
So I just finished Bayonetta
What did I think of it? Do I want to replay it?
Does Sup Forums want to talk about it? What does Sup Forums think of this game?

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You thought it was great op

I think that Bayonetta is a filthy slut
I'm going to enjoy the day this vile whore is sent to the bottom of hell to be eternally tortured by the same demons she had a pact with

neverending cutscenes that rely on still-frames for the story. Unnecessary cutscenes between everything you do. Frequent insta-death QTE's within those cutscenes, inconsistently added so you never know whether you're expected to press keys at a specific time or whether Bayonetta will do the badass shit herself. Want to skip them? That's five actions. There's no delay between a cutscene's end and enemy attacks. Have fun mashing dodge as you wait for one to finish, or enjoy the insta-hit.
Controller's unrebindable, so external software adds a layer of confusion to those constant QTE's. Learn to mash the buttons, for you'll be doing that non-stop between the tortures, boss fights, and sometimes for escaping immobilising jelly/shockwaves/grabs in order to prevent free hits.
The visual and presentation style is oversexualised and garish. Given that, you wouldn't expect some child incessantly calling you "Mommy!" following you around. The character proportions are those of aliens, and even your enemies are not pleasing to look at. Everything looks uncanny as hell.
The stages are bland and filled with invisible walls. Traversal and general movement feels wrong, with a slow run and jumps that propel you much further vertically than horizontally. Even the beast forms are barely an improvement, being unresponsive and being unlocked only partway through the story. It's not helped by the camera, whose turn rate speeds up with any obstruction, and in general feels stiff as hell.

The story is delivered exclusively through cutscenes. It put me to sleep and is nothing worthwhile. Its attempts at humour were laughably bad, so there's that. The OST is unremarkable, and has only one memorable track, which plays in the prologue. It's all downhill from there.
The combat is fluid, in spite of everything else. Those cutscenes, QTE's and button mash sections are almost designed to break it up and make it worse. Whether it's deep isn't something I can answer. PKP/PPKP/PPPKKK with dodge offsets (which took me a while to learn to keep the buttons pressed) seem like all you need. Boss fights, though, are often idiotic. They're filled with awful design, awful hitboxes, awful ideas. The turret sections, no witch-time fights, and insta-fail QTE's marking the ends of parts, are the absolute worst. Or maybe that's the protracted rocket, motorcycle sections? God knows.
Several times I've had bugs in which no scripts would activate. The motorcycle section was like some budget racing game's demo for multiple long minutes, until I reloaded and things actually started happening. The same happened with a chase section, locking progression until reload.
I'm still playing because I feel compelled to get good at its combat. But I'm amazed at how overhyped this game has been for all these years.

Replaying it on Hard mode atm
Had hundred of hours on the 360 version a few years back
>tfw you realize you now suck
Oh well, just a matter of time, I guess.
Having to unlock stuff again is pretty boring though, but the worst is the early part of the game where you don't have any weapons/panther form.
PPPPK and PPPKK are kings when used with dodge offset and Kilgore on the legs,

>The OST is unremarkable
The bait sure is strong

>Having to unlock stuff again is pretty boring though, but the worst is the early part of the game where you don't have any weapons/panther form.

This, I just installed it on my laptop, forgot to get the save files from my PC.

You gonna PP all those?

Can't get enough of it, it's just too much fun.

>tfw when get pure plat as jeanne

Never wanted to get Pure Plats so much after hearing that.

How are the Jeanne fights when you play as her?

Back on the 360 I had PP normal, hard and was on the way to PPing NSIC but that fucking rocket mission before Jeanne drained all my will
It will probably take a while as I need to get good again which will only come with time
If you are new to Bayo and want to PP then get the butterfly accessory, its pretty much a must considering it absorbs hits

The same. Getting PP with Jeanne is pretty hard though on Normal/Hard as the combo points for PP pretty much require you to Witch Time, but there's always that accessory

Dno if I should wait 2-3 weeks before playing and get the save files or just continue from the start new on laptop, need some good keybinds too since my secondary mouse double clicks sometimes, I'm thinking q-e and rebind q-e for something else

There used to be shit loads of threads about this game, what happened

>What did I think of it? Do I want to replay it?

Are you for real?

Getting platinum in this game isn't even skill it's just rote memorization, what to press when, literally 0 skill, it's like speedrunning
Just autism nothing more

Worst parts of the game were the ones that didn't use the base gameplay mechanics. Seriously, fuck using AA guns to beat a boss I've already beaten thrice. Fuck Chapter 8 and 14. Also fuck quick time events. Otherwise, fun game. :^)

They went too fucking far with the QTEs, and they were basically in the middle of cutscenes, fuck that cancer
The car and rocket parts were also turbo cancer

Is this bait

>When to press
>Not skill
Nice fish you got there

After I played Bayo 2 on my Wii U I went and got a copy of Bayo 1 (somewhat rare on Wii U in Europe) but I decided not to play it because everything that made Bayo 2 fun would have been missing from Bayo 1 (at least that's what I'm thinking, seeing as Bayo 2 is the successor and builts upon old shit in Bayo 2 by improving it)

Haven't emulated it yet, what was changed? How did they improve it?

the best boss fight in the game can only be replayed if you replay the 10 hour long missile riding sequence first

fuck this game

you're wrong and should definitely play bayo 1. There are a lot of people who prefer 1 to 2. I personally think they're equally good, but I slightly prefer 1.

here's a video I saw shared here about a year ago talking about some of the differences, and why one isn't necessarily better than the other.

>10 hour long missile riding sequence first

Don't forget not to take any damage ;^)


Instead punishment, bayo 2 is more challenge.

link got deleted somehow

But yeah it's dumb to just assume that "everything that made bayo 2 fun would have been missing from bayo 1," it's not that simple.

After all, you bought the game after playing bayo 2, why not play it?

>Alfheim can only damage in Witch-time with Jeanne


I can't play this for more than a chapter at a time, that fucking grading system stresses me out too much.

>Instead punishment, bayo 2 is more challenge.
This is not even close to being a sentence, but if you're saying what it looks like you are I disagree; I found bayo 2 significantly easier on higher difficulties than bayo 1

t. Sapientia
back to hell with you

thanks mate, I'll give it a spin for sure down the line, I still have the copy (actually it's the only game I kept after the Wii U became easily "hackable")

>Witch time jeanne is the moment you get hit
No wonder she have more combo multiplier

just accept that you're going to get really shitty grades your first time through no matter what becasue of missing alfheims, etc. just have fun on your first normal playthrough and learn the ins and outs of combat, dodge offset, etc. Then do a second normal playthrough or a hard playthrough and focus on getting gud/improving your ranks

how many playthroughs does it take to grind out enough halos to buy all the accessories, outfits, techniques, and treasures?

See I'm a new fag to Bayonetta and played in order 1 then 2. I personally think both are equally good, but evolve differently as you progress.

Bayonetta 1 starts out slow but ends up amazing.

Bayonetta 2 starts out amazing and ends up slow

It's real funny to see you pc dudes bitching about stuff that's either more fun than it might seem or only a minor annoyance. Did you cry about the afterburner section near the end of DMC1 as well, or was DMC1 too "clunky" for you to play to the end? What about the swimming sections that were literally the easiest and fastest parts of the game? Did you bitch about those too? There's absolutely nothing wrong with the motorcycle and missile sections in Bayo.

Me too, I'm too autistic to let silver or below pass.

What I did is keep repeating Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2. It gets easier when you start to learn enemies patterns and get the hang of combos + Dodge Offset.

When it got easier for me I bought the accessory that perma taunts enemies. This ramps up the difficulty, but makes farming halos easier. Then buy the Parry accessory, and start gitting gud at that too.

Japanetta > Englishitta


you need the gaze of despair to get a good ranking, without it, you are gonna pull your hair out. And also you need Moon of Mahakaala


Rodin and Enzo sound way better in English tho.

Enzo's nip voice actor reminds me of Buggy the clown from one piece

in what pretend world do you live in where people didn't butch about this game when it was 360 and ps3? jesus christ the amount of bitching about chapter 14 missile controls alone...

Does she have a British accent in Japanese?

>Changed the controls so it wasn't inverted
>Come chapter 14

the missle chapter, and motorcycle sections were the easiest to platinum.

The snake chapter with 14 parts is the most bullshit one.

>Dmc was 2001
>Bayo 1 was 2009
Im sure dev also forgot how to improve it and made that annoying level style again

Bayonetta will always have a special place in my heart for bringing one of the saxiest music tracks to gaming

At CONTROLLER setting instead, not CAMERA setting

Gracious & Glorious

*parries you*

Holy fuck I'm not reading all this shit.

I just mash random buttons instead of memorizing combo's, I can't be the only one right?

This game's pretty easy to play like that but if you learn a simple combo and spam it you'll do better

grace and glory are one of those thing where you fucking hate them at first then you wish the game had more of them. they are fun to fight because they can do lift attacks and you can dodge them in midair and start bayo's insane air combos and get shitloads of points.


Just learn one combo for damage and one for crowd control.

>Not lifting them by yourself

i try to memorize the punch kick combos then forget about the gun attacks.

Just have Kilgore on feet, a fast weapon on had and PPPPK
The last hit is the best in the game for cc I believe

I like how Rodin's voice actor is the same one that did Cortez in Timesplitters and Pimpy the Clown in Deponia Doomsday

dude, suck my dick. I played bayonetta 1 on the xbox 360 and the wii u before the PC release, and the rocket section was just as shitty there too. If you genuinely think there's nothing wrong with it you're a fucking moron. It's not hard, nobody's saying it's hard, it's just not fun at all and goes on for too long.

only one if you use cheat engine :)

Platinum Games are teasing Bayonetta 3 right now on their youtube channel

How do you put weapons on your feet?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad would everyone be if this was a Switch exclusive?

everyone noticed the "update" bayo got where it added a vanquish avatar to the extras folder right??

it's happening.

Depends, can you emulate it?

>It's a Gracious and Glorious verse

6, I have the money if it turns out good

Well user, when you go the equip screen you have 2 weapon sets and each has 2 slots, first for hand and second for feet.
Not all weapons can be used on feet like the sword/whip or on hand like the ice skates


Having a PC and having to switch back to console for some arbitrary reason like "exclusive" titles is just so weird.

Money ain't even the issue. One second you are playing 1440p / 144hz and next sub 1080p and 30 fps, 60 if you are lucky.

I'm an idort and I feel the same. However for Bayo 2 they made sure the game ran at 60 fps as this is needed for this kind of game imho. For me frames is everything, I don't care much about resolution and would actually rather play game X at 720p@60fps than at 1080p@30fps. If a game comes to PC tho, it's always the go to platform in my book

I'm more curious about what comes after Vanquish in sega's ruse cruise

>Have to limit frames to 30fps just so it wouldn't go above 80C

I agree though, I don't want to play a 20fps shitshow at 1080p when I coud play it ~30-40 at 720p (that I did with witcher 3)

Lets be real, any resolution greater than 1024x768 is diminishing returns.

It all depends on monitor size, but I don't feel any need to upgrade from 1080p

Burger here

Why does everyone always say "British" accent

I thought Britain was more than just England

From what little I've played it seems they got rid of enemy introduction cutscenes ending with them attacking you, no cutscene QTEs (don't remember if bosses got any beyond climaxes and counters), but also no grab/punish attacks, angel weapons are now used with the shoot button instead of taking punch and kick but it seems they are restricted to a basic action now or I can't get them to work, Umbran Climax where you can activate Wicked Weave mode for a bit is really cool

I also feel the plot doesn't have much presence, but maybe I'm just dense, though I liked when the masked lumen showed up, he's the equivalent of Jeanne in this game and during his fight,
Bayo summons Madama Butterfly and he summons Iustitia and you see them fighting on the background

>they got rid of enemy introduction cutscenes ending with them attacking you, no cutscene QTEs

Fuck that's so awesome

It's awful.


Fire Durga/Odette on feet makes you immune to lava
]Fire Durga on hands lets you hit enemies on fire without taking damage/stagger

I think I'm playing this game wrong by holding down my attack buttons to attack with my guns. Do I just ignore that and dodge offsetting and go for combos?

you don't ignore dodge offsetting and go for combos, dodge offsetting is HOW you go for combos

no need to hold down after every punch or kick though, only when you want or need to dodge and then continue the combo

You're doing it right. Do that with quad shotguns and gracious&glorious will have no defense against you. Gunfire can be just as good as wicked weaves in some situations, and both are generally better than just getting a ton of hits in.

I've never been so simultaneously confused and pissed off at a story. Also gameplay is constantly interrupted by cutscenes. Overrated as hell.

It's kind of hard to have all this going on in my head at once, and I'm awful with coordination and timing.

england has a lot of different accents too

her accent is we'd call 'queen's english' (though it's exaggerated), this is what's typically used on TV and as a result is what's come to be known as the british accent.

>]Fire Durga on hands lets you hit enemies on fire without taking damage/stagger

I was doing a disabled witch time Alfheim with burning enemies and I couldn't touch them with fire Durga on hands, but I could with Fire durga on feet, now that I have both I can touch them with hands too

Can you teach me a good dodge offset combo? I only use DO for charged Shuraba or Wicked Weaves Alfheims, i do PK+dodge, I'd like to do P+DK+DP but sometimes I end up doing the hold dodge + P or K attacks and it fucks my attack

>now that I have both


Just try it a few times and you'll get the muscle memory for it, at first I couldn't do it to save my life but then suddenly it clicked and I could do it effortlessly any time I wanted to.

You thought it was garbage and the absolute worst game you played. Replay it.

I straight up avoided spoiling the game for myself for several years until it either came to PC or I decided to get a console that could play it; whichever came first.

It was everything that it had been hyped up to be.

I remember buying the Special Bayonetta 2 Edition for the Wii U after playing Bayon 1 on my 360

I played it thrice ( Bayo 2 ) and it was fun as fuck and i was thrilled to play the better version on Wii U now.
And to be honest Bayo 1 was such a letdown after 2 that i couldnt even finish 1/3 of the game.
The instant QTE deatsh were horrible, it felt clunky as fuck, less weapons, less combos it was a chore to play compated to Bayo 2.

Yeah Bayo 1 was a good game but has a better sequel

what type of english is Rosen's "noice"?

I honestly don't know, I moved about a lot growing up and I find it hard to tell accents apart

thanks anyway