Have we witnessed perfection?

Have we witnessed perfection?

How many fucking times are you faggots gonna make these waifu threads?

You weeb fucks are the absolute fucking wotsy.

Makoto is plain and mediocre. Her only selling point is that she acts cute when with Joker and constantly says how she loves him.

She is the perfect girl for neckbeard weebs that never had contact with a real girl. That's it.

Yes we have

Pfft. He mad. But seriously OP, use the catalog.

Phoneposters need to leave desu.

>only thing she has going for her is her grades
>is surrounded by an Art protege, smelly neet who can bring down a government and the queen of hamburgers
>one of the worst slinks.

>entire confidant is focused around this Eiko bitch and her pimp boyfriend
>very little about Makoto herself
>somehow best girl



Always knew it was phonefags posting shit like this.

Literally fucking kill yourself retard.

Yes... yes we have!

Yukiko 2.0

aka generic, shy, waifu-bait

We all know Ohya is the true patrician choice.

Makoto loves to do anal and vaginal for homeless people.

Is it true that you can't break up with someone?
What is this shit?

blue is best like every time

She has the hottest Metaverse uniform out of the girls.


Pick one you closet faggot.

Perfection comes in many forms. For me it's Haru.

>Haven't played P5
>Look for images of Futaba since i suspect she panders to the fat disgusting otakus of Sup Forums
>Some of her fanart is extremely cute as hell
>Can't even shitpost about her anymore

Cuz fuckin slut

I agree, she's so fr*cking epic with how much she knows and how she just takes the lead after immediatly joining the phantom thieves, she's also a super tragic character, she's so le epic.

Yes, yes! Invade now, Haru posters!

Leather, yumm.

That doesn't sound nice. If you want to talk about her, I'll gladly oblige but otherwise I'll just leave it at that.

makoto reminds me ex girlfriend
it seem to be cool in video game, but irl she'll be fucking boring

The only true persons waifu for laifu

Welcome home XXX-kun!

Her SL is garbage. She is boring as shit too.

Shut the fuck up, every thread you're shitposting

Sorry. Let's act civil now, we have to respect Makotofags too.

That's not teach.

Michel is best bro. Was sad when I made him remember in EP.

>"Pretending" to be a couple so you can buddy cop tag team a pimp with your policewoman wife-to-be
>Not fun

Underrated S. Link.

What I want to know is what about her is perfection?

Her design is really plain. She just has short hair with a braid hairband. Her color palette is the plaid from Shujin + black and white.

Her Phantom Thief outfit is just dull black, grey with some blue.

Her Social Link is less about her and more about some annoying, faceless NPC called Eiko. You're gated from completing it until you get Eiko's goddamn approval. And when you finally do so, you're met with the other half of a crappy social link.

I'm really trying to find this "perfection", I really am.

Is it the fact that Atlus made it so her ultimate fire arm gives her +10 to all stats? Is that what makes her perfect? Is it her dull, featureless white bikini beach outfit? Is it her hips and ass?


This woman is built and isn't even 5 feet tall.

No way bro, she's just super epic and strong and has an uber cool persona, she's also super smart and knows everything and she takes control of the phantom thieves after just joining, so le epic!!!

>Is it her hips and ass?

Bingo. These are waifu fags we are talking about here. They don't give a shit if the character is actually good or a cardboard cutout.

>date all the girls
>mfw valentine's day

More like 'Witness Protection' - which is what this butt slut's asshole is gonna need after I'm done pumping her full of my musky, sticky, milky seed.

just like in real life

You win all the internets, good sir!

Can you really date them all?