Name me a better game
I'll wait
Name me a better game
I'll wait
Other urls found in this thread:
Witcher 1
Witcher 2
Jackie Chan
Tic Tac To.
The thing where you have a ball on a string attached to a cup and try to get the ball in a cup.
Staring contests.
Shall I continue?
traps are gay
I olayed this for an hour and felt the that the controls were bad and over all it was booring
>too dumb to change to alternate controls in the settings
Query: What makes a game good?
Underage detected. Fuck off to 9fag where your belong.
>Query: What makes a game good?
According to OP that a game has to be a non-game/unplayable piece of shit.
Triss is bae
Cheetahman 2
t. PCbro who caved in and bought a PS4 to try it
I honestly cant figure out if these are ironic or not.
Witcher 1
Witcher 2
Witcher 3: Blood and Wine (pretty much its own game)
Gothic 2: Night of the Raven
Metal Gear Solid 3
Heroes of Might and Magic III
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
They literally can't. Posting best music and bumping your thread, OP
I can't.
This is so fucking godly
It's a damn masterpiece. One of the best games in a long time.
it's like most other boring open world games
sucks that it really doesn't get enough criticism.
Newfags detected.
meant to post this version, as it's more true to the one found ingame
>tfw entering sun stone cave and after one part the singing kicks in
Gothic 2: NoTR
Oblivion is already better by actually being an RPG kids. Not to mention it also fucks Witcher in every other department as well.
Go back to your waifufag cutscene simulator.
Don't forget the flyer from the Polacks where they shamelessly suck their own dicks for delivering free "content" in form of cosmetics and side missions which where included in the main game anyways; classic Capcom move.
People actually fell for that shit.
If you acknowledge any gods...
I was kinda agreeing with your post, but then:
>World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
>online time sinks centered around grinding daily and then repeating the same endgame content over and over, until the next expansion comes out and you have to start from scratch, and all the content up to the beginning of the new expansion becomes obsolete.
Nigger please, mmorpg was a mistake. Thank god the genre is dead.
What kind of 15 year old would suggest Oblivion? what a weak bait post
>Oblivion is already better by actually being an RPG kids
Can't argue with that. Ad hominem wasn't really necessary though.
w/o trying hard to be objectively correct.
Witcher 2, for tinstance. Ilike it, finished it twice II' wouldn't mind playing it now 2bh.
Witcher 3 could never keep my attentione for more than 1h at once.. I'm poloack, so I have it 1 more shoot than I ususaly give. too. and seriously I wanted to like it.
>being an RPG
NO TES game has ever been an RPG. All of them are shitty sandboxes.
It's subjective, m8. For me TBC was of the most fun experiences I've had with video games.
Especially since it was a time when simply questing and interacting with other people lasted for months, it wasn't just a quick grind to max level to farm raids. Most people didn't even raid and they still had a fuckton of fun.
The faggot who is too edgy to suck not Skyrim off but it's "glorious" predecessor instead, naturally.
what kind of 15 year old would claim witcher 3 is the best game of all time
bought it on sale for 10$, didnt even get through the tutorials.
full of cutscenes and bullshit, no freedom
Gothic 2
Then list your arbitrary bullshit quotas for what constitutes an RPG you fucking useless faggot baby.
Your have never mattered in TES games.
There, happy now? Go play your garbage game in an already bad franchise.
Your choices have never mattered*
Hate do be the one that has to break it down to you, but all Bethesda games past Morrowind are shit.
Oblivion is no exception. It is the game that started the modern strain of shitty sandbox games with copypasted dungeons, repetitive gameplay (go in cave, clear, repeat), content level scaling, streamlined rpg elements and terrible, terrible story and writing.
inb4: not true, loli rape dungeon mods turn the game into a masterpiece.
Morrowind started the streamlining and Skyrim is better than Oblivion despite still being shit.
>Your choices have never mattered in TES games.
Virtually every "choice" you make in TES games does matter, much more so than the Witcher 3, where the biggest "choice" (killing Radovid) changes absolutely fuckall ingame
TES has been a consistently good franchise since Daggerfall, you can be a whiny bitch baby if you want but it doesn't change anything.
Horizon is a better version of Witcher 3 in almost every sense besides animation quality and voice acting.
>similar controls but Horizon has speed of movement directly tied to how far you tilt sticks instead of Witcher 3's two speeds
>combat with variety, same heavy and light attack but tons of additional ranged weapons and arrow types
>open world but not littered with shit loot for no reason. loot isn't indicated on map
>open world but everything isn't one large forest with barely anything interesting
>large monster hunting but monsters are actually more than sponges. different strategies for different monsters
>monsters have more interactions. shoot off parts, damage legs to cripple, elemental arrows on specific canisters for AoE, loosen robot's guns to use against it
>many side quests are still focus tracking/witcher senses but you're not locked into the ability. select a track and play like normal
>largest city in the game doesn't just have a barber compared to small towns. vendors for collectibles are there as well
>fewer glitches
>arguably better main story (not just chasing after mary sue, actual interesting information about the world)
>trips of truth
When did I state Oblivion is good? You missed the quotation marks? Here you go, since I'm such a nice guy: """"""""glorious""""""""
If you still don't get it, well, I advise you then to master reading comprehension - I know, I know, elementary school is tough shit but everyone's gotta learn something, amirite?
>20 fps
>very low graphics of a pc
yeah no
Degenerate detected. Do mankind a favor and never breed, you autistic fuck.
>Virtually every "choice" you make in TES games does matter
For example? Last time I checked the biggest choice you could make was would you play as a stealth are archer or right click health sponges.
TES has been down hill since Daggerfall.
CDPR should have released redkit3
Vanilla combat sucks.
20 fps or not, it's still a much better game than Witcher 3.
Witcher 3 might have better FPS, resolution, voice acting and story, but the gameplay sucks. That's the most important part.
>Great Houses
>Dark Brotherhood
>Civil War
Both previous witcher games were better designed. I like 3 but its more of a modern open world game with the generic design elements that entails.
Exactly, so how then can I enjoy gameplay if something like the fps is consistently ruining it?
And what the fuck does that change aside from the colour of your shirt? You still get the same shit and the world is the same as 10 after starting.
Because fps dips is not a deal breaker. Ocarina of time ran at 20 FPS too, and it's widely considered the best game of all time.
Changed camps, location of jarls, what allies come to assist in combat, reputation with factions, access to merchants and store-rooms.
In Skyrim anyway:
>Main quest: side with the Blades (kill Paarthurnax), or the Greybeards (spare him).
>Civil War: join the Stormcloaks or the Imperials (but you already knew that).
>Dawnguard: join the Dawnguard or the Volkihar Vampires.
>Dark Brotherhood: join the Brotherhood or destroy it.
>The Black Star (Azura): restore Azura's Star or defile it.
>A Daedra's Best Friend (Clavicus Vile): kill Barbas or spare him.
>Ill Met by Moonlight (Hircine): side with Sinding or with the hunters.
>Pieces of the Past (Mehrunes Dagon): obey Mehrunes, or spare Silus Vesuius.
>The Taste of Death (Namira): take part in Namira's feast, or kill Eola (and possibly the rest of the cult of Namira).
>Waking Nightmare (Vaermina): obey Vaermina, or let Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption.
>Darkness Returns (Nocturnal): technically not a real choice, but you can chose to postpone returning the Skeleton Key indefinitely, and keep using it instead.
>The Blessings of Nature: pray to Kynareth to obtain a sapling, or cut the Eldergleam to extract its sap.
>No One Escapes Cidhna Mine: escape with Madanach, or kill him and escape alone.
>In My Time of Need: kill Kematu, or deliver Saadia to him.
>Blood on the Ice: turn Wuunferth in, or investigate further.
>Delayed Burial: help Vantus Loreius or Cicero.
Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
Super Mario Sunshine
Here are the differences between the choices:
>Changed camps, location of jarls, what allies come to assist in combat, reputation with factions, access to merchants and store-rooms.
Throwing a "I don't like you" after giving you the same quest as the previous NPC doesn't really add on to anything.
>Main quest: side with the Blades (kill Paarthurnax), or the Greybeards (spare him).
Decide if you want access to a % blessing and some radiant quests.
>Civil War: join the Stormcloaks or the Imperials (but you already knew that).
Changed NPCs, same reactions.
>Dawnguard: join the Dawnguard or the Volkihar Vampires.
Same main quest some different radiant quests. Guess Vampire Lords are a big thing now.
>Dark Brotherhood: join the Brotherhood or destroy it.
Get same loot but in one case you get after a the DB quest. Also access to radiant quests.Amazing I know.
>The Black Star (Azura): restore Azura's Star or defile it.
Item is changed, nothing else is changed.
>A Daedra's Best Friend (Clavicus Vile): kill Barbas or spare him.
Item is changed, nothing else is changed.
>Pieces of the Past (Mehrunes Dagon): obey Mehrunes, or spare Silus Vesuius.
Get deadric relic or some loot and shekels.
>The Taste of Death (Namira): take part in Namira's feast, or kill Eola (and possibly the rest of the cult of Namira).
Fight some NPCs or get an deadric relic.
>Waking Nightmare (Vaermina): obey Vaermina, or let Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption.
Get follower or item. Bot not effecting nothing.
>Darkness Returns (Nocturnal): technically not a real choice, but you can chose to postpone returning the Skeleton Key indefinitely, and keep using it instead.
Again only a fucking item.
>The Blessings of Nature: pray to Kynareth to obtain a sapling, or cut the Eldergleam to extract its sap.
Skip a fight.
>No One Escapes Cidhna Mine: escape with Madanach, or kill him and escape alone.
Again only difference is items.
any game that is not a shitty arpg is better than this pos
>In My Time of Need: kill Kematu, or deliver Saadia to him.
Shekels or shekels. These characters are never involved in anything else.
>Blood on the Ice: turn Wuunferth in, or investigate further.
Nothing changes. There are no new murders.
>Delayed Burial: help Vantus Loreius or Cicero.
Shekels or a mean response. Some NPCs that aren't involved in anything else die. They aren't even merchants.
The world is static aside from changing colours. No NPC ever re-appears after its quest. Choices in previous quest never change the out come of any future quests. NPCs dont care if you kill their family member infront of them as long as you pay your fine. You get nothing aside from items or blessings that change nothing but numbers.
God Hand
sweet Mary queen of Poland, he looks so squishy at so many levels,,,,
I' wouldn't dare speak too laud in his presence 2bh
>Decide if you want access to a % blessing and some radiant quests.
Also relation with Greybeards, if Paarthurnax lives or not (meaning no meditation) and access to Blades
>Changed NPCs, same reactions.
Nearly all of the opposite Jarls hate you, camps attack after periods of time, forts are occupied
>Same main quest some different radiant quests. Guess Vampire Lords are a big thing now.
Access to an entire quest in Redwater Den, Dawnguard Equipment or Vampire Equipment, NPC's, followers
>Get same loot but in one case you get after a the DB quest. Also access to radiant quests.Amazing I know.
You mean an entire questline? Also changes status of sanctuary's
>Item is changed, nothing else is changed.
Access to companion
>Item is changed, nothing else is changed.
Still more than W3
>Get deadric relic or some loot and shekels.
You get the loot regardless, changes status of Dawnstar Museum
>Fight some NPCs or get an deadric relic.
Changes status of Hall of the Dead and numerous NPC's if you kill them in the cave
>Get follower or item. Bot not effecting nothing.
Still more than W3 again
>Again only a fucking item.
Effects whether you complete the questline or not, the item also lets you pass any door
>Skip a fight.
Changes when the tree grows, what happens to the people in the cave, and NPC reactions
>Again only difference is items
And whether you get a bounty, and whether Druadach Redoubt is hostile, and Silver-Blood status.
>What kind of 15 year old would suggest Oblivion?
You can't even name a better game than the expansion packs let alone the entire thing.
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
>it's a Horizon-kun post
Does anything important from Witcher 1 carry over to 2 and 3?
I played 1 like 2 years ago but lost my save and I don't know if I want to play through it again.
From 1 to 2 saves are important. From 2 to 3, not so much. you can do the emulate TW2 save and be fine.
It is a big deal in a fast paced combat game where dodging is key.
>Also relation with Greybeards, if Paarthurnax lives or not (meaning no meditation)
You can do that before killing him.
>access to Blades
Gathers some NPCs and do radiant quests.
>Nearly all of the opposite Jarls hate you, forts are occupied
And this changes what exactly aside from colours. The NPCs still give you the quests. >Throwing a "I don't like you" after giving you the same quest as the previous NPC doesn't really add on to anything.
>camps attack after periods of time
kek no they dont
>Access to an entire quest in Redwater Den, Dawnguard Equipment or Vampire Equipment, NPC's, followers
Ok you got me there are some different quest, they still dont matter though because they change nothing when you do them. If it was an RPG they could even change the outcome of the main DLC quest.
>You mean an entire questline? Also changes status of sanctuary's
And that changes what in the world? Its not like some NPC in an important future quest might get killed because you sided with DB.
>changes status of Dawnstar Museum
Which changes what in the world? Its not like change anything in the future.
>Changes status of Hall of the Dead and numerous NPC's if you kill them in the cave
Geee some NPCs say something related to the quest but still do nothing in the future.
>Effects whether you complete the questline or not, the item also lets you pass any door.
And if you complete the quest you can get some blessings. Nothing changes in future quest.
>Changes when the tree grows, what happens to the people in the cave, and NPC reactions
These NPCs don't do anything past this quest.
>And whether you get a bounty, and whether Druadach Redoubt is hostile, and Silver-Blood status.
What the fuck do you gain out of the Silver-Blood status. This one is prob the only one that matters because it is related to another quest, sadly the only way its related is if you have to fight nameless NPCs or not.
Quest are isolated from other quests.
>Still more than W3.
Don't move goalpost. Also this completely false. You think im defending W3 but im just bashing Skyrim and TES in general but if you want I can start debating you on that too.
Also I want to add that I've played all TES game but Arena. Love the setting that's why I'm critical the games because I want them to be better.
>Everyone who says anything positive about Horizon is Horizon-kun
Did you forget what forum you're on?
as long as you won't insist on being able to kill all shit with mashing 1 button starting from ha;f of the game bcause "muh rpg" you should have quirte a lot of fun in combat in witcher 2. It's arcade one kind of fighting, so you need to learn some pattrerns, have basic generic vudya skill etc. I'm pretty sure that this is the reason of "combat sucks" rants. may people couldn;t accept that's by no meas rpg there but were too proud to run game on easy mode. So they have pull ed "fucked up coitrols" argument out of some ass or such, Meanwhile there is nothing wrong with controls there, shit responds to you just fiine, you are given all that neccesarry tools to kill shit, game wouldn't punish you dfor 1 or 2 fuckups too.
IGeat charcers writting, there was hardly any revelant char that failed to make me like it/dislike it//feel something other in general. Cool ploy, nice ttwsist. too.
9/10 in my book, would play again
System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout New Vegas
Planescape: Torment
Gothic 2
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Diablo 2
do I fit in yet Sup Forums?
You have to put in some bad games in between so you can plea irony just in case.
No it's not. I've never died in Bloodborne because of a FPS drop and I've never seen anyone playing it have an issue with it either. We're not talking drastic drops like Blight Town either.
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is this stuff good? it forces you to gettiing into role like book Vampire t, too?
You're mistaken because im not talking about drops, I mean the fact that it always runs at 30fps.
you could name Morrowind, Oblivion is a fucking generic turd