How is this a thing?

How is this a thing?
Has university become a joke? Not so long ago university was a plave where the best and brightest went to better themselves by learning.

Now universities offer "e-sports" degrees? What? how? why? *angry swear words*

Sometime I wish I was born 10-15 years later.

> Too late to explore the ocean
> Too early to explore and go into space
> Born at the exact moment society and humanity is going down the drain.

universities will offer literally any kind of course if there's willing professors and paying students.

there have been more absurd "degrees" all over in the past

>born at the exact moment society and humanity is going down the drain
>said every dumb simpleton in history

i saw a class about starcraft offered somewhere a decade ago

Oh wow it's not like universities have been providing special treatment and literally carrying retard jocks to graduation just because they're good at throwing a ball.

implying they weren't right

tell me one good thing computers brought us

>There are people who think Vice City's map was actually good.

what's with R* fetish for airports taking up huge chunks of their maps

Airports are big

It was good for the time.

How is this a thing?
This is not readdit or a forum, why would people type in the subject in new shit threads?

Nice made up language you got there

University and higher education are the modern equality minded way of allowing people to buy their nobility. For the 99% of people who are not pushing the envelope in the arts and sciences and who would have had no interest in attending if not for the promise of money down the line university is just a way to harvest cash. You pay the big bucks to get a degree and in exchange signify to your employer that you are not black, and are at least middle class mentally and able to rationalize making huge sacrifices in your personal life for possible long term reward.

Don't forget sexual predators as well!

Maybe the world actually is getting worse, ever think of that fancypants?

Fuck you OP, I thought this was going to be a vice city thread

Have you ever seen an airport IRL?

Universities are a business, champ. If some sucker is going to throw 50 grand to learn some shit they could learn through a series of YouTube commentaries, well shit, you'd have to be retarded not to take that money (unless you're a prestigious university that makes its money milking alumni for donations).


Those islands like like a Switch-Axe.

I wouldn't call it good, but Free Porn.

Universities have offered sports degrees for decades. This is nothing new.

don't listen to OP, the guy in the article was already in college for Medicine. the college just gave him the '' athlete '' status so he has more time to train. so he has the same status as olympic athletes now, i guess that's pretty silly.

but it's not colleges offering esport degrees u misinforming little gob

geef je adres kanker homo

the ability to manufacture even more destructive weapons

fuck people


i wish you were born 100 years earlier too, then your weak genes would've perished from the gene pool, and i wouldn't have to see your descendants bitch on Sup Forums.

>tell me one good thing computers brought us
The ability to brag about them.

Universities are For Profit businesses for at least 30 years now.

porn universities do exist though we live in a shitty teen flick

I came here to tell all of you that vice city is the best gta game with the comfiest map of all time
So fuck all of you,
and to all San Andreas niggercattlefags, dont you even dare, replying to me

So much this. Fucking nu-male millennial whiners need to figure out the world doesn't owe you to be great, and it's instead you yourself who must achieve greatness through your own struggles, successes, and failures.

If I achieve nothing in my life, it wouldn't be because I was born in the wrong era, in the wrong community, or to the wrong parents. It would instead be because I didn't git-gud enough in life to be of any worth.

Arizona State has been around for over 120 years. It's nothing new.

quality of life has literally never been better though??

thats an american thing though. no german uni would ever care about how good you are at ball throwing or even sponsor a team of ballthrowers

He's a fucking successChad that's what.

Studying medicine, good looking, probably has a GF and top tier gamer in fun games.

Would hang out with and be rejected by as friend/10

tod looks like a fun guy to hang with

Wow you really must be an idiot if you can't think of a single good thing computers have done for us.


Video games, which are literally the pinnacle of human innovation.

>just because they're good at throwing a ball
If they want to stay on the team, they have to have good grades in everything else

Have you lived under a rock? Universities operate like businesses, even in countries with state-run and not-for-profit higher education. (Because that's a much better guarantee of quality education than letting universities stay evul librul ivory towers funded by the public)

So yeah, enrolled students equal money so it's hardly surprising universities try to sucker in idiots with made-up buzzword degrees.

For fucks sake the majority of these pansies are alt-right morons who are convinced the world is the worst its every been because they never leave the internet and thing SJWs, jews, and minorities are ruining their lives more than the broken governments run by rich old families and their cronies.

I hate alt-right faggots who doing absolutely nothing with their lives
I hate SJW 'heres my pronouns' who do absolutely nothing with their lives

But I've noticed people on the left seem more likely to blame themselves and bemoan the lack of change in this world, rather than conservatives who blame literally anyone their hugbox tells them too, anyone but themselves, ever, and bemoan any form of change and desperately want to go back in time, which is why they always bitch about >present day

universities have been a joke for a very long time. there's too many courses and too many degrees where everyone no matter how stupid can attend. often times courses like gender studies and executive certificate in strategic diversity and inclusion management (this is a real degree) are breeding grounds for marxists. these courses have no place in colleges

Pretty sure that's the upcoming AR waifus, pal

>breeding grounds for marxists

Jesus fuck you people are dense
Lets shut down Sup Forums too then because its a breeding ground for autistic teenagers with a total inability to adapt to the real world and it breads facists who go balls deep on dictators who hoard the wealth among their cronies then right?

Just because you never did shit with your life doesnt mean others shouldnt be able to learn whatever the fuck they feel like wasting money on in college. Its not like someone with those degrees is ever going to have an impact on your life other than upsetting you over tumblr.

>stop blaming people responsible for killing our country
go back to neogaf, cuck

yeah, get triggered you stupid nigger. you know i'm right. all those worthless courses are a burden and are marxist breeding grounds. they are very open about it and now you're just denying reality

This post should have been the last ITT.

Stop trying to make everyone the boogieman please, nobody gives a shit about you or your basements. You aren't being oppressed and neither is tumblr for that matter.

nothing in this world has inherent worth you dumb shit

No proper university does this, retard.

Never breed, please.

Solid argument as usual from children who cant actually debate anything without the use of buzzwords and memes

How pathetic you have to be to continually get on your knees year after year and suck out the shit from conservative old-money businessmen who have never worked a day in their lives but give you comfy pats on the head so you feel like you belong somewhere, considering nobody in real life puts up with your ignorance.

The alt-right and nationalism movement is the easiest, comfiest, most brainless movement around.

>Heres who Im supposed to hate
>Heres who Im supposed to support no matter what they do
>Heres what Im supposed to believe
>People who step outside my circle are inherently wrong

I wish I could meet you pathetic cucks in real life. Same fucking losers who post their sad panda links every friday night thread, but cry degeneracy when someone does something you wish you could do/cant wrap your head around. You contribute nothing to society and if we met in real life you wouldnt fucking squeak out more than a sentence because you have no actual intelligence or facts to back up your beliefs. You have to retreat to Sup Forums and your blogs like a fucking child who needs reassurance, while people like me will continue to succeed. How pathetic it is to believe people who choose to learn and progress are all one big group of dyed-haired cucks when the majority of people i know who are /fit/, attractive, smart and rich laugh at you dipshits constantly.

Don't do it man, intelligence is wasted on Sup Forums. Go to a DBZ thread or something

i feel the same way about sports. you can get a degree in throwing a ball into a hoop.

>b-but it takes skill and you get paid money
uh, so does e-sports
>b-but e-sports dosent take skill
then YOU do it faggot, get some skill free easy money.

literally ANYONE can toss a ball into a hoop, but you dont get paid to do it unless you kinda git fuckin gud

It's not too late to explore the ocean bud
You just need to look down a bit further

you have to understand universities are now nothing but a cash grab where they try to think what will get people to come in and stay in college for a long time. Sometimes they use the promise of a better life, sometimes they use memes.

>AR waifus
You mean, like this?