GR Wildlands

So is it a flop ? I haven't heard any news about it at all.

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Fucking Ubisoft pumping out so much garbage that half of it gets missed by the targeted audience.

Well looking at it apparently sold extremely well for the 1st couple weeks.

but look at the most Recent Expansion looks very Ghost Recon.....

It sold incredibly well. Western gamers avoid weaboo trash like Persona 5 and Resident Evil 7 and pick up gritty, action-packed stuff like Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Japanese games will never catch on.

Ghost Recon Future Soldier had god tier multiplayer


It's literally the best selling game this year

posting the better ubisoft game

Only thing i heard about it upon release except it gets quite repetitive after about 10hrs of play. Had an interest in it but then I heard multiplayer wasn't coming till some time after release.

got it for free with a jewvidea gpu, looking forward to trying it out
sure as fuck wasn't going to get the online wasteland that is for honor

>I haven't heard any news about it at all.
That's because you don't go anywhere other than Sup Forums, where everyone is a friendless weeb.

4v4 multiplayer :^)

I was pumped for this but the open beta was trash. It's unplayable single player.

I probably have friends that I could play this with but my social anxiety and immense desire to not bother people will force me to play it by myself. Is this game alright as a single player experience?

>it sold incredibly well

fake news

Is this game better than MGSV? I wanna buy it but I have to be sure.

Not exactly the best for stealth

Its just alright

The gun and operator customization is fun I made a STALKER

you must be some special kind of reterded

It manages to be even more soulless and barren than MGSV.

idk i had fun playing

You need to up your cheeki breeki game son

Recently bought a gtx 1060 and it came with an option of this trash or For Honor, dont even want to redeem either of them because I cant be bothered to even try either of these crap games.

Dont try selling the key

The game key is locked to your GPU or other 1080 GPUs

I'll take the code for Wildlands off your hands if you don't want it

How's the shooting?

I'm waiting for a sale to get it.
Loved the open beta.

For anyone who played the full version, how big is the full map?
The playable area was like 10% and it was already massive.

Its so large it can get annoying to move around

How is this game anyway? Is it the same shit as Division? Or is it at least better than that?

Are you saying 1 million + on PS4 alone is bad?

its not an MMO so people die when they are shot and no grinding for gear

>people on Sup Forums paid money for this Ubisoft© Open World™ Multiplayer™ Sandbox Expirience™

Siege is the only ubi game worth anything, if they wanted to make a cool Ghost Recon title they should really remake a non free to play ghost recon online sequel. That was a great team shooter all around that really only suffered from a ridiculous pay to win microtransaction model. If they expanded that game into a real title without the p2w trash it could be really good. Damn shame it just got dropped.

The videos I saw before release made it look really awful. 0/10 bad. Just typical huge, massive, enormous, etc. open world garbage with awful physics and gunplay.

If you like fighting games for honor isn't terrible, otherwise I wouldn't pay for WL but if you get it for free it's probably worth a go.

Of course not it sold millions. Where the fuck do you think you are?
Persona 5 is well-reviewed and loved by the gaming press and it sells like 1 million units. Ghost Recon Wildlands gets mediocre reviews and sells like 8 million copies. God is dead and we killed him.

Eh, not a really good comparison, persona is a niche title for mega weebs, I'm sure it's "good" for what it is, but it's still not anything amazing, it's no less generic then WL in it's own genre, WL just has a broader appeal overall.

same shit as horizon and people worship that

>Friend buys it
>tries to get me to play full fucking price for "Tom Clancy's rooty tooty point and shooty #25"
>Tell him it's gonna be more generic ubisoft trash
>He tries to describe how much shit there is to do
>He describes Farcry 3 and 4 almost exactly aside from 3rd person view
>Even the plot is based around drug lords like in FC4
>He goes into denial of the year mode

When will people stop buying Ubishit games?


you mean shitposters

I would call Horizon better then WL by a pretty wide margin, and I returned Horizon 2 under a week after getting it.

not just ubisoft, people need to stop buying open world games

Since you're all comparing, for honor is the most boring piece of trash excuse for a game I've ever seen second to "brink"

Wildlands has the best gunplay of any game I've ever played and has the most widely varied and detailed environment I've ever seen, and stealth mechanics are pretty fun

You both are terrible

I just finished it a few days ago. It was alright - I personally had quite a bit of fun going through it and that was almost entirely singleplayer. With all the tacticool operator characters going up against each other, it kind of felt like playing with G.I. Joes and I think treating it that way really helped me in enjoying it.

>best gunplay
what's so great about it?

Being able to switch shoulders, switch between third and 1st person and switch gun sights all easily as hell as well as having night vision and thermal

It's is the pinnacle, the epitome, of gunplay, it's hard to go back to other shooters

>Being able to switch shoulders, switch between third and 1st person and switch gun sights all easily as hell as well as having night vision and thermal
Seems really secondary regarding gunplay

Oh and you can remove and equip silencers and switch between single and automatic fire while you're aiming

Unlike all these other games where you put on a silencer and it's stuck on unless you go into some equipment menu

It's the best selling game of year so far in NA and europe

So no not a flop.

Still trash though

>play game and have fun
>find a outfit that looks good
>find a gun that feels good
>outfits don't do anything besides cosmetic
>all guns kill with one shot
>kill bane
Haven't played since, really the same thing over and over but must be funnier in coop.


Most people just want to play a game with decent mechanics and nice graphics. GRWL looks nice and lets you shoot drug cartel people with customizable weapons. Just because it's not your stupid animu 2deep4u trash doesn't mean it's a bad game. It doesn't pretend to be deep like FFXV or have godawful graphics like BotW. It's just a solid, fun game.

This is your first shooter?

I'm 24, I've played hundreds and none of them have even come close to making a game with all these features without having some huge clunky UI that makes it all a pain