Overrated trash Sup Forums hypes
Hope you liked the mass effect
Add Vanquish and Bayonetta to that list
Dragon's Dogma
I agree. You need to add the following though.
>zelda botw
>persona 5
>nier automata
>horizon zero dawn
You forgot Fallout New Vegas, Morrowind and Oblivion.
>anything new is bad meme
But a lot of Sup Forums already pretends this is true. Probably a bunch of salty poorfags who can't buy them desu
so basically all the new releases?
Maybe you should see a pattern before opening your mouth.
>post 3 amazing games
>it's a let's pick genuinely great games and call them trash for no reason episode.
>with that shit tier pacing and combat
The only game that deserves to be there is Trash in the Sky
add Persona 5 and Zelda 1754 they are only rated high because console babies never get games
Do people even talk about Trails enough for it to be overrated.
It's more of a fact that whenever it's brought up, people actually think it's one of the best JRPGS, there's a thread up i think too
>people actually think it's one of the best JRPGS
They're right.
There's a reason why nobody brought the sequel on steam a whole year later after the first one had tremendous sales
Because PCbros don't play games
>people actually think it's one of the best JRPGS,
They're not wrong
I remember when I used to make Trails threads here and get zero replies, now the first game is on a "overhyped by Sup Forums" list
We made it bros
Shin Megami Tensei IV.
You don't go from 260k to measly 20k unless the first game was actually shit and put people off the series
Yeah those people that never play games are sure going to buy the sequel of a game they haven't played
Add Mario, Zelda and other ninshit to that list
You can add Automata to that list
take it back faggot
Deus Ex
>damage controlling
Face facts, your game was exposed on a real Platform and people found out it was trash
I wonder why. This game is garbage, worst game in whole SMT franchise.
>Trails better than Cold Steel
Sup Forums sure memed me hard with that one.
Nier is a 7/10 game so I don't see how it's overrated at all. Agreed with Persona but not with trails. Also holy fuck thus thread is filled to the brim with the worst sort of retard.
I feel like I'll actually get brain damage if I read more posts like
Explain how Trails deserves it's praise when it has one of the most braindead turnbased combat around?
Yeah, that's why it wins countless GOTY awards in regions where it gets actual exposure right?
Oh wait I'm sure the regions that think Mass Effect 3 was a 10/10 GOTYAY sure know better
But Cold Steel IS Trails
Try not playing on easy modes
The game is what it is, combat is easy as fuck to break even on harder difficulties but what I sought in that series was world building and in that regard it left me satisfied.
Babby's first SMT, 3rd person dungeon crawling was a mistake
lets just add any game that people like because reasons
This. It's not ball busting on harder difficulties, but it's certainly not braindead.
You're one of those faggots that picks normal on your first playthrough aren't you?
>that's why it wins countless GOTY awards in regions where it gets actual exposure right?
>this mattering
I'm supposed to believe the 260k people who brought tits play dude bro shit like cod and mass effect right?
Just fuck outta here with your nonsense game awards where they even award shit like that garbage jojo game GOTY in japan