Code Vein, AKA: Anime Souls

Code Vein, AKA: Anime Souls

>The game is set in a world where time has passed after it was destroyed by a certain cause. Now, modern society is made up of adjoining lands.
>Your purpose as a Revenant is to survive. As you fight, you will get closer to the truth of the world.
>The player character can be freely customized. Gender can also be set. A wide range of customization is possible, allowing you to make a heroic and cool-looking character.
>The red-haired man and the woman wearing the Russian hat are NPCs.
>The game will feature growth elements with a very high degree of freedom, allowing you to develop your character in a way that matches your play style.
>Rather than progress by clearing stages, you’ll explore the world of adjoining lands on your own feet.
>There are a large variety of fields. Each area has enemies with different characteristics, as well as area-specific mechanics. The volume should be satisfying.
>Even if your Buddy character dies, you can continue exploring. You can also explore on your own without bringing along a Buddy.
>The concept of “death” does not exist. Even if you’re out of action, if time passes, you can become activate again (retry again from a checkpoint).

Cool, sounds like more generic weebshit I'll never play.

>unironically saying weebshit
>on Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?

Fact: 99% of weebs die in their lifetimes
Why would anybody choose this lifestyle?

>Code Vein, AKA: Anime Souls
So, what?
Any details on weapons?


>The player character can be freely customized. Gender can also be set.
I hate it when devs turn the player characters into a blank slate.

100% of people who drink water die.
Why do you complain about anime on a japanese imageboard?

I've drunk water and I'm not dead
Explain that if you're so fucking smart then

It didn't hurt Souls games.

>Sup Forums is Japanese

My mistake, I didn't notice all the Kanji and the URL ending with .jp

Carry on being a virgin faggot.

Better than some Japanese teen who hates his life but has a secret power within him

where do I pre-order

It depends, really?
Is it to make a self-insert OC donut-steel or so the player can create a character to role play as?
Unfortunately games tend to limit the ability to role play.

LMAO, the people who are interested will buy it, while you will just spend entire days wasting time calling me a loser without any result, because you are 10000 more pathetic then any virgin here combined.

You're going to.
I never specified when.

Let it Die did it better.

>The player character can be freely customized. Gender can also be set.
>yfw you can make lolipire

There isnt even a gameplay trailer yet. The game is only 30% done.

>falseflagging this much


When did they say they were showing gameplay?

Early May.

What about the 1% ?

these threads will burn out if you guys make a new one every day. the game isn't even releasing this year

>You're going to.
>implying you can predict this
What, you have some fortunetelling powers or some shit? lmao
Fuck off

They're lost, never to be heard of again
Some say they're still out there somewhere

>implying implications

Not gonna lie. I'm pretty fucking /hype/ for Code Vein.

Seems like the only game that has a chance of filling that Soulsborne void.

>Anime Souls

op unironically said the term "anime souls" so its safe to say anything goes in this thread

user, they go to the great big dakimakura shop in Hokkaido.

>The player character can be freely customized. Gender can also be set. A wide range of customization is possible, allowing you to make a heroic and cool-looking character.

Let me make a titty monster and I'll consider buying it.

I cannot relate at all with blank slate characters, and on top of that they also lack any character depth. I like to play a game where it feels like the developer actually put some fucking thought into it and designed a character for the player to play as, any game with a custom character builder just feels lazy to me, like they aren't willing to commit to making a unique character so they just say "here, you do it".

Do we know what platforms it's on? I'm sure it will kick-start shitposting but I gotta know.

You have a very strange mindset, user. Especially when character creators are MUCH harder to develop than preset characters.

Go back to play Near Tomato dude. O wait the chick you play isnt even the main character.

Fuck that, let me create my character and be the hero of the story.

I don't know, I just feel like if they aren't willing to commit to making a good character for their game then maybe they shouldn't have made the game to begin with, if they have that little faith in it.

Or maybe because there's more to a game than characters? This is a fucking action game my dude. You could be a dancing hippo for all the devs care.

>like they aren't willing to commit to making a unique character so they just say "here, you do it".
It's less about that and more about getting the player to self-insert as part of a power fantasy.
It's not really a bad thing, but any game trying to have a story will suffer horribly for it. Dragon Age being the best example of this.
Unless your character has fuck-all to do with the story and is really just there because they can kill things really good. Pretty much the soulsborne series.

Sometimes, making up a backstory for a character is fun, probably why I put so many hours into Skyrim and never did the story.

PS4 exclusive?

Also available on PC?

>Literally no gameplay shown yet
>Fromsoft not involved
>Everyone calling it a Souls/Bloodborne-type game because Bandai Namco

Please be as good as Freedom Wars

it's getting called a souls type game because of #PrepareToDine which is honestly pretty fucking despicable marketing if it's not remotely like a souls game.

>All these fucking simpletons that think this will be a souls game
>All these fucking simpletons who don't know how the publisher-developer relationship works
>All these fucking simpletons that don't know/like God Eater

Can we genocide souls fags already? I say that as someone that imported Demons Souls a decade ago.

Better start revving up those petitions!

>God Eater team

it's going to be trash. Don't get your hopes up

So you are all raedy to be disaapointed when it's another Monster Hunter clone, right?



>Posts shitty pepe
>Has the gall to call other simpletons

The next FromSoftware game is going to be super anime as well, since the company that now owns them are exclusively into anime.
I can't wait for neo-Sup Forums's tears


I'm pretty much 90% sure it's just going to be another Monster Hunter clone/God Eater game. It's coming from the God Eater devs and the few screenshots available look like an arena-type Monster Hunter/God Eater environment, and the weapons look like they're straight out of God Eater. They probably just knew everyone would lose their shit and give their game hype by using the Dark Souls tagline and it fucking worked.

Feels gooooooooood brotha!

Kinda. I can already imagine the gameplay trailer hitting this may and it has you juggling thrash mobs in the air with retarded musou style animations and anime attacks and bosses with no life bar that takes 20 minutes to kill.

>shitty pepe
YOU are the dumb frogposter

Soulless teen garbage. Bandai namco is retarded.

I liked God Eater, so i already know what i'm expecting

Whatever you say ,grandpa.

>Difficult action RPG is nothing like another difficult action RPG
>Why would a publisher use their most famous marketing effort on another tangentially related game to generate hype

I knew nothing of the game and a five minute google search set the record straight as an arrow.
At worst it's God Eater with a vampire twist.
At absolute best it's Lord of Arcana with more freedom.

oh boy another generic souls game that's going to be shit! can't wait for the million youtubers to make videos on this!

It's not a souls game, we already said that in every thread about this game, even in this one
But of course, you are just too much of a braindead autist to read

That he wants to play Mass Uncharted Creed (GOTY conteder mos def) for the hundreth time before he'll touch anything from the east.

weebshit, move along

Fashion/character buliding is half the reason I play souls games, get creative instead of leeching off the mindset of others

This nu-game looks gay and weeb

Oh, yes, give me your tears. Keep whining and screeching relentlessy day and night on the internet because Japan keeps releasing good games and you have nothing to play.

Shills gotta shill

I can't wait to see gameplay
I like being happy and having fun

>weeb games

Pick one. No self respecting gamer will play a game that looks like catered to paedos

I saw you in the another thread, bitchboy

>People forgetting that the first few monster hunter games were shit
>People forgetting that the God Eater games were actually pretty fucking fun
>People forgetting that the God Eater games were only made on the fucking PSP so far, meanwhile Code Vein is on Unreal Engine 4 and targeting PS4/PC

Bloodborne is to Souls, as Code Vein is to God Eater. (I shouldn't use this analogy because you retards will get confused).

>"B-But famitsu says it's a difficult seamless action RPG with Co-op"
Doesn't mean it's a souls-like, just means it doesn't have constant loading screens and stand alone areas like God Eater.

>"B-But Prepare to dine!"
A marketing slogan that was made by Bandai-Namco and which From had no input in. You're a retard for assuming it would be a souls game."

I'm legitimately hyped to see what the God Eater team does on a modern console and with a modern engine. This game skyrocketed to the top of my hype list.

But you weebfags will eat up anything with waifus, so that doesn't mean mean

>He's so asshurt that he complains in two threads simultaneously
>He has the time to complain day and night for a game he hates

It'd help if you could form a coherent argument and sentence, you microcephalic idiot.

what type of gameplay are we talking about here? if it's anything like god eater or monster hunter I'm not really interested because those games seem boring to me.

>weeb shitposter
Some things never change

But i did, you weebs will buy any shit game and worship it for waifus, games for lonely fags.

Weeb games are for children and losers, that's it

>Souls-fag thinking Souls games are more deep/challenging than Monster Hunter or God Eater


>weebfags defending their chink game with floaty combat

>Still being this asshurt after countless threads
>Still insulting people because muh anonimity and because he has all the time of the world and underage

I bet you've literally never played a God Eater game.

you seem upset weebfag?

God eater games are shit, your point?

they aren't. Again, have you played one?

pathetic, truly shows you are not any different from your so-called "weebs".

Yes. Monster Hunter is much better

Oh i forgot, waifus, so that overrides everything and it's a good game, forgot to think like a weeb.

>it's another small girl is stronger than big guys

Does it hurt you that much weebfag?

When is the superior switch version going to be released? This game is wasted on the PS4.

So you haven't played it and are just shitposting about something you know nothing about, nice dude. Feel free to post something about waifus again though.

he is right god eater is shit

>you don't play as the little girl
Unfortunate. Hopefully you can make one yourself, but I would still have preferred if they made the PC into an actual character.

Game is bad, feels like monster hunter made for little kids

>No meme gameplay (souls, nioh) confirmed

What a time to be alive, it truly is a pure action RPG.

I am not creative, I don't have any attachment to a character I have made because it will never be good enough for me anyway. There is nothing that will make a custom character creator good in my eyes, I can't immerse myself in a game when I'm the one that made the character.

Yeah, instead we get floaty combat with enemies that don't react to your hits at all. How fun.

why? you'd be able to explain if you've played it.