What's the most boring video game you have played? Be honest.
What's the most boring video game you have played? Be honest
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Dead Space.
Steamworld Dig. I didn't get very far, so maybe it gets more exciting, but I was just bored out of my skull for the first hour or so. Utterly mind-numbing.
Fear 2
The shooting was just so bland. people praise the shotting but it was boring.
Your favorite.
I've been playing Eve online for 6 years now and it's the most boring shit ever 99% of the time.
That 1% is worth all of the boring grind though.
Elite Dangerous.
99% of the game is downtime and the rest is bad dogfighting.
while it probably was not objectively and factually boring, i found new zelda to be incredibly mindnumbingly dissappointing and plain unfun game ive ever played, it hit me somewhere somewhere between 10-15 shrines, but maybe its just me after having played so many games that nothing else excites me anymore
>people praise the shotting but it was boring.
Nobody praises anything about Fear 2, mate.
It's FEAR 1 that was the pinnacle of the entire series.
neptunia on ps3, the original version or some jrpgs like ff 13 or whatever that tunnel "adventure" was
One of those clicks is a dick
The robot planet mod in KOTOR 2.
The only reason I managed to get through that PIECE OF UTTER SHIT was thanks to lots of cheap scotch and a walkthrough.
Whomever made that mod should feel bad.
recently, Dark Souls, not baiting either
Wind Waker was the most boring though
my friend tried to get me into tera, but I was not feeling it at all.
Final Fantasy XIII-2.
Finished it as well. I remember shockingly little of it, it was so boring.
WoW past the first year of playing it.
Borderlands 2.
Original Sin single player.
Replaying Final Fantasy Tacticts
This. I have no idea how people enjoy it.
this is what I would say
how far did you get in dark souls?
World of Warcraft by far
Fallout, all of them except 1 and 2 because I havent played them
not far at all, the Gargoyles
I was bored up until them too, holding shield and waiting for the enemy to attack then whacking them was boring beyond belief, there was nothing exciting anywhere
Dokapon Kingdom
Fuck that game. 3 Friends and myself thought it would be a fun time to try that shit. We were wrong.
Ragnarok 2, the "new" version.
Fucking boring beyond measure, nothing you do has any impact, skills are dull, enemies are basic, classes all feel the same, quests ARE all the same, music is bland and forgettable, aesthetics are overly colorful and tiring but most of all it's fucking boring as sin.
>Modders restore content that was initially meant to be in the game.
>Can just not install it.
everything Sup Forums likes
I didnt initially like dark souls because it was too slow compared to DMC, It took me 5 hours over the course of 4 years to really fall for the series
Runescape, my playtime was filled by the addiction to getting those numbers up and nothing else
evil within.
I thought it was supposed to be good. So yeah. Fuck these modders.
EVE Online.
Maximum avoid.
Dragon's Dogma
Was about to post this.
every game i played once they stopped working as escapism
You could have just asked if it is worth installing? Pretty much everyone agrees that it isn't nearly as good as the rest of the game and that you shouldn't do it on your first playthrough. Not the modders fault if you are too dumb to do a little research on your own or at least take 2 minutes to make a thread for this.
life is strange, i only finished it for the plot and it wasn't even worth.
>the plot
it's also shit too
I've actually fallen asleep multiple times while grinding spheres in FFX.
Still a good game otherwise though.
How the fuck can the best FF game in decades be "boring"?
Lisa. Boring as fuck. Doesn't help that the creators is now a cuck, so any desire to play the game is completely gone.
Honestly the game gets a lot better after Capra Demon. Every boss before is kind of shit. Except maybe MB. The music was great.
Grinding and rare hunting in Pokemon
It wasn't my first playthrough.
Since it was on the restored content mod page on moddb I thought it was part of it and of similar quality. And since people can't shut up about how you need to get the restored content mod, I got the planet too.
But sure, I should have read some of the comments at least.
Nier: Automata
This was the most memorable thing about that game youtube.com
This is not a good thing.
The first was only somewhat fun during bossfights.
The second improved, but it still is pretty boring at times.
shit taste AND amnesia,
not that it should surprise me anymore.
Overwatch or GTAV.
beyond 2 souls
LITERALLY fell asleep at the desert section, and woke up an hour later.
loved heavy rain though that was super fun
bioshock infinite. by far. it is absolutely the blandest experience in video games.
Fucking this
I have no goddamn idea how anyone found that game to be fun, it was uninteresting as fuck
some content should just be forgotten
Just Cause 2
Revelation online probably. Just a copy paste of blade and soul.
MOBAs are pretty high in the running though since they're all so fucking slow.
I blame the "it's fun with friends" thing that got spouted everywhere. Everything is fucking fun with friends. The annoying thing about that as well is it meant Borderlands probably sold 3-4 times as much as it deserved due to everyone begging their friends to buy it.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Boring gameplay and story. I was bored within the first few hours. I don't see why people say this game is good.
Assassin's creed 2
Shit was just brown and grey
Pokemon XY
I generally don't remember boring games, but the most recent one that I can remember was Mass Effect Andromeda.
Dark Souls.
The Last of Us
The moment the daughter of Joel first opened her mouth I instantly knew exactly how the whole character-development of every known and unknown character would pan out for the entire game.
The Monster Hunter series. I've tried a few and they were all the exact same boring slog. I legitimately do not understand why this franchise is popular or how anyone gets excited for a new one when they've just been remaking the same game for years now.
i know some kids here are nostalgic for it but pokemon ruby/sapphire bored me to tears.
Guild Wars 2
Trails in the Sky FC or Stranger of Sword City. I like story heavy RPGs and dungeon crawlers and those two were just the fucking worst.
Twilight Princess. Skyward Sword fluctuated massively in general quality, but at least it kept shit interesting.
because people who are not into jrpgs find them bland and boring af
and for example they throw these endless sexy people in our face and zero fan service, some bland lesbo scene with gay ass song and one kiss ain't that
clay figters on n64 at max diff
I won't even try to explain, whoever tried, knows why, who didn't, won't understand
Proteus. The absolute height of indie game faggotry. I don't remember the game having any kind of objective or anything particularly interesting to actually do in it.
Probably Gilligan's Island on the NES. My pound for pound worst game ever made.
Either Persona 3 or Dark Souls.
Pillars of Eternity. It was just bland and uninspired, and not memorable in any way.
probably the many times i decided to go back to WoW
i regret it all most instantly
Any MMO I've tried.
People say the game starts wheb you hit the level cap but just getting there grinding mobs, spamming the same few moves in the same rotation with the same character all the time is boring as hell to me. Add fetch quests or "kill 20 goblins" and Im asleep.
Maybe it's better with friends but they don't play MMOs either
Off the top of my head? Probably Nocturne. Go in expecting some kind of deep story and good gameplay with all the praise it gets, get random encounter simulator and basically no story at all. I gave it a chance and got pretty fucking far in but it's probably the most boring, trash JRPG I've ever played. Sup Forums has the worst taste.
Try Fear 3 and Fear 2 won't be the most boring game you've played anymore.
Name any JRPG
Too Human. Jesus Christ, it's almost like if you had an committee design the most boring game that is even possible to design.
every mmo i played and open world survival game.
what a fucking shit genre just let it die
Red Faction on the gamecube. The color palette is only orange, greys, reds, and browns, slow and short single player. The only redeeming quality is the somewhat half asset multilayer with my friend. We'd put the OP ray gun that could shoot anyone on the map on and have fun here and there. And the destructive quality of everything I guess, but I had to fight my way through single player just to say I beat it
Every game nowadays is boring.
but you played one in your entire life, didn't evne finsih it, as it was boring, right?
Proper data to sum whole genre with this short, yert so accurrate sentence. ::^)
Devil May Cry series
I guess you couldn't type that properly since there were so many tears coming out of your slant eyes!
I think its inquisition. Witcher 3 is somewhat there too. In fact I dropped many games after only 1 or 2 hours of playtime and most are some walking sims with great graphics.
A lot of of people play mmorpg or atleast used to for the social aspect... When i was dumb little kid what I wanted to get out of playing an mmo was being part of a guild and making friends and having fun with other people
Zero escape desu.
>the social aspect
this and addiction
that's it
post me corret version with my spelling errors in red
also atach certificate that you are not moron form your doctor, so I'll be sure that imisunderstanding is 100% my fault
sometimes I think that this isn't the best place to learn english 2bh
Go back to your own country!