Why do the countryside Americans portrayed as unholy fucks in pop culture? Been seeing it more and more lately especially, RE7, True Detective Alan Wake and whatnot.
Why do the countryside Americans portrayed as unholy fucks in pop culture...
Rural folk really are fucked up but this is mostly anti-white / anti-conservative propaganda
Because only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. Educated city people vote democrat.
liberals, jews, etc
Because tv and movies were obsessed with them a bit post True detective and Hannibal. Learn how to follow trends and where the money goes in pop culture and the boogeyman aspect of making things look scary kinda goes away. They're just making a thing that people will be interested in for the next bit until the next trend latches on.
I've no doubt some bias is at play,but honestly, the biggest reason is because way out in rural areas is more isolated, and easier for really weird shit to happen without being seen.
If you want a story or game about a haunted building, you put it way out in BFN, not in the middle of a city. Else you just send in a swat team.
>people who are totally unable to get along in the real world and need to blame shit on anyone other than rich white old men who rape and pillage their futures every day
Good little sheep, be good little slaves and keep getting mad at the strawmen
Horror requires isolation and an easy way to do that is to set it in a low population area. The countryfolk being evil is a side effect of that.
I agree fellow liberal, I hope all whites are wiped out within five years as well.
>rich white old men
jews dont like to be called white
it's not a fucking recent trend, it dates back since forever
it's a stereotype based in fact, people who are isolated tend to be fucked up
Because they are the only ones that did not comform to the globalist/jewish/communist world order and agenda.
To be fair, city is usually populated with hookers and niggers in vidya game (as it is in real life).
yeah and every other type of person you can think of.
i like how jews are conveniently white when you want them to be, and then suddenly they're not
So, how WOULD you set a good horror in a city? Do you have to go straight supernatural to make it work, since it's so crowded?
Including country pumpkins?
Nope, don't think so.
Don't forget that sometimes this goes the opposite direction where country people are portrayed as hard working, masculine and with good integrity and city people are portrayed as shifty, effeminate, disloyal corrupt etc. I think it's just that the countryside is much scarier than a big city where you can get help around every street corner.
Just make it about the average wageslave life.
Turn up early, get off late, gets robbed, gets mugged, gets killed.
In the city, you dying is just a number.
urban horror can easily work if you set it in a 80's / early 90's sprawl of ghettos, projects and abandoned warehouses / factories
Look at Candyman, that was ghetto horror.
Wasn't the point of Resident Evil 7 that they were good, decent rural people until they stumbled on to a billion dollar corporation experiment gone wrong?
Nowadays with the influx of refugees, it's even easier to do that.
You are gonna be called raysiss though.
movies like deliverance and texas chainsaw massacre started the stereotype to scare suburban and city folks into thinking not living on top of each other and having neighbors up your ass means youre out in the sticks and there are crazy rednecks out in the sticks compared to their civilized overpopulation.
when in reality youre more likely to run into some crazy fuck in the city and have nobody help you
Because they're the only ones who don't bitch and complain and scream racism/bigotry/misogyny/homophobia/islamophobia etc when you portray them in a negative light. And it compliments the echo chamber of urban progressives who think everyone in flyover country is an illiterate inbred hick.
This pic makes my peepee feel funny
>weird stuff is happening, but people are too busy to notice it
>protagonist locked in a no-go zone
Why are the shills trying to push religion/politics while shilling this shitgame?
>youre more likely to run into some crazy fuck in the city and have nobody help you
why has nobody made this a game yet?
>set in in a city or major populated area
>have the MC stumble upon a cult or conspiracy
>dont know who to trust, everyone seems either out to get you or wont help
>get stalked by everyone, not knowing how far the rabbit hole goes, eyes wide shut style
you could still be isolated, but surrounded by people who cant or wont help you
>you can get help around every street corner
Yet out of 2.7 million people living in Chicago, 762 got murdered last year while the 2.9 million people living in Utah experienced 90 murders
because living out in the middle of nowhere is either going to be very dangerous or depressing
source, Ive lived here my whole life and trying to get out
You're not missing anything
t. Philadelphia, desperately wants to move somewhere rural
>Rural folk really are fucked up
i don't know about that
people who live it cities live like shit
it's not healthy
The punchline to this joke is that Utah has more guns
This guy lives in Philly and does not speak for those of us who live or have lived in decent city zones.
ever seen anything spooky?
well in movies it's mostly serial killer stuff, that might be more crime than horror though
I lived in a bumfuck town in northern ontario and I can tell you I completely regret my decision of going to school in toronto.
They are, why do you think Alabama is such a shithole?
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here, but seriously we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.
It's all the same shit. Philadelphia is just New York DLC.
In the case of RE7, those people were only "unholy fucks" because they were infected by the biohazard outbreak of the month. There's even a DLC where they're shown to be good people before they were infected
Horror relies on a number of concepts:
- The Unknown
- Relative weakness versus the imminent threat
- Loathesome and/or dreadful concepts
- A hostile, merciless environment
- Help being distant/impossible to summon or reach
Rural America has extremely low population density, where if you don't have a car or horse you are stranded out there.
Add darkness like night to it and you have a large environment you can't escape from that is pitch black.
Rural Americans are second only to fundamentalist Muslims in terms of being religious. Religions, as we all know are massive cults based on superstition and 2000 year old bullshit practices. Cults usually attempt to convert those who are not part of them and, failing that, attempt to exterminate them. Which is what Christianity and Islam have done for millenia.
So you're stuck, in the dark, with religious fucks who adhere to an irrational belief system.
What else is missing? Oh right.
Rural America is armed to the teeth.
Easy Horror game components just slapped together.
It helps that Rural Americans have the lowest educational attainment and life outcomes of any group in the country.
The original Dracula novel was urban horror after it shifts from Transylvania.
The monster blends in perfectly with London society and the teeming city is his hunting ground from which he can strike and disappear with ease and basically has endless number of victims. It's only after the protagonists ruin all of his hiding spots that he has to leave.
oy vey delet this
>the more connected we get the more isolated we become
really jogs the nog
>why do you think Alabama is such a shithole
>when in reality youre more likely to run into some crazy fuck in the city and have nobody help you
This desu.
Games like Condemned give me a proper spook, city hobos and gangbangers are fucking dangerous.
I can tell from here that you're literally a Jew
I thought NY had far more niggers than that
>Religions, as we all know are massive cults based on superstition and 2000 year old bullshit practices.
Tipping hard.
The rural parts of the U.S. are currently rotting away because lack of jobs and meth and opiate abuse.
And have you guys seen a devote Christian rant, scream, and justify shit with shit from the Bible? RE7's Marguerite is a small sample of that shit.
Seeing that shit in real life definitely made me understand why "good ole folk" are good horror material.
Is this a masterful bait or a quite incapable jidf acolite?
But more suburb people are moving back to the rural.
Citylife just means more niggers and muslims.
NYC isn't New York State
Can confirm. Niggers are the worst.
South rural niggers are great, they are so polite and kind it just makes me feel bad for being a dick sometimes. Its the urban pavement apes you need to watch out for.
>Its 1am and you here "ay white boi cummere right quick" in the distance
True horror.
Nope, latest census info says people are moving to cities. The trend has apparently accelerated, which is why rural communities are being left without a future due to the massive brain drain.
because ignorant white people have been fucking stuff up recently and that's scary for normal people
>Citylife just means more niggers and muslims.
which we almost never interact with. For me muslims are just the woman in the burkha on the bus with her angry husband, and niggers is the bus driver who is chill as fuck
The only people I have problems with are crazy white guys who yell death metal lyrics and impersonate satan at the back of the bus
How come the states with the most blacks are the biggest racists? I thought living around diverse populations was supposed to make you more tolerant
generally no, aside from the usual back woods weirdness
I do have two stories though, both involve hunting trips
>one hunting trip im sitting up in a perch in a tree
>bow and arrow ready, looking for deer or anything to shoot
>you must be patient when doing this, be ok with sitting on your ass for a few hours and not moving (Sup Forums has helped me in this regard)
>hear a rustling a few meters away, ready my bow thinking about that sweet deer meat
>a fucking big black mountain cat comes out
>I cant describe it better then a panther, because thats exactly what it looked like
>its low to the ground, hutning something
>watch it silently walk through the brush, hoping it hasnt smelled me
>stay up there for another hour, the run back to my truck
other story
>gotten back from a hunting trip
>not in the same place as before, I never go back there and have warned others what I saw
>it gets brushed off, they believe me but are like "meh whatever, theres big cats everywhere"
>remember what I said about weird locals?
>sleeping in my car because its late and I dont want to fall asleep at the wheel, pull over to a rest stop area
>fall asleep, but wake up at like 3 am from a deep sleep, get the feeling of being watched
>eyes still blurry from sleep, thinking I see an animal looking at me from the tree line.picnic table area about 15 feet away
>hit the headlights to scare it off because fuck deer
>its a guy, wearing a cameo jacket and something over his head, looked like pantyhose
>stare at eachother, my gun is in the trunk but I hold up my hunting knife
>he doesnt even flinch, but turns around and walks away like nothing happened
Same reason why Islamists are scary: Violent people who believe their God commands them to do [Insert Action] are real life monsters.
City people are infinite more healthy in my experience. There's pressure to stay fit there because everything is a competition. I grew up in a rural area and everyone is fat as fuck and I think obesity stats will support my claim.
I went to school in northern ontario and it's probably the worst part of Canada I've ever been to.
Because they're hicks and good for nothing.
You retards realize that this has been a cookie cutter horror setting for the past 50 years? These threads have got to be marketing. Sorry, not every Christian is CS Lewis, and megachurch goes for example are as dumb as the average muslim.
I'm amazed they haven't made a game where a huge megachurch starts bullshit by making their followers do shit in the name of God.
>But more suburb people are moving back to the rural.
What makes you think that?
I agree, we need to suspend this Antifa fuckery once and for all.
Youtube videos.
So you are scared of white people more than muslims and niggers, all of which you never interact with.
>Alan wake
the recent hit Alan wake!
it's just the media pushing atheism/killing Christianity and normalizing it more and more every day, like how they push other agendas and get away with it every day.
What's wrong with atheism?
It promotes degeneracy.
When you live in a city you never interact with anyone really unless you want to.
Define degeneracy.
What's wrong with degeneracy?
Because it takes real effort and skill to me able to write horror shit at that level. Think in terms of the classic evil cult. It takes a lot more to write an urban cult considering you have make their influence prevalent and felt to create dread through their perceived omnipresence, but you have to pay big attention to the question of "how that fuck did this happen in such a crowded place". That's where isolation comes in, the idea of being so isolated itself is scary, so it's super easy to just say "no one knows about this evil cult because its in bumfuck no where". Also, play into things that people barely know anything about and play into common stereotypes to make the narrative more "real". I know a lot of people that honestly think the American Midwest and just rural parts of the country are these archaic areas with murderous zealots. The level of isolation of that area definitely allows people like that to exist, but for the most part the biggest danger is boredom. My wife's senpai lives in South Dakota, half White half Chinese, and so I've visited a lot and traveled through other parts of the Midwest when we use to roadtrip to SD from Cali, and as a brownman myself, I actually quite like the ambiance, a bit isolated, yet easier to spark up a conversation with a stranger, and lots of greenery and open fields. It reminds me of my childhood growing up in a hut on a Salvadorian mountainside.
So why be scared of anything?
You live like a ghost.
well trump sure helped the stock market...
don't be retarded and build some assets
Homosexuality, transgenderism, hedonism.
It lowers birthrate and makes people complacent.
Condemned: Criminal Origins.
I'm not him, and I'm not scared in cities.
Are you shitposting or are you really a christcuck?
Just trying to figure out the direction of what's being talked about here
>tfw I forgot abr. Family gets turned in to senpai
>he doesnt even flinch, but turns around and walks away like nothing happened
You gots a real purdy mouth boy.
What's wrong with any of that? We have plenty of people. As long as people are happy and aren't hurting anyone I don't see the problem.
What's wrong with lower birth rates?
>Game portrays them as evil.
>Turns out at the end of the game they were right and the baby ends the world.
I don't know why games keep doing this. Like those games where the bad ending is where you conquer the world.
How is that a bad ending? I won everything.
You are not that dude scared of white guy?
Because after madhouse it's second most used horror/slasher trope from 80s. Why think of something creative whennwe cannrip-off TCM again? Amount of edgy gore only confirms it.
ya dude like who cares about anything only faggots have convictions lol #yolo
>investing now, at the peak of the bubble
BAKA senpai
No, I should have clarified.
I'm neither shitposting nor a christian.
Just another traditionalist who seats on the right side.
It's wrong because hedonism will never you give happiness, a real family will.
It destroys the white race.
Birth rates are still way above death rates, though. The white race isn't even close to being in population decline.
My convictions are that you should just fuck off and keep to yourself. It has 0 bearing on your life if two gay dudes want to fuck each other in the ass.
I think hedonism brings plenty of happiness and most of the old married couples I know are fucking miserable. Your idea of happiness isn't the same as that of everyone else.
Maybe I should force my idea of happiness on you. A fairly casual relationship. You have to go out and party regularly and you have to work out and stay fit. No choice, it's the only path to true happiness.
Shitposting, gotcha
What is the Tucker and Dale vs Evil of video games?