Be me, 24 y/o with Master's Degree

>be me, 24 y/o with Master's Degree
>live with your parents because you save up lots of cash (I want to move out next year and live with my gf inb4 flame about gf)
>come back home after a stressful, tiresome day at work
>go to your room
>enjoy some new Origin games you recently bought and drink a beer
>your father, age 49, walks in
>"Oh son, I thought SERIOUS, ADULT PEOPLE don't play these silly games? What is that, a sword? Come on, do you want to be 15 again?"

He basically just fucked up my entire day. He said that and left. I stopped playing, pressed ALT+F4 and have been staring at my desktop for like a minute or something.

What the fuck is wrong with people? What do they want us to do? I honestly believe there would be NO FUCKING PROBLEM if instead of playing vidya I would play soccer.

I guess I'll move out just to stop hearing this shit.

what game

Please don't ever make threads or posts like this again.


Who the fuck cares if he said that? He didn't stop you from playing, just said it's lame which is his own shitty opinion. Grow some balls ya poof

is this b8? Do people actually let such insignificant comments get to them?

I feel what you feel user, some people are just ignorant, what does it matter what you do in your free time?

>Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.

Also swords are the only many weapon there is.

not your blog's my father


I'd be pretty disappointed if I saw my son paying for EA games too.

Fuck off retard

Well you've come to your safe place to talk about it.

Just do the same thing with him when he enjoys something you think he shouldn't. If you're actually really guilty do something about it

doesn't matter in the slightest

people at that age just watch tv, bade in the sun for hours or take random walks.
thats adult life for them and everyone that does it differently is not an adult to them

same, like why are you on fucking origin?

He's not wrong dude. I wish I could give up games.

take your blog to faggot

not everyone their father left them user, family has always been important

blow me, you fuck


>my gf
Fuck off.

i bet your dad is dissapointed his faggot son can't handle the bantz

here's the first one

This has nothing to do with family bro, it's natural in life you're going to recieve comments you don't like or agree with its your job to look past those comments and not give a fuck, if we cared about every little thing someone said about us or disagreed with we would never do anything.

>good degree
>love life
>saving money
what the fuck more does he want and why does he care what you do in your free time jesus christ grow up and stop worrying what other people think

His dad didn't say anything remotely resembling banter you dumb Americunt, stop over using our word

>Not realizing your father is just tsundere for his son's attention.
You should've offered him the beer.

I don't fucking know man, I don't. Maybe I could say what he want me to do, but he lives a shitty life, watching TV all day

this op, but don't be too hard on him. baby boomers are stubborn ignorants. they just don't understand the appeal so its obviously bad for you.

growing up my father always despised the amount of time I spent on the computer. I would get on the PC for 5 minutes and he would come behind me and say "Don't you have anything better to do?"

I'm a computer engineer now, my parents are absolutely tech illiterate and beg for help constantly. He is so proud of me, its the first thing he says to anyone now (yea my son is a comp E) yet he can't even explain what I do.

>be me
>almost 50
>my pissant little kid spends all his time in his room and never even eats with his family anymore
>go and see what he's doing in an attempt to re-connect
>he's playing some dogshit EA trash
>rib him about it
>he just sits there, motionless, and I have to leave out of awkwardness
How do I stop my son being such a pussy, Sup Forums? I figured he'd at least banter back, but instead he just took it seriously like a little cunt.

Just tell your father how you felt for having he said that. If he still jokes with it, erase him from your life and move out

yes they do. when i was at the hospital i tried picking up some girls. people told me to i get get a girlfriend when i get out, go out with my friends. my friends moved and one just came here to steal my games.

i got this a lot from people your 25 and still live with your parents. you get into a car accident and in recovery.

Your father is out of touch old fart who doesn't realize people have different taste.
>My father makes fun of me for watching Japanese Godzilla films.
>He reads fucking Harry Potter books at his age.


>24 with Master's studies
>STILL living with parents
>Caring about what anyone has to say about your hobbies
>Letting your parent dictate how you feel

You need to grow up man. This is not hyperbole or your automated troll response; you need to seriously grow the fuck up

>do you want to be 15 again?

What a dumb question

Who doesn't want to be a kid again?

>their dads don't play games
My pop-pop played Far Cry every night for years.

sounds like you are socially inept, humans are social animals we've always worked together and having a bond called family makes us able to trust one another.
When someone trusts you they will consider your judgement to be important, if you tell someone that their actions are a waste of time and they trust you, they'll question their actions and possibly stop doing whatever it is they do out of trust.

And of all bonds, you cannot underestimate the power of the bond between a father and his child.

>literally goes "i have a gf! Don't hit on me silly boyys"
>take the bait
>op starts jerking off to it

truly The worst board on Sup Forums

what the fuck is this faggot shit

We have quite a big house, plus I save around 70% of my payouts

who gives a fuck about what your retarded ass parents think? just keep doing whatever the fuck you want and move out and never talk to that retarded nigger again.

Why do you live with my parents? What the fuck were you doing in my room?

just say that u prefer to be 15 that a 49 old zombie

You deserved it

>baw hard day at work :'(
>easily triggered
>had your whole day ruined because 'video games are for kids'

I googled this 100% expecting this to be on r/gaming but it's not, you actually wrote this up and posted it here first.

Out of all the places you could've posted this why would you post this faggot shit on Sup Forums?


pop culture sure fucked with your brain uh?

The lesson is baby boomers are the scum of the universe.

That's why we don't have flying cars. They barely figured out how regular cars work

He is right though. He has a loser son who has to come crying to his Sup Forums friends.

No user, that isn't how trust works. It is your hobby and you don't have to be ashamed about any part of it. If you don't realize that, then by all means stop playing games.

Honestly, your dad would be more ashamed that you stopped playing games to whine about it to random people on the internet than if you kept playing.


How do you function in a work enviornment? Do you just start crying when a coworker or boss critiques your work?

>with a gf
>with a job
I'm not trying to defend OP, but aren't you just mad?

>letting people ruin something that you enjoy during your free time after honest work

Tell him to fuck off

If you can't feel the difference between a fucking stranger (boss, coworker) and what you do just to get money, and your own dad saying that your hobby is a bullshit, than you're just a retard

>Caring about what others think
>Baw mean dad
>Blog posting

>baby boomers
>born in 1968
Nigga, he's the child of baby boomers

sounds like you're a huge fucking pussy
your gf will cheat on you after 4 months of living together

t. op

But seriously, if he's too much of a pussy to handle living on his own; of course he can't deal with his dick of a dad

Both are/were authority figures in your life. The fact that you seem to think a father would have 2deep4u insight on vidya suggests your childhood development was stymied.

sure thing bruh

Egads! This robot has been exceptionally well trained in our humanoid decorum!

>Ignores what user types
>Makes up some shitty excuse as a justification

Stop being a fucking pussy. Man the fuck up and move the fuck out if you can't handle what your daddy says to you.

Should've raised him better, faggot.


dude, harry potter is the shit

typical boomer dad. you have a degree, a gf, a job and he still fucking complains? what the fuck? does he even have a degree?

What is wrong with living with your parents?

If I was your dad I'd throw you out.

Nice blog faggot.

>muh gf

My father said anime is girly.
It didn't slow me down one bit.

No, what the fuck is wrong with YOU? Holy shit, are you autistic or something? You have got to be the most sensitive fucking faggot, you thinskinned bitch.

You deserve getting cheated on by your GF, grow some fucking backbone. I'd love to have your problems you bitch.

>dad tells me to grow up
>what should i do
>I know, i'll have a fucking whinge to my bestest buddies on Sup Forums, they're sure to have my back about this :D

how about you make like a banana and fuck off

father = family and made you and cares about your future
boss = guy who use you and wont mind fucking you over

Yeah, but all his life he basically consists of these things
>working (he works his ass off just because he likes it)
>from time to time reading a book
>watching sports on the TV

When I was a kid, I told him
>dad, let's go to a survival camp and live there for a three days, it'll be fun, we'll get some food, we'll hunt, we'll sleep in tent

You know what he told me?
>Ugh, I'd rather just take money and live in a hotel and consider it my "camping"

Besides his work, he's ignorant and stupid as fuck.

cheer up OP, he was probably making fun of you because DRM software is cancer

I didnt get how people can sit on their ass all day melting their mind with Tv then turn around and shit on vidya, which you at least have input in

coming from a former professional soccer player and gamer, youre dad's being an ass. Just move out after school and live your life. You clearly care about what he thinks, so maybe take somethings he says into consideration to keep him happy but still be you nigga

u should shoot ur dad :P

wait, is this 1999?

no matter you say he's still a better person than you since the moment someone upsets him he doesn't flee to a peruvian basket-weaving forum and have a faggot blogpost about trivial shit that hurt his wittle feewings

What the fuck are you trying to say, you inarticulate retard?

and yet all these newfags itt still flame

>Live on my own
>Has been for the last 9 years
>5 years of a successful career, earning more than my dad did
>Comes to my place for a weekend
>Still treats me like I'm 15
>Wow aren't you old enough to stop with your videogames
>You are wasting your money on your [high tech gadgets]
>You need a girlfriend to set you straight

This is why I don't want to visit dad, and offer to have you over even less.

Your dad is right, you're a faggot child man baby.

Most likely you would disappoint your father no matter what you were doing unless it is the exact hobby he enjoys. And then he would probably criticize you for not doing it as good as he does. So fuck him

>family cares about you

Truly the funniest meme.

chances are he had a shitty, frustrating day and in that moment he dumped his misery on you. The only thing to take away from that encounter is "my dad was not happy at that moment"

That said, it is an extremely shitty thing to do. Move out. If it's still bothering you give it 48 hours and then talk to him about it. But don't put up living around that shit.

even reddit would see through his poor bait and downvote him into oblivion
the only place on the internet that is a worse dumpster than this very board is Sup Forums

He's probably lonely and wants to spend time with you,bro. Have you tried crawling into his bed at night and giving him a tug?

>poor bait
Fuck off, retard, that just happened, I dont give a flying fuck if you believe it or not

>That feel when my dad has no hobby he enjoys
>No matter what I did, he'd probably never be happy, perhaps taking out his frustration at not having found his own burning desire in life

feels ambivalent man

are the serious replies in this thread just completely fucking meta shitposting?

what fucking magical realm have i stepped in where this gay thread isn't blatantly shitposted into oblivion

You're a grown ass man and you genuinely have your feelings hurt over a trivial comment? Grow up, bitch boy.

the endless stream of shitposted has blinded people into thinking that everything is bait

edgy teenager striking with full force


>I dont give a flying fuck if you believe it or not
Clearly you do. Anyway, you're just a little brat whining about something trivial. Faggot.