ITT games that people only defend because they are exclusive.
ITT games that people only defend because they are exclusive
People defend SF:0?
The cake is a lie. Lol #megusta. Hehe le 9gag army strikes again. Now back to unpacking the new loot crate while watching Rick & Morty like a boss. True story. Here's a potato. #justsonythings
people were hyped for it, but nobody 'defended' it after it released. It's mediocre at best.
I like it not because it's exclusive but because it's a star fox game. As exclusive as all other star fox games, some of which I don't like.
It's a rather good game though. It builds a lot on SF64 and Assault and the bosses are incredible.
The only one that defends that turd is Cody.
*burps directly into Richard's asshole*
Or maybe people defend this game because it is actually good ?
And maybe because it is the best game in the serie ?
No it isn't dude, its worse than SF64 in every imaginable way.
The levels and bosses fucking suck. Its a huge dissappointment.
nice bait
Get schwifty roflmao xD wubba lubba dub dub. God is not real Morty lol.
not an argument.
I love star fox but didnt get it because people said you cant control the ship traditionally.
Why didnt nintendo just include a option for normal controls?
not an argument
Iwata tasked Miyamoto with making a game that wouldn't work without the GamePad.
Too bad it was three years too late into the Wii U's life.
I thought it was better than 64 and I'm a nostalgia fag who played that on N64 as a kid. 0 is like a 7/10 game. It was fun but didn't change my life.
I enjoyed it. I haven't played a new arcade game since the Wii in 2009.
>shit bosses
>shit levels
>less levels than 64
>less branching paths
>somersault, u-turn, boost and brake all mapped to the stick
>made a level based on the barrel roll meme
>dual screen gimmick sucks
>gyrocopter is the worst vehicle in SF, bar none
>fucking STEALTH MISSIONS in god damn Star Fox
>levels like Forever Train are nowhere to be seen
Zero is a 4/10 at best
I'm sad to hear you didn't like it. But I, as well as they guy you replied to, did.
>No it isn't dude, its worse than SF64 in every imaginable way.
>The levels and bosses fucking suck. Its a huge dissappointment.
The levels in Star Fox Zero are way better and more challenging. The only thing Star Fox 64 does better is the alternative routes, everything else is superceded by Star Fox Zero.
Star Fox 64's bosses go down in seconds the moment their weakpoint is exposed and the All Range Mode was so rudimentary that the All-Range mode bosses could be hit anywhere and the only one with a weak point(Andross's brain) in All Range Mode had a bigger weak point than the Strider enemies have in the first mission of Star Fox Zero.
>Why didnt nintendo just include a option for normal controls
The motion controls is essentially a third analog stick in Star Fox Zero and the left and right analogs have vital roles. They'd gimp the game if they had the traditional control scheme.
I was merely making an hypothesis, not an affirmation.
Also, not an argument.
I love Iwata and all...but fuck dude.
>The levels in Star Fox Zero are way better and more challenging
No they aren't. Sector Omega is the only one in the game that's as good as any of the 64 levels.
>Star Fox 64's bosses go down in seconds the moment their weakpoint is exposed
So do Zero's
All-range mode is trash anyways, and Zero focusing so hard on it is a huge flaw of the game
Then change the control scheme altogether. What you describe makes me never want to play the game.
Its far from the best in the series, SF64 and the original are so much better.
>No they aren't.
Sector Gamma is a straight up improvement of the Star Fox 64 version.
thats just cody being an autist, as usual
Its not Cody, I would recognize his posting style if it was
And what is the basis for that ?
In term of Gameplay and Level design (which are the two most important aspects), Zero surpass 64 and the original.
I actually don't get why the graphics are so retardedly bad in this game. WTF was Nintendo smoking? There are a lot of Wii U games that look really good too, that's why I don't get it.
It was alright for the $30 I paid for it. Flawed fundamentals though, holy hell.
>Zero surpass 64 and the original.
Bull fucking shit. You just have a garbage opinion.
>I actually don't get why the graphics are so retardedly bad in this game.
The game had REALLY bad framerate issues during development, because the game is rendered on both screens at 60 fps.
It also stalled development for a long time.
If they had just cut the dual screen gimmick and done a by the numbers Star Fox game, it wouldn't have bad controls AND would actually have content.
Fucking Miyamoto.
>Bull fucking shit. You just have a garbage opinion.
not an argument
How does Zero surpass 64? Let's hear it. If you're going to go to bat for the game then fucking go to bat.
a lot of those seem like falseflags/shitposts to me. That said, some people may like it, it's not really outright terrible, just a major disappointment.
Not an argument, sweetie
I dont argue with racists
Not him but you should speak for yourself all you've done is just pretend and insist Zero hasn't improved on 64.
>I paid full price for this
Motion controls would have been fine if they didn't fuck up the normal controls in the process and make normal shots not hit where they're supposed to go
More like
>people only defended because it was Platinum
Platinum barely worked on the game, they only provided assets. They didn't work on the gameplay.
Zero did surpass 64. It's cute how no one actually talks about how the gameplay in Zero (You know, the MOST IMPORTANT PART) has evolved from the 64 days. All anyone seems to want to talk about is how badly the game sold. Which, of course, is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
In reality, Zero's control scheme has led to a breakthrough mix that pushes the traditional rail shooter in interesting new ways. It's amazing how much more depth Zero has than 64 from a gameplay perspective. Tackling situations in vastly different ways leads to an incredibly versatile and fresh unique experience that never really gets old.
Fuck off, Cody.
Yeah, nice excuse platinumfag, always a excuse, same with Korra amirite?
Already said it.
The gameplay is clearly an improvement over 64.
Just the fact that you can aim makes Zero ten times better than it's predecessors.
And the level design is great, plus the "staging" (if it's the good word) is fantastic, there is a real sensation of intergalactic war.
>Just the fact that you can aim makes Zero ten times better than it's predecessors.
You're just a casual, that's all there is to it.
>plus the "staging" (if it's the good word) is fantastic, there is a real sensation of intergalactic war.
The only stage where this is true is the battleship + Star Wolf stage. None of the rest give that feeling.
Oh now I know Sin & Punishment is a game for casuals because aiming is easy mode, thanks user.
If you think SF64 aiming is difficult you're the definition of casual
Also, good controls doesn't mean a damn thing when the bosses and levels suck, like they do in Zero
>If you think SF64 aiming is difficult you're the definition of casual
Never said that. Better doesn't mean that the other game suck.
>the bosses and levels suck
That's your opinion, not the actual truth.
B-b-but it's Platinum, so it's okay, everything they shit out is gold according to a very obnoxious fanbase on Sup Forums
>The gameplay is clearly an improvement over 64.
>Just the fact that you can aim makes Zero ten times better than it's predecessors.
>And the level design is great
>there is a real sensation of intergalactic war
You're making these incredibly nebulous claims that don't actually refute or strengthen any kinds of arguments, yet when someone disagrees you say "HURR DURR NOT AN ARGUMENT". You have to actually explain your stance, cupcake.
Fuck off, they literally made normal shots not aimed with motion controls innacurate
Platinum had nothing to do with the gameplay.
>Still posting this lie
People need to reconsider what they think is "defending".
You can enjoy a mediocre game and I don't think that's a problem. Most video games are probably mediocre, not great, and not utter shit.
I didn't like SF:0 or Yooka Laylee but I can see how someone thinks its ok. Versus, say, MN9, which is utter shit.
I am not gonna write a fucking book on game design just to defend a game on a fucking chinese cartoon board.
If you can't see how the gameplay is better after what was said here, can't help you buddy.
Also, are you seriously responding to a "not-an-argument" guy with LITERALLY the same "argument" ?
>If you can't see how the gameplay is better after what was said here, can't help you buddy.
I've actually played both games and SFZ is definitely not an improvement.
You just suck.