Just got this yesterday and im already lovin it more than DaS3 and DaS2

Just got this yesterday and im already lovin it more than DaS3 and DaS2
But so far Im finding it to be quite easy compared to the other games
Pic related was a great boss fight but the pistol parry is op and I ended up beating him first on my first go

If you´re used to playing without a shield and know how to parry it´s kinda easy, at least the early game, I also got him on the first go for example. But there are some dlc bosses, which I highly recomend picking up, that will probably kick your ass until you figure them out, and lower chalice dungeons are the hardest things in all the souls games. Ng+ I also found to be the largest jump in difficulty of all the souls games. In ds3 it took until ng2+ nameless king for me to die more than 5 times on a boss encounter on my first build, there are some bosses in bloodborne that took 20 or more tries on the first ng cycle.

I agree with you, it's the easiest personally but that's because I've played every other souls game beforehand.
It's nice that they had fresh ideas to work with

It's the best Fromsoft game to date. Anyone who doesn't think this just hasn't played it. My only problems are that the blue forest right before the lake should have been a full-sized zone, and the lecture hall could have been more complex.

The dash is too good, dont think of this as a souls game.
Take it for what it is, Bloodborne.

Is that a cast iron hat?

Is there a humanity/ember system in this game like others or are you always able to get invaded or able to summon?

When having a phantom you're open for invasion. Certain areas open you up for invasion even while playing alone.

Summoning works via consumption of your secondary currency, Insight, which can be gained by certain items, defeating bosses and witnessing certain events in the game.

You´re also open for invasions if you try to invade someone else.
Insight also opens up certain shops in the dream and allows purchase of certain items

You have 9 days to platinum it and fulfill your destiny as a top shitposter

Father Gasscan is pretty much Learn to Parry or Die the boss, just as Cleric Beast is Learn how Rally Works, the boss. Those two are here to teach you the mechanics.

The game now opens up alot more and I don't know which direction you'll go, but good luck.

You're on boi

Not counting the DLC, it's overall SUPPOSED to be overall easier.

The game was taking the Souls formula and making it more actiony/aggressive, and tried to separate itself from the Souls games. It's just similar enough that fans will consider it part of a single franchise, unfortunately.

>Cleric Beast
>Learn how Rally Works
...can you explain this one to me, I admit that I'm pretty bad

Bloodborne is a game about learning to parry. All the hardest fights are about parry timing.

ALSO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT: Dark Souls 1 was the previous Miyazaki project. In that game, having a shield for defense was almost non-negotiable. Bloodborne was acting as a total reversal of this.

But coming from DS2 or 3 it's not as big of a culture shock.

So BB is piss easy
What's even the point then ?

>piss easy

I thought not having a reliable heal like estus was fucked but every other enemy drops a blood vial and big guys constantly drop them in quantities

The stellar setting/story, atmosphere, music.

great game but little replay value, sure you might be able to get 3-6 replays maybe a little more, but go into the game as enjoying an experience then looking for constant satisfaction. This game was designed to played thorugh a few times then replayed whenever nostolgia hits you then playing everyday.

>But so far Im finding it to be quite easy compared to the other games

CB was really hard for me the first time I played the game, and I didn't realize why that was until my second play through.

I was so used to how I play Dark Souls that every time I got swatted by him I'd backstep away like a bitch to stab a Vial into me. I eventually ran low on them and he was only halfway dead. I knew what Rally did, mind you, and how it worked for the most part, but I refused to unlearn my bad habits from Dark Souls.

With CB, he's at his easiest if you just stick to his legs and stab him a bunch. Did he just swat you with his low damage swatting maneuver? Ignore it, cleave his kneecaps off for his transgressions, you'll be fine. Only dodge the big swings and even then, do so in a way that lets you stay near him to keep on stabbing.

Bosses in Bloodborne, and DaS3 for that matter, have alot more attacks than they do in DaS 1 or 2. Alot of them are fast, low damage zoning attacks that try to wear you down by nickle and diming your health. The Rally mechanic says fuck that, and that's what CB is there to teach you.


>not maining the Cannon

Play depth 5 chalices and come back to me

Makes sense, thanks.


reminder that Pat prefers Dark Souls

>tfw back at launch you could blood bullet several shots out of the fucking thing
They nerfed her so fast.

>Pic related was a great boss fight but the pistol parry is op and I ended up beating him first on my first go- 27 posts and 3 image replies shown.
That's one case in the game where the game asks you if you have parry timing down. If yes, he is trivial, for me he is basically the hardest boss in the game.

>*cancels stagger animation by shooting*