Sonic Forces: Classic Green Hill Zone Gameplay

Wew senpai, looks like shit.

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Is she felating dirt?

That is uh.. an interesting picture OP..

Sega has learned nothing

play on 0.5x speed for PAL mode

>It's a green hill zone episode
I want this meme to end

Looks pretty bad.

>that music

the only 'improvement' in the last five years is grass moving in the wind

Ugh, adventure 3 when?

Look terrible

Sonic is only good in Sprite

They really didn't try to improve on the classic Sonic physics from Generations at all, did they?

At least it looks good in screenshot form, I guess.

Looks exactly like generations. Where did this come from? Is more coming?

God that looks fucking boring. When will people realize that the gameplay loop for sonic is inherently shit and that it needs to be remade from the bottom up. Sonic was never good. We just had lower standards

>all that bloom
>all those enemy parts rolling around the screen, making it hard to see where other enemies are located
>almost impossible to see where springs are hidden in the grass
>that dead stop in momentum whenever you kill an enemy

Gotta say, the decision to greenlight Mania before Forces drops may bite Sonic Team hard. Not one person will give this a pass when Mania accurately gets Sonic right.

Modern and the donut steel's gameplay will have to be amazing to make up for this shit.

5 years of progress

And Modern's Gameplay is shaping up to be the same old "Boost2Win" shit, so Original The Character's our only hope now.

Luckily Sonic Mania looks fucking amazing.

No it doesn't, outside of the grass reacting to the wind it look way more simple both in design and stage layout.
Random upload from Sega Europe's Youtube channel.

classic sonic honestly seems really forced especially with mania also on the horizon.

I thought it was supposed to be a 3D only game, so without any side scrolling sections as they were the worst parts about some of the recent 3D sonic games

I suppose it looks fine but like, if all Sega can do with Sonic is bait nostalgia then that's concerning.

Like the previous age of Sonic was shit but at least they were trying new things with each game. Now that they found their footing with Generations you'd think they would take the opportunity to expand into something new.

Ahhh it's probably just the first level and the rest are all original... right?

I just want a fucking 3D sonic game. Colors and Unleashed were great but the 2D got out of control. Generations was especially bad since the classic engine was included, completely removing the need for 2D sections in the modern levels. Even Sonic "Galaxy" Lost World was stuck with a shit load of unplayable 2D with its garbage momentum and physics

3D boost formula is FAR from perfect, and I would prefer a return to adventure style gameplay, but I'm still a sucker for it despite it's flaws and would like ONE full game of it

Why aren't we seeing other characters like Tails, Knuckles, or Shadow playable? They haven't been playable in a mainline Sonic game since fucking 2006.

At this point they would rather have a "second" Sonic as a different character than use one of the classics. All this does is create a bigger divide in the franchise. There's no reason this Classic Sonic gameplay couldn't be done either with "Modern" Sonic or another character.

Boost was a good choice since a large amount of people absolutely hate Adventure with a passion.

Should have been 50/50 boost and adventure, and leave classic to mania. Especially considering boost is mostly 2D anyway

Because their gameplay was trash in every 3D game they were in

the comment section is pretty fun

Because everyone jump ship on the "shitty friends" bandwagon and praised sky high the inclusion of Classic Sonic in Generations.
Business 101: You go after what people want.
Only when people start shitting on Classic, will we get the others back, but thanks to the internet popularizing the Sonic Cycle meme I doubt that will be soon.
I mean, THIS shit was released in 2017, 5 days ago:

That's the shittiest sand I've ever seen

Why is it always Green Hill zone? Why is that music so shitty? And what did Amy do to fuck up that bad?

I forgot how many of the Sonic fans to this day are manchild obsessed with Nintendo.

>Sonic doesn't bounce off of badnicks
This is very troubling to me.

holy fuck I'm sick of seeing the 'poorfag' argument

around the time of sonic 06's release (possibly even dating back to SA2) a very vocal portion of the sonic fanbase bitched and whined and bitched and whined and bitched and whined that sonic games should first and foremost be about sonic vs eggman, and that sega needed to focus on getting just ONE character right in 3D before adding others.

that's why you have unleashed, generations, episode 4, colors, lost world, etc

>opens video link
>listens to 5 seconds of in-game music
>closes video

the fuck is this shit?

I agree. Sonic Generations was cool but I don't think anyone expected or wanted it to be the new format. If they want to make two games then they should make two games.

At least the music is pretty damn good

this is why no one respects nintendo owners, fucking retards.



Post Sonic girls

Damn that's some of the best in game music I've heard in years

i hope you're dead and using this as a means of making a joke. Otherwise you're just retarded.

I still remember hanging out with that pack of autists back then because I wanted to talk about Sonic.
Back then the argument was that Sonic was shit because he had green eyes.

Looks exactly the same as every other sonic game from the past 10 years.


I fucking hate this. Shit looks even more sluggish than generations, and of course, Green Hill Zone #142

>Switch: 60fps 900p in the bathroom
More like 720p sub-30fps in the bathroom.
I'm buying it on Switch and pirating it on PC

Because Sega wanted to blame the failure of 06 on everything except the fact it was a buggy unfinished mess, i.e the adventure formula and the inclusion of other characters.

Fuck yes Amy.

You should start recognizing when people on the internet are literal kids.

This is atrocious

I can get behind this

I gotchu

>shit music
>no momentum
this is what you get for hiring the director of sonic 06
how the hell is he still employed?

This looks fucking awful.

This was better than it had any right to be.

>that music

what the fug

wow Sup Forums is a bunch of hypocrites

will rin be in sonic forces?

>More boost pads on classic Green Hill
>That fucking music.


Haruki Satomi is fucking his daughter.
Not even joking.

and people say sonic adventure had a bad camera, holy shit

I want to marry Blaze

while i think ill enjoy the game this zone really bothers me theres no water like its been ruined but the grass is all green why doesn't it look more dried out like angel island act 2?

>Sonic Robo Blast 3

It's mouse-controlled lol
Why don't you try the demo before crapping on it?

Why does he lose momentum so easily?
This is not a good sign.

I have better shit to do than waste my time on that abortion.

back off


>go through boost
>lose speed after 2 seconds

>bounce on enemy
>lose speed

Nice Unity game

The more I see stuff like this, the more I think these guys nailed it:

>sonic does his stance animation for one frame every time he jumps
Now you can't unsee it.

>haha this looks like shit
>don't knock it before you try it
>nu i dun want to.

I'm going to impregnate her with human-cat hybrids!

Are those the "Sonic was never good" autists?


how many times are they going to remake this fucking level. CHRIST. are sega so creatively bankrupt?


Seems like a completely normal reasoning?

I'm going to hold her hand!

It's the 1-1 of Sonic.
You don't fault Mario games for always starting in a grassy plain, do you?

Regardless of the quality of the gameplay in this video, every time I see a remake from a game of my youth I can't help imagining how mind blowing it would've been if I could've seen this footage back then, or even played it. That would've been completely amazing.

But now it's nothing, I'll have forgotten about this game in an hour.

I don't want to sound like a nostalgiafag but I kind of feel bad for the kids born in the late 90's and later. Now every new generation of consoles only brings marginal improvements, there isn't that much of a "wow" factor anymore as far as I'm concerned.

The last time I've been truly impressed by a new console generation was when I got a PS2. The technological jump from the previous gen was considerable. Just compare MGS1 to MGS2 for instance. Contrast that with MGS4 vs. MGSV. I miss that. Sometimes I wish I could freeze myself and skip a few decades or even centuries and be amazed at the advance of technology (if we're being optimistic, that is...)

And that's my blogpost, thank you for reading.

Would you rather see Big the Cat do it?

>It's the 1-1 of Sonic.
1-1 isn't a grass plain...

>how many times are they going to remake this fucking level

Until they get it right. Which sadly doesn't look like it's gonna happen with this one.

had to stop watching at 35 seconds when that down syndrome faggot started screeching

fuck this bald nigger and fat ugly retard

Yeah, I sort of forgot that Mario 1 is blocktown because of evil Bowser magic, and like Zelda, they didn't come up with the format every game from then on would emulate until the third one.

Oh that's sonic 4 tier music right there

Hey, go easy on the guy. He's got leukemia or something.


Here you go.

feels like i see green hill much more than 1-1.

>springs fucking everywhere
this needs to stop

fuck, it looks like they copy pasted the 2d generations gameplay engine which was poop.
they even kept the bizarrely fast spindash which you had to mod on pc to fix.

expect the same physics as 2d generations, but now with sonic 4 tier music.

So this is the power of today's Sonic Team.

How else are you supposed to go fast tho? By getting good? That's asking a bit too much for modern Sonic fans.

>meanwhile american indie devs are kicking their ass

Whaddayaknow, it's the same power of the Sonic Team from 15 years ago.

Fire these assholes already. All of them.