Holy shit this is pretty good so far

Holy shit this is pretty good so far.

yeah but it paints religion in a negative light so the drumpfkins that populate Sup Forums will hate it and call it reddit

Wrong, it paint CHRISTIANITY in a negative light.

What does the one have to do with the other?

And I'd be fine with it if it had atleast been good to begin with. It's just the most stereotypical shit
A goddamn monkey could have written a better story

It's anti christian propaganda at best.

Can we just discuss the game ffs?

>Sup Forums is suddenly full of Christfags

>another jump scare horror game where you run away all day

Your bait is weak and not even talking about the video game.

I don't need to be a christfag to make an observation my man

I know mang but it's pretty fucking scary.

It's not really propaganda if it actually happens, now is it.

It's so cringe to see devs try and paint Christianity in such a bad light. They really tried too hard here

Is it less predictable than the first game?
>press button or get quest item
>bad guy crashes through door


Painting religion in a negative light has been a staple of video games for a long time now. I don't see why it would suddenly be an issue now.

This is the year of horror games that rip off the hills have eyes.

>It's another jumpscares = scary video game


I-I heard a rumor over on NeoGaf that Jim Sterling is in the game, is this true? If so i'll give it a miss.

Why do people treat Christianity as they should treat Judaism and Islam?

This is who wrote the story

Shes a good Christian, r-right? Of course not! she made a game with hatred directed at Catholicism.

Damn communists

Enjoy the last quarter of it, it gets horrifically awful.

What the fuck happened in the ending, I thought that there would be some science explanation like the first game.

>shit ai
>hide and go seek simulator
>trial & error chases

No thanks

>a self-proclaimed prophet's cult offshoot = Christianity
it's a reference to the whacky christian cults like heaven's gate
the town itself is fucking called temple gate

Jesus Christ I am installing the GOG version for over 30 minutes now. This is insane and annoying as hell and yes I've got a good enough PC but I won't install games on my SSD.