Hiro says we can talk about board quality

>It's an "user tries to revise history to make it seem like Sup Forums has never liked or always liked a series when its clearly been the opposite for anybody who was around at that time" episode
Why do people do this? Is it because they were never there or because they know others were never there and they can shape opinions?

Board quality thread

Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0

Weaboos ruin threads and make absolutely everything about japan vs the west

Todds fans shitpost LITERALLY every other WRPG thread into the ground while the Bethesda game threads on Sup Forums remain shitposting spotless at all times pretty much.

but usually it's the case
for example when undertale came out everyone on Sup Forums praised it as the second coming of cave story

>comfy Northernlion thread deleted
>a Sup Forums thread just reached bump limit after mass reports
Excellent work.


I specifically remember threads about the demo years before the game actually launched

Goat Mom was a FOTM waifu

yup, everyone was hyped when the first demo came out

Westcucks need to be permabanned desu

needs a segregation. its time to do it.

i dont find any aaa western garbage worth discussing anymore
its all shit. whod actually care if Sup Forums was divided into a japanese game board and the rest. nobody cares.

I feel like a massive board-wide shift in opinion as a series got attached to a really bad fanbase is a bit different.

What I'm talking about is that in threads now people will just claim that Sup Forums has always liked/disliked a series. It's been used to bring Halo discussion onto the board (Would have gotten memed away in 2010-2014) where people are claiming Halo threads have always existed here. I've similarly had people claim Sup Forums has always negatively received certain games when that isn't the case in any way, like I've had people claim Sup Forums hated SASRT when it came out even though we pretty much had constant hype threads from the moment the game leaked early, to the extent that for a day or two we had a Sumo Digital rep in the threads for awhile. Same with Dragon Age Origins, Sup Forums had huge threads for this game even years after it came out, a lot of the 2011 Bioware shitstorming on Sup Forums only happened because of how pissed the board was with DA2 getting assfucked, but if you try to start a thread today it gets shitposted mostly by Todd fan into Oblivion

To put it shortly.

I find the board quality becomes better in 2017.
I mean when I came here in 2014, about 1/3 catalog were weeb thread. Persona, darksouls, tales of, final fantasy, nintendo, 999, Danganronpa, AA, MGS, Nier, cropped hentai, etc.
Right now, around half of the catalog are weeb threads.
Less people bother to defend the west in those JP vs West thread, because there's nothing much they could say, when there's no good shit coming out.
Overall, Sup Forums is in a nice state, and I like it.

I have seen halo threads in here for quite a while user
though they're always troll threads talking about how it's the first fps ever made
All I've ever seen off SASRT was threads laughing at it for attempting to rip off mario kart
DA:O is my GOTYAY, I know it's liked here, but I've never seen it get a lot of praise.

>I know it's liked here
Go try and make a thread and good luck.

Merge the Sup Forumss and /jp/. It's time for a reunion.

Permaban on e-celebs. Sticky on e-celeb prohibition official statement.

Then use 2chan

>Chad daddy
This image was so close to not being a troll image

There's no saving this place without user level moderation. You know those twitter screen cap threads? Picture of eceleb saying "what went wrong"? Know why they're still here? Cause you idiots respond to the thread.

>the original sonnygger memekid
>not a fucking yootoober
Go back to neofag sonybrother.

>inb4 our culture

/jv/ and /wv/ are actually possible

it should be done. Sup Forums isnt irl but merely on the internet. we actually easily can bye bye to each other.

>attention whore

Just leave it how it is...
That's part of the good shit to come out here.

Weebs do ruin mostly everything though, so discussion about their shitty games should be relegated to Sup Forums

And eceleb threads (as long as they are about gaming ecelebs) should be acceptable here too, just fucking scroll past it and ignore it you cunts.

Three steps to atleast improve Sup Forums a little

>unique thread ID's
>more strict when it comes to consolewar / PC war threads
>prune or delete any social/political bait threads (within reason)

You literally just made it about Japan vs West by singling out weebs.

today all japanese games are considered as weebshit on Sup Forums. you should know it.

i think your idea is really very good. we should be divided. it wont bother anyone.

>Why do people do this? Is it because they were never there or because they know others were never there and they can shape opinions?
The former and along with the whole mentality that they have of Sup Forums thinking it's a board "that hates everything".
I remember Sup Forums used to have a lot of STALKER threads. We all knew the game wasn't perfect, but with fan patches and mods it was quite a gem and we appreciated it for what it was.
Nowadays there are retards spouting that no one ever liked STALKER to begin with and if you disagree with them you have to go to reddiit(classic argument).
It's weird, honestly, it just seems like they're trying too hard to fit in.

i dunno why do people make say something nice about her threads because everyone here is an autist who thinks they need to prove their taste

ban "e celeb" threads
ban console war threads

>Hiro says we can talk about board quality.
Alright here's an easy one
>>It's an "" episode
Permanently ban anyone who has posted on Sup Forums from posting on any other board. You fucks are some seriously cancerous cunts.

>thread-unique IDs
Has there ever been any reason provided, whether theory or evidence, that would indicate that this is anything but exclusively beneficial? I don't understand why it's not on every board.

>prune or delete any social/political bait threads (within reason)
You would need a dozen janitors full time who were ALL competent and not in favor of whatever the message of the thread is.

I thought that was why we have so many "Say something nice about her" threads.

1. Remove phone posting.

You just saved all of Sup Forums.

OP here, thank fucking god I'm not the only one seeing it. I feel like I see it happen bare minimum every other day on here but the few times I've posted mentioning it I felt like nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about.

Glad to know I'm not the only one seeing it happen, at least.

>mfw all these fucktards blaming it on weebs
The only reason you think weebs are the problem is because you REACT and get BAITED by those who're ironically shitposting.
When you react act livid towards a fucking anime pic, obviously you're gonna encourage them to do more so. And with that, the actual weebs think they're "at home" instead of fucking off to MAL or some dumb shit site. You got yourselves to blame, those "weebs" crave for attention more than anything and you're willing to give it unwittingly. Love Live and that other lesbian show somehow attracts the most autist, I haven't seen the shows so I don't know why.

back to dudleyvile
population : (you)

this post screams newfaggotery

I want to disagree but I can't to be honest.

People just hate to be challenged. When many start to "have an opinion", some jump to it because they feel validated or something.

When Doom was to come out, everyone said it would be shit. First weeks, everyone was loving it. Few months later, it became common to diss it. Eventually people started to say DOOM3 was a better game.

It's just contrarian faggoting or shitposting. I rarely see people having unique arguments or something that would suggest they actually played the game or something.

>Has there ever been any reason provided, whether theory or evidence, that would indicate that this is anything but exclusively beneficial?

No, it's a perfect way to solve a ton of problems in a breeze.

>You would need a dozen janitors full time who were ALL competent and not in favor of whatever the message of the thread is.

That's the reason why sadly those threads survive a good amount of time.

Oh right, you must be here since 1998. I forget sometimes I'm in the league of oldfags.

Any thread starting with a picture from twitter/gaming journalism/e-celebs should be deleted.

The content is never relevant and it is filled with shit posting.

There's about 7 thinly veiled porn threads on the board right now
That's fucking bullshit.

Sup Forums is fucking terrible and hiroshima should delete it for a few months and just bring it back without telling anyone

the only reason I still come here is because every now and then we get a fun thread

The new DOOM wasn't even that bad, the fact that people are not realizing that it's a step into the right direction rather than making it into what could've been a fucking modern military shooter baffles me sometimes. DOOM3 was a mixed bag, I don't think it's better than the new DOOM but it had it's thing.

>It's just contrarian faggoting or shitposting. I rarely see people having unique arguments or something that would suggest they actually played the game or something.
That's because that is the case, most of the contrarian faggotry is because they didn't play most of the times. That's why most of the arguments on games that they haven't played are
>I didn't like it
>(I think) It's shit

But that's not to say the ones who have played don't shitpost. Because I know for a fact that in this board particularly, if you actually wanna start a proper thread to kick off you need to be somewhat contrarian. eg. Say shit about a game that you like or is liked and you'll see dozens of people try to defend it/call you a retard. The actual OP gets ignored later on and there's discussion based on the game.

As it stands now, Sup Forums would exist better as a general on /vg/.

/vg/ generals have their own brands of shit posting but console wars are non existent and its never about one franchise vs another.

With the rather curious exception of bloodborne and dark souls.

>if you disagree with them you have to go to reddiit(classic argument).
thats what redditors do. redditors, i mean, AAA fags. they are the plague. they bitch about almost all japanse games except dark souls which have been popular on reddit, excluding demons ofc, and almost all semi-AAA games in the last gen like soc which they dont play.

those AAA retards are getting out of control and wont be solved. the only solution is seriously to separate this shitboard into japanese and western. stalker is dead anyway. im really sure such good games wont come out anymore.






every game goes through a cycle like this
>best game ever 10/10 competing games btfo
>wow this one thing is getting annoying
big gap in time
>I really liked this game, hope the next one is as good
it's not
>Last game was so much better, they should have taken more from it
repeat ad naseum

It's even weirder for me because, when I used to lurk this board a lot.
Everyone used to talk about games that were usually unheard of at times. Nowadays, it's just a race to see which is the next big disaster.

Bloodborn and darksouls are from the same developer and have functionally identical gameplay.

The debates are about which games mechanics are better which is perfectly valid.

Sup Forums has been shit for many many years, and it's not going to get better with a hand-off approach.

Are you ready to sacrifice your favorite shitposting to a purge? One that's going to take out Sup Forums-related threads as well, just as collateral damage, because you can't cure cancer without burning away some healthy cells as well?

I get what you're saying, but it's to the point on /vg/ where they have separte generals for the two. I find it rather silly.

Everyone is brainwashed into the "leddit likes X so its shit" hive mind and become contrarian faggots about literally everything

Give me the chemo.

As it turns out Sup Forums is not one person and after the initial release of a game where the is constant shit posting. Communities form that regularly discuss games. So the shit poster party will claim Sup Forums always hated a game. The community party will claim Sup Forums loved it

It's not so clandestine as 'us vs them'

By the way did you know that Sup Forums didn't actually hate moralfags and we actually used to have long threads discussion moralfags vs amoralfags and it wasn't until Akagi forced the meme that Sup Forums hates moralfags that it took root? True story

>watching LPs
>b-but muh pol obsession
Go back to pol.

>not reporting any thread or posts that goes against the rules
It's there for a reason

daily reminder that if the board were split by eastern and western games, everything would turn to shit, with /jv/ turning into /jp/-lite with endless waifuposting and /wv/ would be consumed by toddposters and trolling over COD and the like

>Hiro says we can talk about board quality
Not true, go back to /qa/. This has nothing to do with video games. He also doesn't read these threads making it pointless circlejerking.

>See a thread you don't like
>jump into it and shitpost like crazy to keep it on page 1 instead of reporting and hiding it

>Being a snitch who has to hide behind mods
>Not just hiding the thread and moving on

Grow up.

the only sure-fire way to improve board quality would be banning twitter OPs and e-celeb threads entirely

Sorry, not all of us have a nigger mentality. Those who violate the rules deserve their punishment.

>Sup Forums complains about politics in video games
>Sup Forums talks about politics on a video games board

Reddit babies trying to take on Sup Forums culture, it's been like this for some years now]

Just look at people hating on yooka-laylee. Of course you have the shitty swj political shit of it, but the game itself is genuinely fun unless you're a retard who can't into fun gameplay and think wide open world is bad. The only shitty thing was the plow transformation, but even then it's not that bad


Let's give all janitors a one-day ban option, and hire 20 more of them. Their collective biases will take out all bullshit.

Nah, that's Sup Forums

>It's an user does a strawman like this episode

>Fanbase X when something good happens for them
>Fanbase X when something bad happens for them
>"Pfft it doesn't matter that much anyway"

>that guy last night who tried to claim Sup Forums never cared about Vanquish

Teachers pet coming through.

Chad was a meme famous for one video. It's not like he's some reviewer or let player who's pumping out new videos and we keep making threads about, he's literally just a meme

Sup Forums was always shit, is shit currently, and will always be shit forever and ever

>it's a sonyggèrs spam a thread they dislike stage
Happens a lot lately. Why?

So we can remind you every single day.

We recovered from the Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland period that was filled with offtopic shit and tfw no gf threads and went straight into the next cataclysmic event.

This board is awful and beyond salvation, doesnt help that Gamer Gate and Trump brought in even more normalfags and redditors.

no at all. because for instance, fighting gamers dont give a shit about waifu shit. same goes for the ones who mainly play japanese games. ive never played moeshit games and even popular jp games like persona coz i dont like too-anime-ish games but dont give a fuck about those waifu threads or anything like that. its not about that "waifuposting" but about whether you care about it or not. and what matters is that waifu posters dont bitch about other japanese games at all but the western AAA faggots.

I'd like that split even if only for a little while. Would maybe even promote some healthy competition to have the best board

/fog/ has Bethesda vs obsidian and interplay wars

>fighting gamers dont give a shit about waifu shit.
This may be true for part of the scene, but DoA suggests otherwise.

They don't have any video games to play so they just shitpost all day.

>Happens a lot lately. Why?
Because people respond to those shitposts the most

90% of consolewar shitposting is people that don't even play videogames and just want to make people mad
The other 10% is literal children and autists that took it seriously and joined it

Console war threads are fine, Waifu threads are fine, shitposting a new game that is gathering discussion with blind and stupid shit for replies is not fine.
Same goes for E-celeb and Sup Forumsbait but those are common points.
Dividing Sup Forums into even more boards is probably the most retarded suggestio-

No wait, THIS is the most mind-boggling, retarded shit.
IDs always get brought up and I have to post this image every fucking time because you stupid newfriends need to lurk more.
Even worse now with smartphones.
Stop spouting this shit

>Waifu threads are fine
Not on a SFW board
Why don't they just make those threads on /aco/ or something if they just want to dump lewd?

>only certain games are okay to talk about
This is what's ruining this board. This shit needs to be codified and made into a board specific rule that's a 'ban on sight' offense. If it's a video game it deserves to be talked about here goddamnit.

More specifically, Sup Forums complains about the perceived motivations behind designers' decisions about each character's race, gender, and sexual orientation in every single video game, since, if they stray from white; male or highly sexually attractive female; and implicitly or explicitly straight (where even just implicit gayness is "shoving it in our face!"), then the reasons for this must be very thoroughly justified by a purely utilitarian context, e.g. where any other choice wouldn't make historical sense - and even then, such a character must not betray Sup Forums's expectations of such a person's physical abilities, personality traits, and morality.

And if you fail to adhere to every one of these rules... well I'm afraid you're pandering to SJWs, you fucking cuck.

I still want inner thread user IDs so we can call out falseflagging samefagging faggots.
That would take care of about 80% of the console war bullshit since that are always threads with stuck unique poster counts.

>Not on a SFW board
Can we all just admit that none of Sup Forums is or was or will ever be SFW and do away with this SFW/NSFW charade

It's not a porn board, so open porn threads should be deleted, but holy shit come on.

>Console war threads are fine
Said no one ever

ok how about they dont post them here because its not fucking videogames

That was before this site blocked most VPNs and banned a lot of 3G mobile browsing services.
>Console war threads are fine
>Waifu threads are fine
Fuck off.

>Console war threads are fine, Waifu threads are fine

>implying lewd is bad
the eternal cycle of fapping and vidya must be kept in balance


>IDs always get brought up and I have to post this image every fucking time because you stupid newfriends need to lurk more.
so do you plan on putting up an argument against ID's or what?

>Can we all just admit that none of Sup Forums is or was or will ever be SFW and do away with this SFW/NSFW charade

That rule exists for a reason
As soon as you allow NSFW posts, the entire board turns into porn.
This is why furry and pony shit is completely banned, horny autists have no self control and can't help but dump porn and derail all conversation as soon as they get a boner.
If Sup Forums was turned into a NSFW board it would literally be nothing but shitposting and porn. At least now we can sometimes have real threads alongside the shitposting.

>I came here in 2014

>I have seen halo threads in here for quite a while user
A year is not "always". There used to be a time as user said, that if you posted halo threads you'd get laughed off with 'babby's first fps" posts.

Sup Forums was always shit, don't delude yourself.

The ride never ends.

A big problem are the mids too that often bend rules and play favoritism. Just look at Monster Girl threads, they never get deleted and consist only of image dumps with waifufagging.

I mean I'd have no problem with those threads but they dont even talk about any games. When you call them out on it they start posting about games for 10 mins and then go back to their usual shit.