>Work on a fangame
>Release any kind of information about your project before it is 100% complete
>Act surprised when you get a C&D
They deserve it for talking about it. Stupid idiots
What's stopping these people from still working on it
They're not dumb enough to have their personal info out there are they?
Zenimax/Bethesda to shut down MetaDoom when?
>work on this shit for three years
>decide to release a trailer when they're not done yet
>they get their shit slapped
Why do these fuckers still do this? They have to know this happens almost every fucking time
This. They really should've learned by now.
>modteam uses less than legal shit, or just IP/assets they have no rights to
>tells the whole fucking world what they want to do
>invests hours of effort, get shut down
For the last fucking time, if you wanna make a cool mod and you don't own ALL assets, KEEP IT A FUCKING SECRET UNTIL YOU FINISH. They can't stop it once it's already out. Stop posting about your project for asspats since it will never get finished if you do. I suspect half these clowns know this and do it like this on purpose so they can get asspats while never actually delivering on anything other than concept art.
RDR remaster confirmed
never ever
>pf@ts so desperate for games they remake an entire console game for PC
I have no doubt that Rockstar already knows who's working on it.
cant you just get an xbox 360 with red dead for 50 bucks at this point? whats even the point anymore like holy fuck pc fags
To be play a much better version of it. I already have it on xbox 360 from ages ago
Bethesda actually encourages stuff like the mod remakes of Morrowind and Oblivion in Skyrim. Plus not touching massive DLC size mods.
With the shit they're known for, they at least let fan content floruish.
These stupid motherfuckers. Holy shit.
fuck pc cucks
if ever real life purge happens i will shoot anyone who says he plays game ona pc, fuck them
Quite literally gold face'd again
Yet again the industry proves it cares little about anything else other than money, and by extension proves that anybody who tries to argue that exclusivity is good and/or piracy is bad is a fucking dipshit
>identifies itself as 'in the EU' rather than their country
Lel, brainwashing almost complete
This is bullshit.
And you fags saying this was a legit move are stupid as fuck. Go ask Taleworlds if allowing mods for warband was a good idea. They will tell you. Rockstar is fucking stupid for doing this, all it will do is keep their game relevant longer.
You are a double faggot.
/Thread and
Gtfo pol cuck
>Small Dev team who makes no money this relies on mods to improve their shitty games and brring in more customers
>Big Dev team, big money, don't need mods to bring in customers
Spot the difference moron.
What's wrong with that?
It's sort of like saying "Since the laws in the US" instead of "Since the laws in Arizona".
Are you genuinely retarded? Do you genuinely not see a difference between a Federation that created territories for the purpose of joining a Union and independent nations with hundreds of years of culture and history being forced to give up their identity and self-determinism towards a monolithic Super State?
To be fair couldn't releasing it get you into some actual trouble?
How would that have hurt the sales of RDR, OR GTA V, if anything it will increase GTA V sales.
They're being dicks for the sake of being dicks.
There were probably about 2% and would have never finished it anyway and if they had it would be wonky in all kind of places and not authentic at all.
it just keeps happening
just fucking finish it, then release it online under a pseudonym
Not everything needs to be about console wars, virgin.
Literally Nintendo tier
How to open a patreon then? That's the long term goal for any of this projects nowadays.
>release it
>get C&D
>say OK, take it down
>doesn't matter since it's on all the torrent sites now
They complied once informed, the law doesn't expect everyone to understand copyright law before they publish anything.
Every time.
But to be fair this is jewstar we are talking about.
They will force you to buy shark cards and artificially inflate the economy in GTA online
I read on reddit that people do this to pad their resume. They get a lot of publicity, but never actually have to release anything to be scrutinized. Makes sense to me.
Germany already did it why can't europe?
I do. There is some massive differences. But the fact remains that EU members are subject to the EU laws, so what's wrong in mentioning the EU when they are more or less the ones who decide your countries copyright law?
You know, if Arizona had some special laws unique to that or a few states then you mention that, but to make it easier when you are talking about some common collective laws you might as well say US is what I'm getting at. It's sort of the same with the EU in that regard.
rdr 2 will be rockstar's first major AAA blunder since leslie left after gtav. Karma is going to bite them hard for being massive jews especially after gta online
>Taleworlds games are shitty.
Get the fuck out.
Seriously, take your fucking mundane intellect and get the fuck off my board.
Then think about how the "Shitty game" made by a small dev team managed to make one of the most innovative and unique games in the last 15 years, AND have the forethought to make it in such a way that allowed the fanbase to make it even better.
You are stupid as fuck if you think that Rockstar would turn down somebody else making content for their game that would get more people to buy it.
The only reason they are doing this is because some dumbfuck at corporate though a RDR mod would stymy hype for the next RDR game.
Seriously fucking kill yourself.
Link to reddit post?
How is reverse engineering illegal?
if they release it, then get a C&D, they can shut down their servers and there can't be a lawsuit because they complied with the dev/publisher wishes
BUT someone will have downloaded it and they can spread it all they want, because the dev/pub has no way to track down stuff like that
the problem is they announced it at all, meaning they receive a C&D NOW, meaning they can never release it, because the moment it appears online, the dev/pub knows the only people who had copies and could have given them out were people who were explicitly told not to release it
in example 1, the internet gets a hold of the game during the short amount of time the modders could host it before the C&D, the modders complied with the dev/publisher to stop distributing it and therefore cannot be sued
everyone wins
in example 2 the modders wanted to show off how cool they were to everyone by bragging about their work before it was done, got hit with a C&D before they could release, so now they can never leak it or they would get sued, and we never get a chance to play it
everyone loses
Were they accepting donations? If not, how does a mod break copyright law?
Yeah. Im sure.
I fucked up the first line
>If they had released it, then got a C&D
For fuck's sake, just port it to PC already Cockstar.
Then just don't use any intellectual property you don't own, you can still make your fangame a lots like the original without using the name or ripping the models/sprites, specially if it uses a realistic artstyle like RDR does.
You don't.
If you want to make money you use your own assets or pay other people for them.
If you want to steal other people's assets then you do that as a personal project and release it for free when you finish.
>everse engineering
uh, what?
>Getting this assplasted over someone's opinion.
If mount and blade didn't have mods it would be an irrelevant game, don't cry because I don't meet your expectations of what a game should be. There's literally nothing innovative about vanilla mount and blade.
GTA5 unlike taleword shitty barebone games does not require mods for people to be interested in a purchase. Cry more.
No, you can still play RDR as it should be, this is not a new game, it's just a reskin. It was priobably never gonna be released anyways, I'm pretty sure halfway through it would've gone into permanent "hiatus"
leslie is the reason rdr was released in the first place. Rockstar of David has no idea how to manage a project without him.
There are legal reasons, by not taking action it makes it harder to stop future copyright theft by others.
But by that point the damage has been done so the company might want some restitution no? You know due to "lost revenue" or whatever they want to dress it up as.
Granted I doubt a gaming company would go that far too hunt down a bunch of teenagers since the backlash would be huge, but the possibility still remains.
Of course they don't want it to be out
Somewhere in future they will port it in pc themselves and make more shekels
What I'm getting from this is that companies can shit all over this concept if they're big enough.
>Nothing innovative about vanilla mound and blade.
Name me one game that allows you to do what Mount and Blade does. I've looked. There isn't one.
Further to the point taking the first iteration of a game that has been out for that long as the comparison point is fucking retarded. Even so Vanilla is still better that 95% of the trash that gets released.
Completely copying a game and releasing it for free is not fair use.
Its not fair use you stupid cunt lol
Take a motherfuckers assets and slapping it on something
Then the company is moving beyond C&D. Even with crack lawyers I'd love to watch them fail to argue how a mod for their game results in lost sales.
Depends on the mod and what they were doing with it.
For example if I were to edit a single line of code in file to give the character double the HP and then distribute it as a mod then I would be sharing their files on the internet. But if I made like a program that edits the file for the user then obviously it would be a different matter, since the file has never been redistributed.
Of course most devs/publishers don't care about that petty shit since most of the time it just benefits them. Sort like with Let's Plays.
>it happened AGAIN
They must be doing it on purpose, how do they benefit from this happening? There has to be an incentive to say you're working on a big fangame project and then blab about it publicly so that you get C&D, these people cannot be this retarded when it just keeps happening over and over.
Hip hop uses samples all the time.
Why can't I sample assets from other games?
Starsector is the only other game in the "gameplay genre"
This isn't true. You're thinking of trademark.
They were using assets from the 360 version of RDR
However modifying a game you own, and releasing the modification without profiting from it is not copyright infringement.
As you are not denying income to the developer.
I bet you think John Deere's legal argument that nobody owns their tractors because they have ECU's in them.
Fucking corporate shills.
Remember when Dice hired the modders that made Desert Combat to work on Battlefield 2? I member.
Hell GTA IV had a huge modding scene, Rockstar are massive cocks.
Starsector came out after MB too.
The courts don't expect every single content creator to understand copyright law to a T. Hence why you can publish something containing someone else's IP/assets/whatever, and as long as you comply with the C&D, you can't be dragged through the courts.
Otherwise, anytime anyone wanted to parody anything they would need to hire a team of lawyers to go over it and make sure they were 100% in compliance with the law. This would create a chilling effect on a protected form of free speech.
Kek I just thought of "gameplay genre" literally. Very few games that belong in that genre these days indeed!
Profit has almost nothing to do with fair use.
Vanilla Ice had to pay David Bowie.
Not saying it was likely. Just a slim slim possibility. The modders are still retarded for blabbing about it.
Fair enough.
If you hate them so much dont buy their games
I quit playing rdr long before I would have had it not been stuck at 720p 30fps
The fact that you're so happy it is, and that you have to buy a new game or a remaster for $60 to get it or something like it in a modern playable state, is pretty mindblowingly pathetic. You should probably kill yourself
Not explicitly, no, but definitely implicitly. The whole idea is to make sure some asshole can't profit off your work but can still use your work to better society without having to shill out to you.
Sampling in a song is transformative.
Ripping an entire asset and reusing it is stealing.
For instance, if you rip a chair model from Game X and use it in your own game you aren't using the asset in a transformative way, you're just using someone else's chair without authorization, therefore it's not fair use.
Even if you edit the chair, change it's colour or texture, you're not changing anything that effects the overall work, and is definitely not for review or parody. (unless you're actually making a parody game and the chair is a parody of the chair in it's original work)
Even in the case of hip-hop music how much of the work being sampled comes into it.
tl;dr This shit is confusing and constantly open to interpretation. If you want to make a lot of money become a copyright lawyer because the internet has guaranteed a steady and lucrative opportunity for decades.
>making a trailer
>not just releasing the mod when its done and then letting the internet take care of things
I been through the desert on a horse with no game
>only PCbros are mad
What a good day
They did that to not get sued.
That doesn't mean it's open to everything either.
You can't take a whole movie and release it with your personal commentary claiming fair use. It's not.
Similarly you can't release someone else's game claiming it's fair use.
I hate the company not their games
The only reason I can see them doing this is because they're planning a RDR PC release at some point or maybe just toying around with the idea. If they let this mod happen there would be absolutely no money made if/when they released the actual game on PC, why is it so hard for people to understand?
People need to fucking stop releasing trailers a year in advance.
Just work on the game / mod in private, and release it.
Let it stay up for like 2-3 days, do NOT answer your phone during that time or read any texts / emails sent to you, then take it down saying you didn't know about the C&D until that point.
It'll quickly hit all the torrent sites everywhere and if it's impressive you'll probably get some job offers.
Seriously, we'd have a half dozen really fucking cool HD remakes / modded ports / remakes / super in depth mods at this point if people would stop trying to show off well before release.
What the fuck are you talking about? If you release it, you can only get told to take, you won't go to court over it unless you were selling it. As long as they take it down when asked, it could be released and spread
Makes sense. After all Nintendo sent that C&D to AM2R because they are clearly making a new 2D Metroid game.
I played RDR a few times and still own a copy, and I'm pissed.
Do you seriously not want 4k 60fps RDR with the option for first person gameplay?
Why would soneone spend years on something and release it anonymously? No money, no kudos no nothing?
That's actually kind of sad