great.
Wait there's a fucking Q in there now?
gay dude here, don't care about this one way or the other.
There's a secret Gerudo clothing store in Gerudo town that sells full heat resistant armor.
Or you can get a sapphire circlet for one level of heat resistance.
i think we all need to be more like link. strut gurl
Well they weren't screaming "YAS" during their gay parade.