>Ice fairy
>Represents summer
But why
Ice fairy
Because she's hot
you posted why
Summer Cirno is the best thing that has happened this year.
Because she's the strongest
Because she does what everyone does in summer.
Try to stay cool.
You don't eat ice creams, use the A/C, pool party, play around in a lake in summer?
Because fuck you nigger she's my daughter.
Me on the left
>gets a tan
>puts on a vine
>suddenly embodies summer despite literally being an ice fairy
Yeah no famalam
Why does she have ice shards behind her back? they can't even function as wings.
>tfw you wont ever have qt daughterfu riding your shoulders as you fight for her
Should just fucking kill myself.
Where can I find summer fairies?
Lol sucks to be you
Please do, Jackfag. You people are the next MLP holy fucking shit.
Get a load of this teenbro
Sunny Milk, bro.
But she's literally cold
Me on the right
Truly the summer fair.
Because her summer designation is a representation of her personality (childish, hot headed, energetic and lively) rather than her powers.
Seems kind of obvious tbdesu fampai.
Then why is she sweating?
because that would just be generic and boring as fuck
lower it
More like melting
Why does she stay in the sun instead of going into the shadows? Does she have suicidal tendencies?
Literal pedo thread.
She's not very smart
>1 off from a Cirno post.
Too bad dubs don't exist on Sup Forums
This is exactly why she's summer.
Also because Marisa looks cute in gloves and a scarf.
>/jp/ thread
>post it in Sup Forums
But why
>officer she's 60
>no seriously
She's the summer youkai because people started seeking her out during the summer to stay cool because she projects an aura of cool air. As a result Cirno began to become associated with summer and as we all know, youkai are based on people's perception of them, so she became a summer fairy.
This thread is more video game related than at least 10 threads active right now.
She's the final boss of the summer scenario. She gives Cirno a noogie and sends her home.
>trying to quit lolicon
>zun makes cirno brown
Hum I don't think that picture is allowed in Canada; I'm going to have to ask you to remove it, user.
What does Canada have to do with images on african flute carving board?
>my waifu is in a video game that makes this waifuspam thread Sup Forums related!!! never mind that this screenshot is the only mention of an actual game in the thread
My fucking dick
no gif?
W-why are these fairies so lewd?
>trying to quit lolicon
For what purpose
>pear shaped bodies and thick thighs
I have an obssesive thoughts disorder that gives me periodic paranoias and now Im afraid lolis will make me like real little girls
So who's the winter fairy?
Touhou fag here. The real answer is that Cirno is more powerful when the temperature is really high which explains why she's so weak in Perfect Cherry Blossom and Embodiment of Scarlet Devil(Touhou 7 and 6) whereas she's a main character in this one.
But you don't. Lolis in 2D are completely different from real life kids. I fap to lolis along with other genres but I can still take care of kids without even a hint of lust.