I hate cobalt.
I hate cobalt
Other urls found in this thread:
Cobalt is better than Josh
I hate the majority of his fans.
This is absurd
Cobalt's got a rough personality but he's not that bad. I can't stand Austin.
Is NL one of the only Sup Forums approved jewtubers? Why is that?
When is Duck Game coming back?
Great for second segment
>Sup Forums loves binding of isaac
>so far, no attempts to be political
It's a Dan "Candian Geese"ling episode
Like most Canadians, he's charming witty and well spoken.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
ITT: Lack of zanyniess
Only thing I've seen of these guys is the 50 nugget challenge. Was amusing.
wtf i want a ragdoll cat now
I'm glad he stopped picking up that damn coin
You mean the swallowed penny?
I always play NL's Isaac vids as I exercise. Great entertainment
i know its northernlion or whatever is his name
i know its binding of isaac reference of some sort
i know nothing more
this image is still funny as fuck
you mean omega penny?
>married a cute japanese girl like most of Sup Forums wants to do
>shouts out subs at the end of a show so it doesn't interrupt the stream
>autistic (playing a shitty roguelike for years)
>thinks he's better than all his friends
Lol 69
No the "Omega" penny, I hate that item, and he wouldn't stop using it for a month
That sounds easy af, aren't McDonald's nuggies small
It's 50 nugs man, that's a lot.
>That sounds easy af
Cursed eye is an item where your tears take a time to charge, and then you shoot 4 in a row. But if you get hit during the charge, you lose it.
>tfw you bust out Luchini on speakers and someone turns it off and reminds you that you are not a nigger
It's 2400 calories' worth of nuggets in a single sitting.
Is it worth getting back into NL? I watched his NV and DayZ videos but I couldn't stand Isaac anymore and he's still doing it to this day IIRC. I mean, it wasn't bad content, but he was still doing a lot of visual-based commentary but I wasn't down for watching more and more Isaac to be honest.
I don't eat fast food, but I remember seeing those as a kid, are they bigger now or something?
You don't just lose it, you get teleported out of the room. Which causes it to reset, reviving all enemies and restoring bosses to full HP where applicable.
>you get teleported out of the room.
Ah yeah, I haven't taken it in so long that I forgot about that.
The NLSS is still pretty good and Im enjoying NL's PUBG series other than that it's issac as far as the eye can see
Issac is his worst series.
His witcher 3 playthrough is only on twitch but it's good, you can watch the VoDs.
NLSS is god tier and his best content
His dishonored playthrough and mass effect playthrough were good too.
His Nlss and Player Unknown vids are funny
Why is this item in the game still? Nobody likes it
Also the thing is that besides all that bullshit, a moderate rate a fire means that you'll fire more tears anyway, so taking it is a DPS downgrade in a lot of cases.
I heard his witcher stream was terrible though
>Why is this item in the game still
To fuck you over with Curse of the Blind, same with Soy Milk.
>I hate cobalt.
Did something happen between him and cobalt ?
Haven't watched any of these two lately
NLSS and collab series like PUBG are his best content anyways, nobody really pays attention to isaac anymore besides the turboautists or people that are still genuinely interested in isaac
He pretty much only does the story, big side quests and G W E N T
It's entertaining regardless, but if you've played the game before you'll hate it since he's pretty bad.
Nah, it's just that a bunch of people hate cobalt for not really being funny and not taking part of the banter on the NLSS
Yeah, Witcher was boring as fuck, same with Fallout 4. Hitman and New Vegas is where it's at.
He didn't do any secondary quests and didn't obtain any witcher gear.
You mean T H E K E Y S F O R T H E K I N G D O M
Soy milk on rare occasions can be fun with other items, cursed eye is never not shit, curse you Steakmund
You take that back
>tfw I've watched every 2013-ealry 2014 NLSS multiple times and am starting to get burned out on them ;_;
Quick, name the capital city of every eastern european country or I'll JUDOCHOP you
H E ' S D O N E I T
You mean the Z A N E F A C T O R?
Why does he bring Kate into things that require use of the English language in a clever fashion? You can tell her answers in Quiplash immediately
to the kingdom*
>MALF has a 10/10 waifu
>NL has a 10/10 waifu
Women love canadian men
>God tier
NL, Josh
>Great tier
Austin, Dan, Malf
>Good foil for the others tier
Neck, K8, Baer
>Get a better mic tier
>I instantly turn it off tier
Why would someone honestly hate norternlino
Hes such a goofball
>10/10 waifu
She's cute and I'm sure she's a very nice person but her voice is annoying as shit. It's very high and grating.
Remember that time Northernlion won 50 games of videoball and lost 1?
>dan not on god tier
>no sinvicta/mathas on good tier
>no salty nek/mathas on instantly turn off tier
>that video of NL commenting over Kate being fucked
I heard Australians are the natural predators of the Leaf
There are worse items
Cursed eyes' effect can be alright if you don't get hit
Things like Isaacs Heart or Tiny Planet are usually bad no matter what
How can I be as witty as the Egg, lads?
this meme makes no sense, he doesn't do post commentary
link ples
I used to like him before I got tired of him regurgitating the same shit Issac LP and spamming my inbox with trash live-streams.
Kate is annoying.
Tfw Northernlion is just a better me
just listen to an obscene amount of music
Pretty much everyone on the crew is better than Nick.
I've pretty much only seen Sinvicta on geoguessr (which was fine), and Mathas on his old CK2 and EU4 multiplayer games (which were also fine), so I didn't want to rank them against the rest of the group
Nek getting salty is shitty but I feel like he's pretty funny 90% of the time
Replace blood with maple syrup and listen to pop 24/7
Nick is like a puppy, if you kick him he just becomes sad.
It was live
> 10/10
She's a 5 even by Asian standards
He makes a lot of political jokes, and acts like a stubborn idiot a lot of the time, which really turns me away from the videos he's in.
Where do I download Joshmod? I can't find it on steam workshop.
Kate and Surix are confirmed having lesbian sex.
I see you forgot about Rob "to be honest with you" Bert and Mathas
Because he's novel.
you call this a 5?
look up jsmithoti names on the workshop
Dan the shitposting man
>trash live-streams
Hey, it's Dan...Gheesling
>>NL has a 10/10 waifu
i wish my standards were as low as yours
I want to protect that smile
people here hate women with makeup but I really don't think the majority of asian women can look good without it. Oh also surgery
He slip eventually and say nigger eventually, I await that day
>enjoys video games and anime
>can teach me japanese
Sure she's not a 10/10 in appearence and her voice is kinda annoying, but she's good wife material.
Yeah. How many points did you add for the tumblr hair?
NL > Dan > Josh > good Nick > Rob = Baer > Austin > bad Nick >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sinvicta > Cobalt
There can be only one.