Who's your favorite video game youtubers?

Who's your favorite video game youtubers?

Other urls found in this thread:


Ur mum m8 but she only streams on Chaturbate

I only watch specific guides for when I am stuck. If all else fails, I'll watch a random let's play to see how they cleared an area.



Pewdiepie is literally pur guy because he talks about politics that we always talk about on Sup Forums the videogame board and the most important thing when talking about games is the politics of developers

Pre-succubus Jerma.

In terms of reviewers:

Noah Gervais
Joseph Anderson

Let's Players:


Pewds used to be. Don't watch anything anymore


Conan O'Brien


How's he doing these days? I noped the fuck out of there once his wife came out as transgender. No way in hell that has a happy ending.

Mike Matei and his autistic friends

I've never imagined that one day I'd say pewdie unironically.

I wasn't even aware she was.

I dunno. He uploads videos. Very frequently too, ever since got a Patreon account. Currently playing Super Metroid and some Mario 64 romhack. I still find his videos enjoyable.

nigger what are you doing here, you got the wrong neighborhood

Pat and Woolie Plays
All the reviewers here Destiny
Sometimes some of Lowtax's stuff

I gotta check out BikdiponaBus since I like all those other let's players.

Jesse Cox


cONAN o bRien

are our only guys, the rest are advocated by newfags and redditors plaguing this board

I would say PewDiePie because of his trenchant political insights and controversial performance art that sparked real widespread discussion on the subject of risque parodies.

If I had to choose one it would have to be Jon "JonTron" Jafari.

He's the only youtuber who refused to yield to the wave of tyranny, and lost his life for it..

RIP Jafari. You were a true American hero.

wait what the fuck

I like Previously Recorded.

Oney and co.

All of the above, and Johnny.


I can sense the self loathing about having a penis coming through the computer.

Penguinz0 and DukeThaKilla
Duke is one step away from being homeless


The only video-game related YouTuber I watch is Oney.

OneyPlays with Julian and DingDong is actually pretty decent, I've never enjoyed Let's Plays in my entire life but I really fucking enjoy DingDong and Chris is pretty cool too.
SuperMega is almost there, but they're still kind of too lolrandumb for my taste, despite them browsing Sup Forums all the time.


Mr Metokur

It´s hilarious when Sup Forums is hostile with youtubers, the fact they make in 24 hours more money that you.

Mike Preach for wow stuff

chipcheezum is entirely ok as long as you quarantine anything involving voidburger

No, I'm fine with my penis. It's nothing to write home about but it gets the job done.


SBFP, Funhaus, Previously Recorded, and a Souls LP group called GheyforGames.

Whenever I watch LPs its primarily for comedy, not gameplay.

>Mr Metokur
Quit being retarded

ITT reddit

Idk but with Pewdiepie's recent (well he has changed ever since idk when) change, I think he secretly browses this place. So I'm going with him.

ITB reddit

guru larry if he even counts.


I just play video games with my own friends.

Nothing bad about Reddit

His wife's got some nice big looking tits but they suck at video games to the point where it's irritating to watch

got em


Also SupaGoGoMan, has a indepth Let's Play of Shenmue with some cool holiday pictures of the locations in game.

I love RLM, but Rich and Jack are ignorant and stubborn babies.

They refuse to give anything that goes outside of their comfort zone a real chance, and it's infuriating.

I watch my own let's plays. I'm my biggest fan.

JonTron is funnay xD

>Kids that grew up watching pewdiepie are now posting here

Its time for me to go

hbomberguy's Fallout 3 is quite good, but his videos in general are far too hyperbolic and his humour is mostly pretty poor. I can only imagine how many people stopped watching his Fallout 3 video because he's so obnoxious in the first few minutes of it

>Sup Forumstards suck the dick of pewdiepie

I miss when he was treated like the cancer he is here and all discussion concerning him was either shitposted into oblivions or deleted right away by the mods
Newfags ruin everything, fucking canecerous pieces of shit

I like Cryaotic, Criken and Otzdarva, but I don't watch YouTube as much as before.

He does some sick retrospectives that no one else has covered on YouTube and focuses on the forgotten British nostalgia of gaming, making your own games with a spectrum and all the tv shows like GamesMaster , which he in fact took part in.
And he even had his own TV show, which is way more then what other "cool" YouTubers have to their name.

I genuinely don't understand how a marriage can survive this.

Vinesauce by far.
I also watch the Yogscast but I'm not sure why. I get some chuckles out of Lewis slowly going insane and Sips though. Occasionally.

>grew up watching pewdiepie
he's been around for what? 3 years?

What's your Youtube user?

From 2011 IIRC


The best guy
/Our guy/

I like ProJared but I wish he'd stop relying on silly faces and voices and pander to kids. He seems like a guy who wants to do his own thing but doesn't have enough trust to try them out and ends up just aping what's popular.

I like Jon "Kazuhira 'If you fulton a coon I'll shoot the balloon' Miller" Tron but I wish he'd make more videos instead of making political statements no one asked for.

Also dunkey.




I don't have one. Who should I start watching?
I don't like obnoxious yelling and overreactions or memes.

>I think he secretly browses this place
>being so fucking new he doesn't even know pewdiepie started on Sup Forums in the first place
Let me guess, you also don't know that Notch started here as well.

What are you doing here then?

It's not actually any good. I've only got a couple of let's plays, and only because my gf owns a toaster and can't play them herself.

The only real effort I put in was for a Senran Kagura parody review.

Friends Without Benefits


I posted I reccomend starting with the advergames videos and seeing if you like them from there.

Markiplier also lurked on here
Does that make him instantly good and /our guy/

What are you doing here then ?
Fucking cancer

I mean, it's okay on Sup Forums, this place pretty much came up with every referenced thing for the past 10 years. Sup Forums on Sup Forums is fine, hate seeing Sup Forums other places

A guilty pleasure.

Achievement hunter

I'm too old to recognise any of those people. The middle one gets posted on Sup Forums alot though.

I am fine, because obviously I like memes and overreacting

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

please Hiro, make a containment board /eceleb/ for this shit.

>I like ProJared
I remembered him from Screw Attack and he seemed alright. Checked out his own channel recently seeing it had some pretty high numbers and was surprised at how mediocre, safe, and boring his shit is. His commentary is just lacking and generally not all that funny. I'm curious what you actually find appealing about his content.

Nigga what?

Dark Pixel Gaming

The more I know, thanks. I do remember his very early playthrough like he don't even show his face and when he started showing, his whole room is so fucking dark and gloomy and shit.

world of longplays.

Mah Boys

>tfw Mario Kart's Rubber Band AI created his rivalry with DK

fuera de mi tablón


is this code for "doesn't say nigger?" Don't get me wrong, I still laugh at Keemstar saying it.

For gaming new I watch T.U.G.S. they shit on everyone equally, a bit more on nintendo. Plus shibby's reviews are pretty much always the same as Sup Forums

Who should I watch for horror games? I'm too pussy to play them myself. Started Silent Hill, got attacked by some midgets and noped.

Oney with or without Ding Dong and Julian
Sometimes Vinny and Joel, small doses of them.
I kinda want to make a channel and do gameplay like Oney and friends do.


