Are you guys ready 3rd for the PS4 game?

Are you guys ready 3rd for the PS4 game?

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There's no way this is re-

>verified PlayStation channel

Oh boy


Theres some fine looking 80s tail in this movie

the video resolution is gonna look like pure shit in 4k

Queue Brianna wu and anita sarkeesian

>Night Trap came out 25 years ago

Interesting, not really something I could see myself buying but it is neat that it is getting made.

>Night Trap came out

What the fuck am I watching

I'm unironically hyped. I love mid-80s to mid-90s films.



>tfw they're old enough to be your gramps


I honestly can't believe this is getting re-released. It's sort of historically important, I guess. But who actually liked it?

This is the game that got us Burgers the ESRB, isn't it?


here's the congressional hearing about the game from 1993

>Night Trap

Along with Mortal Kombat, yes.

Wasn't there's a Kickstarter for this and failed??

It happening anyways?

One of them, yeah. It's definitely the most ridiculous one considering how tame it is compared to Mortal Kombat and Doom.

what got you Fruits Pegi?

being pussy, pushover fags, as usual?
fucking brits

>responsible for ESRB
>rated T

T for Trapa

>Dana Plato's been dead for over 17 years

Its place in the Congressional hearings that led to the ESRB was based on a complete misunderstanding of the actual content of the game.

Once people had to rate it, they found out that it wasn't nearly as objectionable as Lieberman had claimed.


Night Trap is really one of the most important games ever made.

Most of it was Sega themselves trying to hype it up so they would have another one over Nintendo back then as the Big N was in full censorship mode during the 16 bit era and Sega wanted any advantage they could get.

It actually did work in Sega's favor until Nintendo finally loosened up and allowed MKII to release uncensored.

ESRB is not a government mandate, it's a private organization.

kek, its original rating from its release was M

Right, it's self-regulatory, but it was created to avoid federal regulations, same as the comics code.


The Supreme Court ruled a few years ago that those regulations on video games would have been Unconstitutional regardless.

Dana Plato had a nice form. Too bad her porn was all softcore.


Stilll a better fighting game than SFV.

wat. playstation is steam now

Yeah. Ultimately, it was created for no reason and served to change very little. They just wanted to quell the supposed public outrage towards video games in the early 90s.

who would fight and Lobby for violent video games in 1993? the ACLU? the MPAA? you can see in the video Nintendo throwing Sega under the bus.

Without Night Trap and this hearing, the publishers wouldn't get together to create a Video Game Lobby to fight for their collective interests, create the ESRB or get together to put on E3.

it really is one of the most important events in video game history.

I guess they found a willing funder.

It's not necessary though. Games can avoid the ESRB entirely and still get a huge platform with Steam.

It exists so that big game companies can point to it when dumb parents demand that other people take care of their children. It has a good purpose.

now there's an understanding that video games aren't just for children. And how many kids actually buy games through Steam?

now put an unrated game on mobile in the google play store, that would be a different story.

>now there's an understanding that video games aren't just for children
Yeah... still not quite.

>david lynch

We're not conversing in real time. Type your thoughts and be done with it. Jesus fucking Christ these ellipses and verbal ticks will cause shootings one day.

>back then as the Big N was in full censorship mode

Last year?

Night Trap sequel when?

They should call it Trap Night.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.
One one hand, it's disturbing to watch that and see that certain people have the same attitude today as they did 25 years ago. Kneejerk overreactions to a creative medium and a need to censor.
On the other hand, people have been attacking games for 25 years and the industry hasn't fallen to those demands, yet.

They were worse back then. Couldn't mention religion, alcohol, smoking or death in any form.

The article from one of Manaic Mansion's developers on the headaches on making the NES port showed how harrowing it was trying to get anything past their censors back then (and yet they still missed the exploding hamster bit).

Thats it then, PC lost.

This game is basically impossible without a guide.

I love this article and anyone remotely interested in video game censorship should give it a read. Highly informative.

Actually, if you look at the covers of it after ESRB, it was rated M

Gotta censor those armpits man

> Rated T

Fucking kek, a lot as changed in 25 years

Oh, I think it's worth mentioning that the author of that article isn't one of the developers. He was a manager above them in charge of the project and communicating between Nintendo and the developers.

I've heard Ron Gilbert talk about some of the issues they had regarding the game and censorship too in various different talks. They had to recall a batch of carts from Toy-r-Us following a complaint. Ron thought they had found the exploding hamster at that point but that wasn't the case, they had to recall the game because a mother saw the word "Lust" on the back of the box and complained that "Lust" shouldn't be in a Nintendo game. So they pulled it at the request of Toys-r-Us.

Once in a blue moon, I find something really worth reading on here. Thank you, user!

Any cute girls?

It's just nuts how SJW's are exactly like old time conservatives.

I know it's said often, but the similarities are uncanny.


It likely won't have PS4 Pro support and the vast majority of older movies and shows were filmed in a higher quality than what one would see on a screen back then, so it's incredibly likely they're using source-quality footage instead of the highly compressed FMVs that had to fit and be playable back then, you can tell just by watching the video that it's significantly higher quality