What's the American version of Kojima?
What's the American version of Kojima?
Ken Levine maybe
Man once you hit 40 you should just not wear t-shirts anymore. Looks like a damn homo
No one should wear T-shirts for anything outside of the home at any age.
Alfred Hitchcock
some SJW guy
she looks very happy and excited to meet hideo
but thats kojima
Post Joost
David Cage.
An overrated piece of shit?
the Wachowski sisters
wait a minute, that girl......
Chris Metzen. Made great games and was a pretty good writer in his past. Built up an iconic franchise that he eventually drove into the ground. While the passion to make great things was still there, but the desire to one-up your past got in-front of just making a good game.
The hack that completely butchered diablo with 3?
David Lynch
not her, you're faceblind
yet you knew who I was talking about
While he was like the lead game designer at blizzard for D3 I don't think he had much direct control of the games development. He probably had the final say in shit but Jay Wilson was the primary reason D3 was such an abortion at launch. At the time of D3's development Metzen was probably balls deep in Overwatch's development, and turning Kerrigan into space jesus.
>While he was like the lead game designer at blizzard, for D3
Should have been a comma after Blizzard there.
I will hunt you down and kill you in your sleep.
Yes they should be classy and only wear a tailored suit and matching fedora
i like the hideki tojo glasses
Who /polomasterrace/ here?
Better than the tshirt and trenchcoat with fedora that you're sporting.
Who's that girl?
It was a booth babe, right?
Metzen has a writer credit specifically for the story full of retcons that trampled on the past games.
I, but it makes me look autistic as fuck as well.
This some kinda new meme? What the fuck is wrong with wearing a T-shirt at any age?
cliffy b?
Richard Garriot
If that is what you are talking about then I guess yeah. I never gave much of a shit about the d3 story aside from your a warrior that is on a quest to kill demons. I was more talking about the gameplay.
>forced to say he's gay by Bioware PR
If it's not I'm coining it now as "basement dweller fashion tips".
Mono colored polo shirts from Walmart are top tier. And when they get worn out? Throw them away and buy a new one for 8$.
>fingerless gloves
>sunglasses and a cap
I'm probably the coolest person you'll ever speak to
Maybe john carpenter.
I thought the exact same thing, are we all faceblind?
It's only graphic shirts that you should throw away after turning 17. Blanks are fine.
You just have to make sure they fit so you don't look like a sausage, such as in OP's pic
Not at all.
Richard Garriot or Warren Spector
I can't think of anyone else as influential and unconventional as Kojimbo.
Oh fug, is it actually her?
Man, I haven't seen this in a while, I should watch it again
The story only makes it better
She deserved to have her life ruined.
what story
Nose is completely different, same with the shape of her teeth. Not the same girl.
Cage is a fucking frog though
>girl wants to make her uptight parents mad
>like any rational, functioning human being would do, she signs up for some brutal facerape porn shoot
>and she loved it
>everyone around her finds out
>Parents disowned her, I think
>Life now ruined because she wanted to be a vapid irrational whore
Dad was vicepresident at goldman-sachs
They were super rich, she was ivy league and really talented both academically and playing piano or some shit
>Five days before this movie, Mayli turned eighteen. Two weeks before that, she danced at her Senior Prom. In these modern times, there's really no tribal initiation into adulthood, but apparently Mayli figured one out. By challenging herself on the Facial Abuse couch. This is Mayli's first porno, and first time tossing her fortune cookies from a cock. As a rookie Mayli just took to it, must have been her submissive Asian side. She took the cock right down the throat like a pro. Then worked her 5'8" long lean body like a rabbit while fucking Bootleg's 25 year older cock. That ol' Man Whore was in Heaven. At the end of the mayhem, we coated her face with some fresh Pearl Cream from our scrotums. It was then that Mayli said she will never do an extreme scene again. Welcome to the Downward Spiral Mayli!
Wasn't she some national or state level Violinist as well?
art too
Chris Roberts
cliff bazinga
I feel like the story gets more details with everytime it's told. By christmas this year she probably built a working space elevator with only dried up semen while having 3 AAA batteries logged inside her asshole
>Parents disowned her, I think
They did not, user.
I don't understand women.
It's a years old story, ya dink
Mayli, google is you friend
todd is a steve jobs wannabe.
>'it just works'
>most bugfixes are from unofficial fan patches.
Last I heard she got busted dealing drugs.
yea got it now
George Lucas