>more and better games
>free online
>peripheral choice
>upgradeable parts
>backwards compatibility
>open platform
>better performance
>better graphics

Why do you still own a console? For a couple of good exclusives? Is it really worth it?

I've had a gaming-grade PC for well over a decade and half now, and life's been good. Still a multi-way idort at the same time though, but I've not bought a single console brand new or even year-1 since Gamecube.

Honestly I don't understand why people still shill for consoles when PC is objectively better. There's no contest or argument to be had

>Why do you still own a console? For a couple of good exclusives? Is it really worth it?

I realized that I'm a casul and only really play a few games and the few games I cared about were console exclusive or had better communities on console

I don't own a console though

Maybe I'll get a PS4 next year if there's more than the Yakuza games that I want to play

>Honestly I don't understand why people still shill for consoles when PC is objectively better
Fanboyism & gullible minds.
There are literally people out there, who think that 720p and 30fps are "simply better", and that being able to upgrade hardware is confusing and unfair. The current console culture also seems to favor single-use-only ideology, with the constant cuts of real backwards compatibility and various console-specific systems, like totally different PSN offerings for PS3 and PS4.

>being able to upgrade hardware is confusing and unfair

It's so fucking easy though

Because I don't play gay shit like lol or dota

Thanks to services such as Steam, if indi-devs throw enough shit at the wall, some will eventually stick. Or, be considered "Good" or "Great" compared to the Steam-ing pile of shit piling-up on the floor.

OP is also severely out-of-date. I'm also a PC-exclusive. Take your kiddy-wars back to the baby pool, child.

that's the irony here, bruh.
Not to mention it's just hilarious to still see lil' Sonybros and Xbots cling to their "consoles are just so much EASIER!" arguments, when their systems are literally stripped down PCs connected to various networks nowadays.

Just recently got myself 2nd hand WiiU and PS4, and it took more than an hour to set up and update each of them, before I was able to even get to the main menu of my game. The fact that these toys now want me to join and share everything on FB, Twitch & their own SO.ME. channels is just annoying and freaky.

>For a couple of good exclusives? Is it really worth it?

80% of all good games are console exclusive.

[citation needed]
I'd dare to say that out of ALL video games ever, the number of pure console exclusives is literally in single-digit percentages.

>took more than an hour to set up and update each of them

This holy shit. The fucking "le plug and play" meme doesn't fucking work when you have to go through hours of updates and downloads on a gimped connection

And that's not even mentioning the often ridiculous long loading times, constantly more common installation requirements, updating the games, synching trophies, etc.

>"B-But I dun wanna spend 100 hours in options menus just to make game look and run nice!!"
That's the only reply you get from worst consolikids. Fuckers are fine searching Netflix apps and registering on them via their livingroom toys, but pressing Auto Detect button in the menu / letting Nvidia Experience do it all for you is too much work?

I'd rather not install compatibility patches for older games just to make them run.

>I'd rather not play older games at all!
>t. consolikids

I have both ps4 and pc.
>more and better games
last good pc game was released in 2010 and its new vegas. ps4 has nioh, bloodborne and more
thats great tho
enjoying Stalker CoC
>better performance and graphics
i dont mind playing at 30fps and bad graphics

I own a PS4 and a PC. Why do you care about how I spend my money? Why do you even think owning a single platform is the only possibility?

>last good pc game was released in 2010 and its new vegas
Imagine being this much of a delusional retard

Name a good game that released after 2010 then

It's sad...
This console generation is only second worse to late lazy atari.
It isn't even fun anymore to shit on them and the impact that has on the overall industry is depressing.
People eating up shitty exclusives because its the only way to feel entitled for those kids with their schoolyard mentality, shifting the whole market to shittier games.
I rather would have a strong console, that outperforms PC in its early lifespan than the shit we have now.

t. long serving mustard

Not him, but FTL and Divinity: OS were pretty great

PC doesn't have Bloodborne

>Why do you still own a console? For a couple of good exclusives? Is it really worth it?
Yes, it's not like they're all that expensive. I play primarily on PC, but as long as consoles get exclusives that I like I'll still buy them.

PC+PS4 here.

Kind of a weeb and Sony consoles do still get some games that just won't be coming to pc so it's still worth it for me. GOTY for me right now is between Nier on pc and Persona 5. Looking forward to that Vanquish port soon as well.


>Vanquish port

If they bump that shit up to 60fps I'm gonna cum buckets

and PS4 does not have STALKER trilogy, FEAR, Underhell, Warcraft 1-3, Starcraft, KOTOR, Witcher 1: EE, Penumbra-series, ... list goes on.

Hoping for 144hz support myself.

None of those even come close to Bloodborne

Bayonetta port was only 60fps though, right? I'm not gonna be getting my hopes any higher on that

shitposting thread? shitposting thread

Remember, Vanquish will suddenly become a bad game when it comes out on PC. Only console games can be good.

Those are also good just not my taste, but you dont need a $1000 system to play those, you can play games like this on your work laptop like i do.
Having a ps4 for new games and pc for good old games is the best choice.

>the PS4 doesn´t have 20 year old shit

PCneckbeards aren´t even aware that they´re digging themselves in deeper and deeper every day.

>being so hilariously poor/autistically devoted to Gabe that you don't just buy a PS4 for the exclusives and play everything else on PC
Non-idorts are the true plebeians

Sad how those 20 year old PC games are still better than anything on the PS4, isn't it?

Consoles are literally just comfier. I've had a gaming pc for ages. Consoles just work. Theres always some bullshit update or somethings fucked on pc

Legend of Grimrock
Legend of Grimrock 2
Expeditions Conquistador
Grim Dawn
Age of Decadence
Civilization 6
Serious Sam 3
M&B Warband
Total War Warhammer
Age of Wonders 3
>inb4 they're all shit

You're aware there are other games, no?

Autism games for weirdos, except Serious Sam.

>20 year old shit
Funny how pretty much all top-10 games of all times came out roughly 20 years ago.

Not to mention how PS4's "library" consists of nothing but re-re-releases of 10-15yo console shit and their lukewarm multiplat sequels.

Reddit is the other way

>he says as his platform caters to weeb games

Dark Souls came out 6 years ago

>implying there are people on this earth who don't own a PC powerful enough to run those games

>PS4 for exclusives
Bloodborne and...?
You must be retarded if you think everyone wants to pay any amount of money for a shitty locked down PC.

>DaS was the beginning of Souls franchise! :D
kys kid kys. DeS came out 8 years ago.
And did you seriously think I was referring to the flavor of the decade crap like that? Every single PS2 (and 1) era Final Fantasy & KH game is getting re-release now, and people buy them like no tomorrow.

There are, as sad as it sounds.
You're forgotting that we live an era where Sup Forums itself is infested with phone posterss

March 30, 2010
>Grim Dawn
Thats also nice
Strategy, some Diceroll rpg and indieshit

Consoles are more fun to play on than PC. PCs are for spreadsheets and work. Unless you like running wires everywhere, you can just sit back on the couch with a controller and play the vidya. Especially when most multiplayer FPS games are unplayable on PC with a controller.

Wtf are you talking about autist. You said all of the top 10 games came out over 20 years ago, to which I replied Dark Souls came out only 6 years ago. And Demon's Souls was crap, only nostalgiacucks think otherwise.

>thinking DaS is even top-20 material
what's wrong with GenZ?

>being a redditor contrarian
Muh 90s games were the best haha like if you're a 90s kid!

i dont even like gaming anymore, both audiences suck and browsing Sup Forums made me lose interest in games coz you guys make games look so boring

>Strategy, some Diceroll rpg and indieshit
Not an argument. Jump off a bridge soon.

Lol none of this old garbage is even better than the console games 20 years ago let alone the new stuff. PC was always a fucking joke.

Nostalgia is not a legitimate metric to judge a game by, oldcuck.