ITT: Vidya sound effects that make you rock hard

ITT: Vidya sound effects that make you rock hard

>creaking old wood
>the revolver from Half Life 2
>the high-pinched beep when you turn on night-vision googles

Other urls found in this thread:

>your reflexes / HP is permanently boosted!

Metal Gear Solid ration sound

King's dual handgun reload sequence
>tfw I'm prolly the only one who knows it.

Cracking Leather.
Not a whip, but gloves or armor.

>critical hit sound from p5

>that 'SHINE' sound effect they used to use for all of Dexter's shiny robots
>that 'SHVEP' sound effect when something goes up in flames
>the throaty growling of a biplane engine, additionally their machine guns
>good gun sounds in general

>that sound what she makes when she double jumps :3

Pretty much all sounds from Starcraft brood war.

The "cha-ching" when you get a pilot kill in Titanfall.

where's this from

Mario 64 BLJ. There's just something abut it man
>Yeh hoo! Yeh hoo! Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeh hoo!

hirame, aka

enjoy my friend

>the WHOOSH of a perfectly-timed dire arrow

cod ww2 reveal trailer tomorrow

>simulated high-pinched noise after a deafening sound

my man. where can i find the one from OP's pic

Holy shit, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

In the same vein

>The noise of Jack focusing, and his sword gaining power.

check everything by that artist
Diablo drop sound

I don't know, I guess you'll just have to read all of his stuff to find it.

On topic:

>Hek shotgun


>he plays games with the sound on and not listening to his own music
This is how I know you come from Red dit.

>The head-shot sound effect in Overwatch is scientifically design to be satisfying as hell

I feel emotionally manipulated

>Landing a long-range headshot on a Tracer/Genji on your first shot

i hate lol but

These are me
All me :^)

> that cod pft headshot noise
> Crash Bandicoot going Woah

Marine stimpacks. Any goblin unit and flying machine death sound from Warcraft III in polish dub.
>Dopadli nas, od tyłuuu!

m1 garand *PING*

>sound of 1000 gauss rifles


The sound design in general is uncomfortably good.
It's almost like entirely different sound departments worked between voices and effects though. The voices range from tolerable to horrible but all the weapon, ability, and gameplay sounds are fucking chemically addictive.

Halo CE shotgun firing sound

Not him but I thought that playing as le 12 o clock cowboy is very satisfying and that his VA did a stellar job, much better than just tolerable.


>The red9 in general in re4
>hitting a boss in sonic 1-3
>critical hits in ff7
>Getting the whip upgrade and just using it in castlevania 4
>Super missles in super metroid if
>Hitting a boss in mega man x 1-3
>The hammer in kirby super star

Patrician taste

I really like the parry sound effects in DSIII and bloodbourne

The door opening sounds from Alien Trilogy, utterly satisfying.
The sound design in World in Conflict in general was top tier.
Rest in peace No Hope Mod ;_;

Pretty much anything from pic related

The clunking, metallic footstep sound you used to get inside the Exodar.

falcon punch connecting


Walking on snow.

>chuff crunch chuff crunch chuff crunch

This sound could sustain me in place of food.

Girls bare feet slapping against tile

The sound of getting dubs

>The hookshot hitting something it can't latch on to

Vice City's shotgun blast sound effect.
Spy's elongated death scream.
The crash sound effect from the first Driver.

sauce on that pic?

mah nigga

the OG headshot sound from cod

and a lot of animal crossing sounds

The best. Or heels.

Dark Souls 3, skyrim for soles, OW for heels

>Halo 3, AR and BR
>keep pressing Y for the sound both guns makes
>the weapon sounds in Ninja Gaiden Black/2, especially when blocking
>Tekken 3 CHICKEN
>Sanic rings

>Reload revolver
>hear the jingle of spent shells hitting the floor

My nigga! Glad and surprised to see someone else played this "that game w/ FFXV demo" and apparently enjoyed it too.

Come to think of it, Type0 has amazing audio design.

>tfw releasing a maxed out Blizzaga BOM attack, creating a low "BOOM", freezing enemies literally mid-flight.
The Kill Sight splashes also sound satisfying as fuck.

>battlefield 1
>all those screams when someone burns alive

Almost every gun in BF1.

Say what you will about the game itself, they fucking nailed gun sounds.

its high-pitched

I don't have it. Sorry.

>silenced guns
>metallic clinks as bullets hit metal
>low, resonating electric arcs
>very low and deep metallic groaning as a giant robot/mech begins to move
>that 'bwooaaww' sound giant robots or ships make before they attack
>'shliinngg' followed by 'tching!'

Also that moment before a giant weapon begins to fire. The charge starts low and rises in both pitch and volume. When it's very high pitched and loud it fires with a resonating boom.

God damn weapons turn me on.

Half the reason I still play BF1 is the orkish satisfaction I get from killing people with those ancient guns

>silenced guns

oh god this so much

BB's sound design in general was damn near perfect. Love the kirkhammer impacts, so satisfying timing a swing to knock an enemy flat on their ass with that heavy metal CLUNK

>rapid fire silenced SMG

nice trap

for me it depends, i don't like it when games make silenced guns sound like a gentle fart in the spring breeze.

That sound camels or other animals make.
You know the one.

>hitting a boss in sonic 1-3
Now that's a chunky noise.

the sound of items hitting the floor in MGS games

Hitting a focus attack in SF4

Fully charged uppercut in God Hand

It is a shame how over-looked the game; it has it's share problems, but it's a really unique game in the franchise.

>Tfw there still hasn't been any word on Type-Second

Also, I'm almost certain that they made the Kill-Sight noise really damn addicting just because it helped to teach the player how important it was.

Like, just killing an enemy without hitting a Kill-Sight feels weirdly flaccid after you've conditioned yourself to use it whenever possible.

>Bosses dying in alttp

The sound of the baseball bat in Melee.

Oh and I forgot

Parry sound in Third Strike

The bat from any smash bros. game.
Hitting someone with that is half a second of heaven.

>That whirring build up noise, capped with a 'ping' when your healing as Mercy

I can see why people become heal-sluts

Marth sword tips

>pretty much every single weapon in Wipeout HD
>the engines in 2048

>ice barrage
There's something in my pants and it is anything but rock hard.

>wipeout 2097
>"auto pilot engaged"
>the road flip

>tfw using the Death Penalty guns, that inflict DEATH
>every lower-level foe dies as it was a Kill sight
Made the missions like the Retreat from Rohonna and Col. Faith's Revolt into big, delicious massacres.

and yeah, T-0 is awesome. Just started my 3rd playthru. The folks complaining about "2short campaign & undeveloped cast" are doing it wrong, and don't know what they're missing.

basically any of these

>ctrl+f quake
>0 results

you can all go and kill yourselves

The audio in Witcher 3 was orgasmic with good headphones. Going through a forest and hearing the creaking trees, wind, and running water.

>multiple objects get destroyed at once
>game makes a laser/sci-fi explosive sound due to the game not accounting for it
it's hard to come by but feels so good

Unlove S
h tps://nhentai. net/g/172030/

>That sound when you finish off a opponent with a Raging Demon.

>quake 1 nade launcher

My fucking dick

>Quad Damage
>25 health
>Grunts and enforcers
>Rocket launcher
>Teleporter ambient

>That orb (secondary fire) sound from HL2 pulse rifle
>The map animation sound from Battlefront OG

Shares a sound with

The most satisfying kill sound of all time

Hitmarker noises~

Holy crap. The sound from that game in general was pretty good for creating atmosphere. The ambient music, damn.




>tfw you shoot a group of zombie men with it