How do we make japanese gaming industry less problematic

How do we make japanese gaming industry less problematic

reminds me of best girl toga himiko.

We wait for the people who complain about it to be;
A: Shown as sociopaths or
B: Sexual predators
C: Sociopaths
D: Forgotten about entirely.

Fire garbage character designers like whoever came up with this garbage.

frog sluts no need to apply btw.

I've only watched season 1, not a fan of the series and never read the manga.

But isn't this eerily similar to Tokyo Ghoul?

Remove the hat and make the claws come from anywhere except the back

>loli bane
What the fuck is that? Looks dumb as shit.

What game is this?

This art style is horrendous.

Why doesn't anyone have the balls to make a female vampire with pussy fangs?

>feeding and facesitting are the same thing

Add a swimsuit costume

i think the artstyle is good

wait a second that screenshot

What's the problem, though?
>Girl is clearly empowered
>Fully clothed, even her mouth gets covered
Though maybe she's setting a bad example. You wouldn't want girls thinking it's okay to attack people with their prehensile demonic tails.


her eyes are the only thing doing it for me
everything else hopefully can be replaced

>moe meets grimdark

this game screenshot looks neet, is the actual gameplay any good?

step 1 kys

>moe meets grimdark somehow doesn't sound radical to you

The only ugly thing about that design is the russian hat. Give her a 2hoe hat and we're set.

Contrasts are nice.

>The only ugly thing about that design is the russian hat

bring back rape train

I know westacucks are assmad about the reveal of this game, and that is why they must shit on it any chance they get, but maybe you should just accept that it isn't for you.


No good person becomes an SJW. It's entirely for people who are trying to distract people from their own flaws by accusing other people of having said flaws, AKA projecting. The consistency with which they turn out to be predatory even outside the realm of their bigotry is really something else.

I'll buy it at day one just to trigger you


Makes nukes that only kill anime, then hit Japan again.

Why do you think the japanese is problematic, also do you think japanese people care?

Why change it?

Because she needs a target in order to justify her stance that women are oppressed.

>actually hating on ushankas

Go won't be released on the your main platform anyway

Gameplay when

Well because I dont like it.

I have a PS4 , a Switch and PC, jobless faggot.

No, you don't

Fuck you

This game looks sucky

If you don't like it make your own game full of things you like

But I dont have money

That's your problem, not ours.

Yes it is. I'm very important. Cater to my needs.


>men are dressed appropriately for battle
>women are in miniskirts and heels

My dick is happy but my brain just screams FUCKING STUPID at these jap game designs

It's not real.

People being slaves to realism in a medium that thrives when it gives reality the middle finger always confuses me.

Realismfags can fuck off, they're the cancer that is killing the gaming industry.

Then why does Sup Forums flip out at female soldiers all the time


It's just kinda wrong man. Like, how the fuck does Dante keep shooting those pistols without reloading? Where do the bullets come from? When you try to visualize how the gun fires from a mechanical standpoint (i.e. bullet goes into receiver>hammer launches bullet into barrel>exists gun and so on) it just doesnt make any sense.

It has nothing to do with realism you autistic weeb. You don't even care about this topic and just wants to scream at any threat to your tits & ass pandering.

What do people actually mean when they say problematic. I mean how can a game or a movie be problematic when you actively decide to play / watch it? It's not like the game forces you to play it.

They just complain for the sake of it

Uncensored, uncut, literal and accurate translation, optimize from CERO restrictions to ESRB restrictions on localization without cutting content, stop being concerned, release everything on the current market

automatic, clip reload is an undersight

She's cute, CUTE! :3


I do wonder how they are problematic? They have almost no crimes, people are mostly happy, etc.

It's just you people that see everything problematic. Take lessons from Japan and shut up, because almost nobody cares what you think. Cheers.