If you haven't played the other games, this is 9.5/10

If you haven't played the other games, this is 9.5/10

If you have, it's a 5/10


pretty spot on, i'd say 7/10 if you played the others though

Dark Souls 3 is literally the greatest video game ever made.

If there isn't a succinct psycho-sociological term for the way expectation impacts perception, there should be.

I guess I could agree with that. I didn't enjoy 3 as much as any of the other games in the soulsborne series really, although I do think the bosses are arguably the best on average. It's definitely a good game, but I didn't really enjoy the types of environments and overall aesthetic of the game. Also Bloodborne kind of spoiled me. I still think 1 and BB are the best. DeS is also great and 2 is underrated.

Once you've had fine wine, the taste of piss is more noticeable.

>implying all the games aren't just good expansions to the original game

At least that's how I always saw it. Every game has just been more fun Dark Souls adventures.

The fuck did you just say?


Sucks dick compared to the first one's singleplayer experience.

Regardless of whatever other souls games you have played, III starts out as a 9/10 on your first playthrough, and goes down every playthrough afterward until it hits 6/10.
It's very frustrating to play, it makes me more frustrated than dark souls II.

Dark souls II was a shit game through-and-through, but there redeeming qualities about it that made it fun to do some silly builds and unique challenges. It did the small details right while fucking up the major core elements.

Dark Souls III is so fucking close to being a 10/10 game. The bosses are there, the level design is there, the combat is there, the aesthetic is there. But the game is brought down mostly by it's lack of world design, and some fucking numbers.
>can't infuse boss or twinkling weapons
>70% fastroll as de facto standard
>stamina consumption on rolls being incredible small and non-punishing
>most of the infusions are shit and pointless
>split damage types get fucked on because of the defense system
>poise even after fixes is still mostly useless, especially in pve where you can r1 enemies for all your stamina as long as they aren't attacking

All of this combined with linear world design that makes the early/mid game pretty much exactly the same for every build, is the games killer. And like I said, most of the problems are just numbers and values, things that wouldn't be too hard to fix. It's not like II where the bosses and levels were fucked on the core level.
As final salt on the wound, Dark Souls III daringly removed the very few improvements II made. Powerstancing is gone and dual wielding is as shitty as it was in 1 again (No FROM, I don't want to block with the dagger in my offhand) and stamina consumption/roll distance is no longer tied to weight.

aight so like, niggas b like 'yo dawg this shit right here will get you LIT nigga. like u gonna feel like u flyin off the erth!'

but then u try it an its jus some weak-ass aregano-cut shit.

now if you was 12 an no one told u it was gon b the best shit u ever had, u mite think the shit was actually pretty gud.

u feel me?

the game was kinda boring and annoying and then i got stuck on dragonslayer armor because i suck
then i cheated to see if the game was better past him
it was worse

I really can't tell the difference between the memes and the real opinions anymore, but DaS3 to me is on par with DaS and a better game than DaS2. Bloodborne is a really good game as well but different enough to where it's not exactly a 1:1 comparison like Das1, 2, and 3 are to to each other.

The art direction, animations, feel of combat, build variety, level design, aesthetics and sound, music, etc are all top notch in DaS3, DaS3 is easily the most repayable for me because of the build variety and semi-linear structure of the world. I love DaS but replaying it is more of a chore because bonfire warping is unlocked over halfway through the game so farming out items or going to where you want to go when you want takes longer. Honestly, 1, 2, and 3 are all good games in their own ways with 2 being the least engaging and the black sheep of the family. If I was being objective I'd have to rank them:

>DaS = DaS3 > DaS2

Casual Rolls 3 is not as good as DaS, the first time experience is unparalleled.

>the first time experience is unparalleled

yeah, demon's souls

Dark Souls 3 probably has the single largest collection of frustratingly awful enemies i've ever encountered in a video game. Everything from the Jailers, to the Ghru, to the Crabs, to little thief things to the snake guys. It's like every single enemy was designed purely to piss you off.

the worst part is none of them are particularly challenging making the annoyance worthless

what is with people and the jailers, you just get up on their dick quick and wail on them, it's as simple as it gets. I know the hp reduce is a shitty move, but it's really not that big a deal desu

because there is a room with dark souls 2 amounts of them

i can pretty much agree to your other points but not
>poise even after fixes is still mostly useless

i absolutely shit on people with my poise build w/ a great hammer, even without using perseverance hyper armor is absolutely amazing

I meant more for PvE and PvP, and poise is still a pretty useless stat unless you are using a weapon that makes use of HA. If you are then as you said, you just shit on people by trading.

I never stood this meme, I can not recall a situation in dark souls 2 where I was overwhelmd with enemies

>When you finally had to admit that Dark Souls 2 was better than DaS3

DaS3 has some fantastic bosses (especially inside the Ringed City) but that was all it had.

I have played them all its my fav behind das1. It's a little linear and the game got spoiled with all the online guides and lets players still a decent send off.

Chalice dungeons water down the experience.

I started with Demon's Souls and played through all the games when they released, and Dark Souls 3 ended up being my favorite of them all.
I think one of the deciding factors here is that I haven't played any of the games to death, just one playthrough of each

Too many meme's have been put into the bonfires, now there is only shitposting in our flames

>got spoiled with all the online guides and lets players
Your fault idiot

After your first playthrough the game offers literally nothing spectacular unless it's a boss fight.

Seriously was having the best bosses really worth not designing the rest of the game to be entertaining?

How much poise do you need in order to reliable tank and trade hits at?

>fine wine
I hope you aren't referring to one of the easiest games in the history of gaming franchises. Seriously each area following the "chosen hunter" and his excessively buffed weapons from assorted game locations as he fights brainless enemies has been less engaging than the last. Aside from the handholding, the game's only consistency is providing you with absolutely retarded, unchallenging mobs and allowing you to run through all of them without any combative motivation thoughout the entire game. All to make the difficult feel easy, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when From Software voted to make the game a PS4 exclusive; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody. just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for the souls series. Bloodborne might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the normalfag game in its refusal of challenge, skill and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the Dark Souls games were good though
The enemies were easy; the bosses were unfairly hard. As I played, I noticed that every time a enemy went for an attack, he spent an unrealistic amount of time telegraphing an attack.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every second the enemy stretched his arm back. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope a several dozen times. I was incredulous. Miyazaki's mind is so governed by outdated game design philosophies that he has no other style of challenge. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Dark Souls by the same Kevin-V from Gamespot. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Bloodborne at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play the Star Wars Jedi Knight." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Bloodborne" you are, in fact, trained to play Jedi Academy.

i played 500+ hours in all three games and DaS3 is a 10/10 for me
DaS: 10/10
DaS2: 9/10

like, 20 and a heavy weapon, the game basically doesn't care about your poise if you choose heavy weapons really.

Best saga ever

>After your first playthrough the game offers literally nothing spectacular unless it's a boss fight.
Can you name examples from the other games of 'spectacular' things other than bosses on the 2nd playthrough? I guess there are more missable npc interactions in other games that you probably don't see until the 2nd playthrough, but I still don't really know what you mean. Once you "solve" a level in dark souls, it is boring to go through again no matter what. Boss fights and different builds are all the game has to offer on a replay usually

The problem is that the devs made your character way too damn strong in DaS3, and so because your character is untouchable, they had to remove poise and make all enemies do flailing attacks. That only works in BB because, while your character has all these strengths, the game is also balanced around 20 blood vials + rally, so the enemies do a shitton of damage to compensate. In DaS3, since you only have 5-8 healing early game with no rally, the enemies have to do less damage overall, so instead of being challenging, they're all just individually annoying.

I mean, I blocked out most of DS2, but even I remember that shit

where exactly?

I'd say the same thing about moist of the enemies in BB. It's never a fight unless it's hunter. I guess it's the "hunt" but all the non hunter enemies aren't fun to fight unless got get your parry and visceral.

The entire first half of the game

again though I can't recall a specifi instant where I wasn't facing more then 4-5 enemies at once which is pretty mangable, can you tell me where exacty it gets to mob level tier enemies swarms as in like 6+?

The guys laying on the ground in the first first area. Yes you can wake them up one by one but first time I'd you don't realize, it's a mob.

I played them all, also Demon's and BB.

It the best Dark Souls, and it's a 7.

I have played the previous one and it's a 10/10. Okay a 9.5/10.

okay that's one, but dark souls 1 had that issue with the chapel where if you rushed it you got swarmed with the mob hollows. Where else in the game does this accure?

I Just wanna know where this meme came from

In dark Souls 1 and 2 it's actually possible to miss secrets and pathways the first time through. Even if you don't, there's so many niceties overall that make it hard to remember them all going in the second time.

And let's not forget that you can just tackle the levels in a different order every time based on your build.

actually now that I think a litle closer the Tseledora and iron keep had areas which had large enemy agros with spiders and knights so I agree that was annoying. So I can see how people got that impression

Spicy pasta

Shrine of Amana has the 3 Priestesses, the 3 Amana Knights and the 3crawling things aggro on you all at once.

Iron Keep has the area with at least 12 Alonne Knights before the Smelter Demon

Drangleic Castle has the area with all those stone knights and Ruin Sentinels

Lost Bastille has that room before Ruin Sentinels where you open the door and they just fucking pour out.

Copse has all those motherfucking Schythe/Whip faggots that jump down from above as you're trying to get to the Undead Chariot

The Spider-Temple before Freja that might as well have ROM's fucking healthbar below it.

Dragon Shrine had the stairs before Ancient Dragon with dozens of enemies.

And that's just off the top of my head in a game I haven't played in over a year in the moment that I read your post.

Nice blog. Please, have your (You) and go home.

Good times.

what the fuck where they thinking with the sound design in this game

there's a handful of sound effects in the game that are 10x louder than everything else in the game, it's fucking infuriating

not him but
>shrine of amana
don't remember this
>iron keep
>drangleic castle
You only need to open 1 door, just play through the area carefully, after killing twin dragonriders just come back after and get whatever you need from the other doors
>lost bastille
you can bait each one down one at a time, it is annoying through either way
>spider temple
>dragon shrine
none of them aggro on you though, just the one dickhead powerstancing
I can never understand the whole dark souls 2 mob thing. Maybe it's because I only played sotfs? Did they really change that much?

what if i didnt like the first one and found the second one more enjoyable

Dragon Shrine and Amana were both heavily changed in sotfs. Amana was consistently nerfed in every patch released.

>The art direction, animations, feel of combat, build variety, level design, aesthetics and sound, music, etc are all top notch in DaS3

what the fuck

the art direction and aesthetics is just grey mixed with bloodborne

the animations and feel of combat are too fast and feel like weightless nothing, the game feels like a thoroughly mediocore compromise between dark souls weighty combat and bloodborne fun fast combat, toss in the infinite rolling and (by the late game) infinte healing and you have a combat system with no stakes, no nothing

for the first 60% of the game there is no build variety and you're better just using a straight sword/thrusting sword, firebombs are literally more effective than most magic, also the crippling linearity of the world with all the good shit being like halfway through the game

it's also worth pointing out when it comes to replayability just how genuinely bad the first chunk of levels are, and how you will have to playthrough them all in the same order every time

then you can delete your Sup Forums account and go somewhere else

That makes sense enough
Wasn't it sotfs that also turned the first part of iron keep into the retarded shitshow that it currently is?

Its just too linear, subsequent playthroughs get boring because there's little sequence breaking and you're just going through the same areas in largely the same order every time. The first two games, however, allowed you to tackle lots of areas in different sequences, changing how you progressed each time.

I can honestly say I enjoyed 2 more, although I'm still waiting for 3's DLC to drop in price.

I think I just wore out on the genre though, I played and 100%d all three games in the span of a year.

I: 8.5/10
II: 7.5/10
III: 7/10

Poise still isn't poise through, it just activates when you'd have hyperarmor.

I: 8/10
II: 6.5/10
III: 3/10

>Thinking DaS2 had gank squads when the New Londo Spook House exists.

>No Aldia

Game's shit senpai

Iron Keep, eveytime spiders are involved, parts of Drangleic, the dlc areas. You're very often ambushed by several enemies.

>the art direction and aesthetics is just grey mixed with bloodborne
Not even that user, but stopped reading there.
Just because you see something posted on Sup Forums a bunch of times doesn't make it true. Maybe try forming your own opinion.

He probably means difficult ganks.

>1400 hours in das3

how the fuck? I play a lot of das pvp and I have like 600 hours.

Sounds to me like you just run into shit like a retard. Stop being retarded.

I don't have a life.

>fine wine
>40 second load times, even after patching its still like 10
>least amount of content in any souls game ever
>least amount of armor/weapon veriety in any souls game ever
>gotta go fast memetastic gameplay
>easiest of the souls games by far, blood vials are everywhere and you can literally heal if you hit your enemies at the right time
>story was ok but turned into dude it was aliens all along directed by m night shamylon
>chalice dungeons added to artificially pad the games run time
>game was literally co developed by sony and somehow manages to have some of the worst performance and fps this gen
Overall its a 7/10 at best


The only reason i bought this game is because it's basically Demon Souls 2 and i was not disappoint. That being said the PvP is FUCKING trash

>Iron Keep
But you get three, MAYBE four Alonne Knights on you at once, and they can be lured out one or two at a time in almost every part of the area. I never fought more than two or three at a time, and after I knew the area better I could easily take them out one at a time.

Take the first room, for example. Take a couple steps in, and you'll aggro the knight on the stairs and only the knight on the stairs. You have another to the right up the staircase with the shortcut and the guy firing arrows at you in the window. There's one more after you get through the shortcut, but you won't deal with him until you're actually in his room. That's only three enemies, and again you can aggro them individually.

I fail to see how this is any different than, say, Undead Burg at the start of DaS, you get a good three or four hollows in many areas and you can easily aggro them all at once but can avoid doing so if you know what you're doing.

They're annoying, but they die in one hit, and in the chapel you can sprint past them and just close the door behind you.

The lower Brightstone bonfire and surrounding area, however, piss me off to no end. A good eight spiders drop down, and you have two or three mages firing homing soul arrows at you outside.

>action rpg
>30 fps


Just this. Too linear, too small, too less weapons/armor, fucking with all the lore because pandering. Still got anri's sword, some nice secrets, some nice bossfights and without mana the best gameplay of all 3.

Its an action game, BB took out or heavily watered-down half the RPG elements.

Parts of the dlc's are. Those areas with the Ashen Idols buffing like 5 or 6 of them, Drangleic with the ruined sentinels and the stone warriors. First time through you don't know which door leads where so you either do a suicide run or wait in the hallway slowly picking away at them. Iron Keep with the knights can also be rough since they attack strong and have some faster attacks, plus the ones with the bows.
Honestly, it's not so much that these aren't manageable, it's more that the strategy is either incredibly slow or they aggro from across the map, forcing you to wait for each to get to you.

>cheating vs a boss because you got stuck
>thinking your opinion has any worth

even less acceptable, go from playing DMC to BB and you'll start getting headaches

So you're the kind of faggot who likes to rush into areas and then complains when mobs attack him? Learn to fucking play video games, jesus christ. Its very easy to lure most of those out 1 by 1 and even if you cant you get a long weapon like a halberd and kite them .

this is cherrypicking

turn the camera 90 degrees to the right and take a picture and tell me what colour it is

I agree, I just like to point out that BB has, by far, the shittiest RPG elements out of all the games.

Shit for equipment, shit for weapons, no equip load, no magic, armor does next to nothing, a good four viable builds, its just missing so much of what made the other games good and gave them longevity.

Its a great first playthrough, but so are all the other games, and they have vastly superior replay value and PVP if you're in to that.

Yep. the only reason its shilled on here so much is because it was a an exclusive and sony ponies desperately need something to cling to to convince themselves that their ps4 wasnt a waste of money after PSN was hacked AGAIN and all their personal information was sold off AGAIN.

>ever designing a dark souls game around the player being aggressive
instant 4/10
Dark Souls should NEVER EVER reward being aggressive, yet every enemy in 3 is based around spamming R1 instead of being defensive, cautious, slow and methodical.

Thing is, the strategy is dull. I was playing on ng+ recently and its a constant back and forth between taking one step and waiting for the fuckers to get to you. You can't compare those knights to early enemies in Undead Burg.
The spiders are easy to kill and I do like the chapel area, it's the only part I feel it makes sense. But right next to the bonfire in Brightstone you have that camp with some 5 falconners plus two archers PLUS two or three pigs. My issue is that in 1 it felt organic when you wanted to lure enemies out it was because you were being cocious, 2 fells like its forcing you to lure them out.
And duck lower Brightstone. Want to talk to Ornifex and have to wait at the door killing those fucking spiders like I'm a bouncer in armor.

After beating it I'd say that imo Midir and Gundyr are perhaps the only bosses in the game you actually beat like Dark Souls bosses.

Picked this up on sale because poor, and can't help but wonder why does using a greatsword in DaS3 feel much worse than all the other games

Sorry about that.

No, you mean YOUR play through. I actually enjoy video games.


>the most linear of all the games, even compared to DeS and BB
>nostalgiafag reference pandering out the ass
>rehashed characters
>Lowest Boss count after DeS
>Half the bosses are gimmicks
>Boss weapons shit as usual, despite having 4 games to draw experience from
>weapons in general are 90% quality based
>these quality weapons are also usually the best weapons in their class
>some weapons have retarded stat requirements where they don't even scale with said stats, which also happens to be quality
>armor system a horrible imbalanced mess
>the heaviest armors are the heaviest they have ever been in the series, while offering basically no additional defense over medium/light sets
>poise implemented in such a stupid way that only Greatswords and Maces get the most bang for the buck
>Some UGSs, GAs, and Hammers weigh more than entire armor sets
>Equip load is now done by VIT, which for some reason gives LESS per level than fucking dark souls 2
>Souls required to level up not adjusted for splitting stats into two
>a majority of the small weapons sped up to bloodborne speed, but some of the larger weapons have been made SLOWER and consume MORE STAMINA
>rolls cost next to nothing with extremely fast recovery and many iframes
>magic is garbage
>faith is garbage
>FP system is uninteresting
>WAs are mostly just special r2s or powerstance moves copypasted with an explosion or two at the end
>MLGS is the worst its ever been
>awful covenant rewards
>two covenants are the same exact thing
>Dragon form the worst its ever been in both aesthetic and practical sense
>community now filled with normies who hold hands with their SL 800 Friends to get through the game
>invaders have the most disadvantage compared to all other games in the series
>First DLC was a 1.5 hour long disappointment with a rehashed arena
>Second DLC had no end despite being the very last dark souls thing we'll get for the forseeable future

Because everything in the game is much faster. That juxtapostion is jarring specially early on.

if 10days user got banned, maybe we can hope you will get banned too

its 7/10
would be an 8 if they added in real poise

I played the other games and it's still a 9.5/10. What now?

They're actually godly in PvP compared to PvE. The balance is hilariously off between the two.

I've had instances where poise actually works without attacking as well, but I swear it's only againsts bosses (I've had Gael and Midir genuinely half-stagger me multiple times) other enemies will stagger you regardless.

It's 9.5/10 in both cases. DS3 has the best of all souls games.

DaS and BB
DaS3 and DeS

Drop one point down all games except DeS(for obvious reasons) if you are not including dlc

>turn the camera 90 degrees to the right and take a picture and tell me what colour it is
Here you go, I see a few colors. You tell me what you see, maybe you're colorblind.

>it's basically Demon Souls 2
but that's Bloodborne