How much fanservice does a game need Sup Forums?
How much fanservice does a game need Sup Forums?
Depends on the game.
i would nep that
Shit tons.
As little as possible if it wants me to take it seriously.
I don't like it in my games, you have to be a virgin to prefer lewd to nude. Characters should actually fuck, or be skanks, but don't do that teasing bullshit. Japan has a huge problem with misunderstandings and accidental situations, it's as if the writers have never interacted with another person in their life.
As much as it takes
Depends on the game, if the game is good, it doesn't need fanservice, if its Neptunia shit tier, then yeah it needs tons of it
the minum amount required to drive women , minorities and oldfags away from gaming.
does fanservice make a good game worse or better?
At least 4 or 5 waifumeter^3
Just before it starts interfering with the game or the narrative. The limit is different for each game.
If there are multiple female characters then yuribaiting is completely redundant.
Its not needed at all. If you're game has to rely on fan service to keep the player interested, then its not a game worth playing to me. Also its usually tasteless and over done to the point where its just boring and expected. I want to be excited when I see it if its in the game. Its not special when you constantly shove titties an ass in my face and then throw in some special bonus art or some bland extra fanservicey scene at me like I'm some horny dog. But I guess they know their fanbase.
>if its Neptunia shit tier, then yeah it needs tons of it
But Nep doesn't even have that much fanservice
Kill yourself, cuck.
That's why it's double shit. Piss poor gameplay, and minimal tame fanservice
pantsu's guarantee a good game
I want to kill anime losers
>replying to bait
The real question is: how much fanservice can a game have?
Fuck off uni
Neither the people who play them had enough interactions, so they can't tell if it's a possible IRL scenario. I enjoy them, but i can still figure out such stuff.
idk but it should be dlc
>calling Noire Uni
this calls for another displeased nowa
All of it.
Real talk, do you need to take everything you enjoy seriously? I wouldn't think that things with a bunch of fan service would want people to take things seriously.
Oh. Well they are practically the same person what with their looks and shit tier tsundere tendencies.
I am literally going to marry Uni!
>not liking the cute tsundere and the cute mini tsundere
Not even a noirefag/unifag, but they're cute.