How do we fix it bros?

How do we fix it bros?

By stop buying these games and stick to Doom wads

But I want new grapgics.

Then you can keep slurping that dumbed down shit.

Then play the new Doom.
It's still linear but the map designs give you a level of freedom that emulates the old games.

I actually prefer linear level design in FPS because it means less time backtracking, looking for keys to doors and being lost, and more time shooting (aka the reason why I'm playing a first person SHOOTER).

First Person Key and Door Maze is a boring genre to be honest.

we need some kind of FPSmaker tool and bunch of guys with good ideas and without budget, time, pg ratings etc limiting them

Remove some emphasis on story in favor of gameplay. Make the gameplay immersive enough to be its own 'epic' cutscene, and deep enough to convey the story where appropriate.

I fucking hate mazes and corridors as well. Give me semi-open world levels like Dishonored, or a linear corridor with plenty of different paths.

I still loathe Jedi Academy for some levels that were impossible for underage me to navigate.

Media under capitalism is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. You must either replace capitalism (good fucking luck, there is no alternative) or stop the average consumer from being a mouth breathin', Beats by Dre wearin', CGI explosion seekin' mongoloid (good fucking luck, you'd have to kill off at least 75% of the population).