Is Nintendo the last hope for the fighting game genre?
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Has any of the other characters' alt colors been revealed?
Ninjara is purple.
Just Ninjara.
He's pink
There's no way the fighting game community is gonna move to this game in any significant way no matter how good the game ends up being.
This game looks retarded
>fighting gamers
>physical activity
Mostly because the fgc is extremely autistic and stuck in their ways.
Inferior copy of the actual savior of the genre.
She has a skirt 'cause she's supposed to look like a cheerleader, and three-inch heels, because uh
>extremely autistic
Sounds like Nintendo is the place for them.
They're character shoes, like stage actresses wear. They're designed so you can walk, run and dance easily while still looking like heels
There are only 2 legit good players at that game from Sup Forums, the rest are a stinky pile of trash
motion controls can be disabled, you thick-skulled fuck
Those shoes aren't the same
shit was this posted today? black looks good on her
They're still heels.
So either FIGHTING GAME ENTHUSIASTS are not going to play this, or ruin it by using shit controls, and making it so anyone using motion is considered "pleb".Fantastic.
I don't wanna start the whole flame war up again but I promised that other user I'd post this when another thread was made so here
vote for how you think arms should handle content
>Even suggesting that ARMS follow SFV's footsteps
Are you fucking retarded?
Why does Sup Forums latch onto this whole "fighting games are dead/dying!" thing so hard? Moreso than any other genre
It worked for Splatoon
>It worked for a completely different genre
So you ARE retarded then
mate, chill. Let's not devolve into shit flinging like last thread.
Then don't bring your utterly braindead suggestings into the thread, fag
kek not even my suggestion. it's what a bunch of people last thread suggested
>I-It wasn't me guys! I swear! L-Lemme backtrack harder
Just fuck off
cmon, user. I know you're trying to bump the thread but we can do that in a more civilized manner
>It worked for an awful game
No because while ARMS is a fighting game it is not a traditional fighting game. It is like comparing fencing to boxing. There are so many things that are conceptually the same, but are expressed in very different manners. If you consider 2D fighting games to be dying you should know that ARMS will not help solve that problem. Neither will Smash, and probably not Tekken either. Unless the Marvel is really good 2D fighting games last good leg will probably be Revelator 2.
They also showed a clip of the Shocker and a pic of the lab stage. It looks like the green guy's fans are there in the back.
Party games are not fighting games.
does being in 3D really change the core design philosophies of the fighting genre though? It's still about balance, combos, punishing bad decisions, etc
All fighting games are also party games so...
I really wish they'd give us more info but I guess small bits of info are better than no info
2D and 3D fighting games play VERY differently. For example, sidestepping exists in 3D, which is huge because it means that it can matter what direction your arm swings in, whether it goes from the left or from the right.
I just meant in reference to you answering OP's question. If 3D fighters can improve on what fighting games do, why can't they revive fighting games?
There's nothing inherently better or worse about 2D or 3D fighters. They're related, but different genres.
That the crux of the problem. Being 3D doesn't change any of the design philosophies. The way those design choices are executed determine why people enjoy the game though. Street Fighter players like how they express themselves through Street Fighter. They like the controller inputs, and having six attack buttons, and holding back to block, and how they can move the characters around. ARMS doesn't have that. Guilty Gear, KoF, Killer Instinct, and Marvel all do to some extent. That is their comfort zone and how they like to play. Most Melee players don't want that. They want wavedashing, edge guarding, shields, and multi shinning with space animals. They all use the same shit. Spacing, reads, conditioning, mix ups, and what not are all there. People just have a preference for how it's done. ARMS will have those things, but it expresses itself it's own way. That way is not anyway better or worse, just different. And when people really love something they want more of the same, not different.
you're right, they are different but the 2D genre doesn't seem to connect with kids as much as 3D does. Besides 3D has another dimension which adds another layer of complexity. Isn't more always better?
Are 3D platformers inherently better than 2D platformers? It has an added dimension, isn't more always better?
melty blood is the only fighting game i like, new melty blood when
you could argue that, yes
>a party game on a portable device with no recognizable developers on staff
>getting ANY attention from the fgc
Fuck man. Contest of Champions could come to the Switch and you retards would shill it as a fighting game savior. Calm down.
>i've been shot in the heart 0 times
>wanna get shot in the heart
>Sure! isn't more always better?
nothing is "always" better, only sith deal in absolutes.
but do you think "the expression of Arms" will be received better than traditional fighters have been?
you presume I am not a sith, user
Man you Nintendo drones really are delusional
The most hilarious part is that fighting games are alive and well more than they've been in years. If anyone thinks it needs to be "saved" they're just completely out of touch, because we're coming out of the greatest fighting game revival of history.
Who the fuck cares what they think? there's like less then 2 million of them
Japan get the crazy tiddie ninja announcer while we get the boring announcer who makes bad puns
Misplaced hope
about as delusional as the people who think Arms won't sell 1 million easy
>Street Fighter and Mahvel are both confirmed dead
>all the anime fighters are functionally identical
sounds dead to me. ARMS and Smash are carrying this corpse of a scene
>Street Fighter appears on ESPN
>some user declares it dead
Good one.
>party game
Fucking this. TTT2, KI, KOF XIII, USFIV, and UMVC3 were all huge less than a decade ago. Fuck, even games Netherrealm games were a big deal. Nintendo fans are out of touch because Smash 4 was garbage which somehow means the genre is dead.
Take Street Fighter to a party and see how long the casuals stay entertained.
>rootkit fighter V
>sold less then a fucking WiiU pokeyman spinoff fighter
capcom throwing dosh at a corpse won't bring it back
>a party game
Exactly what makes it a party game when it has a bunch of shit you find in fighting games? Just watch the fucking tournament footage.
>consistently running 1200 to 2000 players on average at any given time on Steam alone
>not including PS4 players
>but user doesn't like it, so it's dead
Street fighter 2 was the first party game. Why do you think it was so popular on the Snes and had a fucking holywood movie
If you don't follow the scene then you have no right to an opinion. You can enjoy your party game, but don't speak for a genre that you can't even be added to understand or get actively involved in.
Who the fuck cares about the fgc? You people bitch about Smash but that game literally controls your scene now.
You're nothing.
Where I live they literally have SF machines at the normie bars, its as much a party game as any fighting game.
>only 2k people playing
>this is somehow good
You're skullgirls levels of dead
The same fighting game community whose large proportion likes and plays smash. I'm not seeing your point.
Everything about thia game outside of the characters looks terrible
Party games are games that few players take seriously relative to genre staples. You won't see people like infiltration, tombrady, or Mikado at an ARMS tourney. You're playing yourself.
explain. gameplay looks great and the arenas are interactive and well designed
I think so, just maybe in different crowds. ARMS will most likely reach an audience that hasn't been reached by the FGC. Kids who aren't in to traditional fighters, and the broader Nintendo fanbase mostly. It also helps if it has really good single player content. The video game medium is generally split between multiplayer and single player gamers. Fighting games tend to be on the low end of the popularity scale for multiplayer games. Mostly because they are perceived as less accessible. But if it has good single player content is could draw in a lot of people from the single player crowd. Though this can be a double edged sword, as these people almost certainly won't play the game competitively unless it really strikes a cord with certain individuals. So you get a very well received game, but most likely a smaller grassroots community. The thing that needs to be realized about all competitive gamers is that they don't actually consume video games. The buy one and then play it until the end of time. These people aren't responsible for big successes like Call of Duty or Ubisoft stuff. They buy like max 5 games a year, because they spends most of the time playing the same game.
The exception is not the rule. Fighting games can be party games as we have seen in smash.
Again, all fighting games are party games. Just because you play a party game """""""competitively"""""" doesn't make it not a party game.
Your definition is nonsense that litterally describes 99% of all fighting games.
i do hope the arms community doesn't get too big but gets big enough to warrant sequels
well, looks like they're about tied. and you guys said the community wasn't split on this issue
Where the fuck did I mention smash, you defensive troglodyte? Melee was good enough to survive even past Brawl because it was that strong and came when the genre really was dead.
>i do hope the arms community doesn't get too big
whenever a community gets too big it turns to shit. Seen it happen a ton of times
>skullgirls levels of dead
Dude, you don't even know what you're saying. Skullgirls barely breaks 100 players and it has NEVER broken 1000 in its entire life.
Street Fighter V:
Fighting games will never be fully mainstream, but it's not dead by fighting game terms. Here are some other fighting game examples:
Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-:
Ultra Street Fighter IV:
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend:
Hopefully you can see that you're talking out of your ass. The fact that SFV is consistently well over 1k players and also frequently breaks 2k is actually extremely good for a fighting game. The only fighting game doing better than SFV is Brawlhalla.
"relative" is the functioning word in that post. ALL multiplayer games are party games to someone, but more people take games like sf seriously than niche games like this.
>Fighting games can be party games as we have seen in smash.
No, Smash IS a party game, you idiot. That's the whole point of what I was saying there.
Smash is the text book game trolled by the term party game. It's litterally the only reason the term is used because it dwarfs the rest of the industry in popularity and many of the community can't handle it.
Street fighter has always been a party game. Do people not realise why it was so popular intially.
So we both agree that SF is a party game?
fuck ninjara.
He'll probably be nerfed.
If that helps you sleep at night. It still doesn't deny the fact that SF is a juggernaut that is taken seriously by millions. I'm a Blazblue/GGfag, but facts are facts.
Let's be real, that's mostly the inertia of tradition, the same way DC and Marvel control the comic books industry
Smash is also a fighting game, like I said... It's possible for games to share two genres because games aren't exclusively single genres.
I never said it wasn't a competitive party game, its basically Smash Bros for casuals.
i hope.
You mean party games?
Tekken 7 is the last chance for fighting games (also lets not forget a new doa installment...)
As I understand tekken 7 will not be released on nintendo console therefore nintendo is irrelevant (at regarding fighting genre)
What's the difference?
Tekken TT2 was on wii u.
Your talking about party games right user?