

I like Super Mario Run.
I play it on the shitter twice a day. Pretty fun desu.

>Posting the worst pokemon app
Even shuffle is better. Can't believe that garbage got so big.

>All of those need Google Play Services to work
All shit.

Will be the future of Nintendo when they make the Switch Mini.

Can't play any of them, so don't really care

Fire Emblem Heroes is great.

Why hasn't nintendo done a wario ware mini game collection for mobile yet? Phone is perfect for that shit

>No Pokemon Duels

Personifies Nutendo perfectly.

Low quality, mass produced, soulless cash-in games.

was ok on release haven't played it in a while
>Super Mario Run
is ok but that's about it
>Pokemon GO
dead game haven't seen anyone played it in a while.
best game out of the four i need more orbs tho :/

Miitomo is hardly a video game. Super Mario Run is fairly basic. Pokemon Go is enjoyable enough if you live in a large city, otherwise it's shit. The gym system is awful but the the collection aspect is alright. Fire Emblem Heroes is everything wrong with the modern Fire Emblem franchise.

>They're finally nerfing Deo A, Cosmo Energy, and Reuniclus
>They're also buffing a boatload of figs that desperately needed buffs

Feels good man

Here's what I don't fucking get.

How is there not a massively infectious WarioWare game that functions more fluidly than ever with touch controls?
How is there not a Donkey Kong Runner that times the jumps and actions to the music per that David Wise interview?


>nerfing Deo A

Really? Damn, he was my only good ex

>How is there not a Donkey Kong Runner that times the jumps and actions to the music per that David Wise interview?
That sounds like Harmoknight on the 3DS.

Interesting a first then annoying
Mario run sucked
Pokémon go is fun for a bit on updates then i never touch it
FE is fun but take up too much time

Basically, yes. Strange thing is, that was the intent of the series since DKC.

Was fun when adding people from Sup Forums, got bland pretty quick though
>Super Mario Run
Bretty gud, I wish there was a way to play your way to getting the new stages though instead of having 4 stages and then locking the rest behind a pay wall. Suppose they want it to make money, what a crime.
>Pokemon GO
Was fun going out and meeting groups of people setting up lures and just hanging out. Lots of them carrying a 3ds for Mariokart and Pokemon. Genuinely had fun until the autumn/winter set in and living in the arctic people stopped gathering outside and it just became a drag. I really couldn't be bothered anymore at that point and there was a severe lack of content/depth.
>FE Heroes
Been playing since release and got really lucky with one of my rerolls getting Hector, Lucina and M.Robin as 5 stars. Been getting a fair share of golds from the different banners with f2p orbs so I have a few good teams. But at these prices I can't justify dropping money on it. There are really relying on whales to drop mad money on this game.
It's good old FE gameplay though and they have tons of updates adding new stuff, player driven events, etc.
I really wish it had some kind of vs. mode though that isn't the CPU taking over your opponents team but an actual player on the other end. Maybe in the future.

Do you have Diagla or Palkia? Those two are going to tear ass once the the once maintenance passes.

Nintendo don't own pokemon go
That's pokemon company and niantic

Warioware is one of those series that Nintendo only trots out when they want to show off new hardware

it's not a real franchise to them, like Star Fox and F- Zero or Pilotwings

>miitopia (?)
Haven't played
>Mario Run
Mario without what made mario great.
>Pokemon Go
Pokemon without the gameplay
>Fire Emblem
Gacha shit

Feh is my main game right now. I often don't have time to boot up a console so I end up playing a few rounds of this instead. Now I'm addicted and I play it even while I'm on my pc.

The other 3 however. Mario run is an amazing game I heard, but since the first 4 levels are pretty mediocre I don't have any motivation to buy it all and since the only way to play more levels is to pay 10 euro it's even less. Make it 2 euro a world then.
I've never played miitomo properly as I didn't have any friends who were openly playing that game if they even played it. It's fun I guess but isn't worth any money.
Pokemon go is great but overrated. It's cool that they'd make people move out of their trash filled room and go outside.

Nope, shit sucks man

>Fire Emblem Heroes is everything wrong with the modern Fire Emblem franchise.

How do you mean?

Can't wait until mobile Animal Crossing comes out just to see how it works

Not that user but it's filled with fanservice.

My Miitomo Mii with the Varia Suit won't display in Mario Run like it's apparently supposed to. Thanks, Nintendo.

The issue isn't the fanservice. It's that it's only fanservice at this point. Also censorship for a game about fanservice always gets the almonds boiling.

Lol so what are you gay or something?

The game unashamedly sells itself with fanservice rather than being a good game. The game is gasha shit with practically no strategy.

Pokemon Go was fun for a month or so.

Super Mario Run and that Fire Emblem game look fun, but not fun enough for me to spend time/money on.

Miitomo was fun for five minutes.

The Fire emblem Heroes grand hero battle thingies were the shit. People complaining a mobile gacha game is too hard, meanwhile a slant eyed jap manages to defeat almost every single one with free shitty units. Even if I don't play the game religiously, gave me a hearty laugh.

Mario Run was pretty good but it's baffling that it never received new characters or level packs. There's not much else to do once you collect all the colored coins.

Super Mario Run is kind of good.
But the only "end game" is grind for toads.
And dont know why you need that much coins if you are not going to be buying forever.

The Firem Emblem Heroes I use to hear it was amazing, and... is okayish.... but is just a rock paper sissors of 4v4 in a super small map. it wasnt that great.


Seeing this mo fo whittle down a cav in Ursula's GHB was fucking insane

>Mario Run
Not my kind of thing
Fun for a couple weeks since it came out in the summer and you had so many people playing it, fun little social thing but the devs were laughably incompetent
Best of the lot, played it for just over a month but I've dropped it now and I'm playing YGO Duel Links instead

>Can't believe that garbage got so big
Then you're an idiot, it had all the components to be huge with normalfags and that's what it was for a time

t. sub 4800 shitter

Can't do PvP because of stalemates.

>there's not one nigger in feh

All garbage


>that Nintendo used to trot out when


Although I'd argue that mobile hardware is new ground for them and that they could use something substantive that isn't bogged down with microtransactions.


est is the BEST

I'd probably call Heroes gatcha bullshit if I was an unlucky pleb, but I've gotten tons of top tier 5* units all F2P so I'm happy with the game. I haven't played a mobile game as long or as religiously as FEH, it has fun gameplay and shit that keeps you coming back. Plus the Skill Inheritance system adds a pretty significant layer of depth and strategy that wasn't in the game at launch.

Use Nino you bitch.


Miitomo garbage
Mario Run garbage
Pokemon was the flavor of the month and now it's dead
Fire Emblem is Ok

Nino is in the first 4 units which means she's in the team or the empty team is selected and nino just happens to be there. My bets on the first.

Empty team would order them by color.

So his team is confirmed Linde, Nino, Tharja, Olivia

She's on my main team nigger

The only nintendo mobile game I am interested in is Animal Crossing. I hope it comes out this year.

This user got it

I'm just waiting for a cracked APK of Super Mario Run because I'm not paying $10 for it. It just seems unlikely that anyone will crack it.

sarina valentina

Mobile cancer,they all are shit.
Sadly thats the future, the end is near.

>paying $10 for a mobile game

No thanks.

Ye I suppose you're right.
There is a way around that though, you could add a score in the same way that arena scores are calculated. I.e. having more heroes alive with higher health percentages ups the score. Add a max number of round for a match and you almost always have someone with more points at the end. Deters people running around kiting doing no damage.

What if you don't have time, except for when you're waiting for the train or w/e

>Opponent runs the clock and maxes out the round number when he figures he's already won

No, fuck that.

Then why the fuck are you here

Not everyone that plays vidya is a neet my dude.

Oh look at mister fancy pants here, getting invited to parties and going on "trains". Fuck off, normie.

Play some good games in my psp/3ds like Puyo puyo, taiko, patapon etc.

You seem upset. Does Nintendo game being popular hurt you?

Too bad the game is still shit

lol, you a tard son? you sure sound like one

>fe heroes



literally why

>Super Mario Run

a 10 dollar runner outclassed by free shit

>Pokemon Go

Fun in Summer 2016 as a fad, if you still play it you have brain problems.

>Fire Emblem Heroes

The only non shit gacha game is Final Fantasy Record Keeper and that's just because you roll for loot which makes way more sense than rolling for characters.

>tfw actually had fun with Pokemon Go during summer and had solid social interaction with it

Too bad I moved out to the countryside and winter happened so I haven't touched the game in months. If only that game had more content during the initial release, it might have been even bigger for a longer period of time.

Miitomo was fun for a week.
PokeGo is a terrible game.
Didn't play the others.

how do you unlock all the super mario run content without paying?

Ye fair enough point. Everyone would just run at least one flyer for shit like this.