I dont understand how anyone takes Counter-Strike seriously

I dont understand how anyone takes Counter-Strike seriously.

I mean it has a gun that allows a OHK on a body shot. How do FPS players take it seriously?

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Became a hit on lan in the early 2000s because of how easy it was to pick up and play with friends and also ran on any potato you could have at home. Basically it was CoD before CoD.

I'll take the bait. The awp is a support weapon which earns little money per kill and costs a lot to place. on top of that, the game is optimized. coming from someone who used to play arena in the comp scene, cs is as close as a tactical shooter with arcade elements can get to being completely fair.

No one argues that the AWP is OP within the context of the game's design, it's just about it being garbage skilless gameplay.

The game is fucking ancient and never changes
When it does, people cry

CS:GO looks, plays and IS a 15+ year old fucking game

It's pathetic how it has so many players only due to fucking keys and stupid skins

Pc gaming is a joke

It can be really fun to play, and it's guaranteed to be really fun with people you like.
I would agree that the game would be much better without the AWP, though.

>it's just about it being garbage skilless gameplay.
Keep trying, you'll be able to get out of Silver eventually.

Are you really going to insist that CS isn't full of people that can't use other weapons for shit and rely on the easy mode AWP to get kills?

why would it need to change? it's pretty much perfect as is and is by far the best fps on the market besides tf2.

it was the COD of the quake era


>The game is fucking ancient and never changes
That complain would only be legitimate if Valve released a new installment every year without any change whatsoever.
The game may be old but it has gone through a lot of changes, whether people like it or not.

>full of people that can't use other weapons for shit and rely on the easy mode AWP to get kills?
It is, those are what we call 'bad players'. If you only play on casual servers and use nothing but an AWP then you're probably the type who would bring your own barrel of fish to a shooting range, and in competitive you can't rely on always having one and will drag your team down if that's all you can use.

i cant use other weapons for shit and rely on pp bizon spray to get kills

The AWP is not overpowered. People who argue that it is have only played deathmatch or something. The game is balanced around a team economy, which is the reason that there can be 30+ guns and half all but a handful be viable. The AWP in particular is a huge investment, gives very little as a reward, can be easily played around, and can swing the game wildly in the other direction if lost. The argument that it takes no skill to use is also dumb. Yes, at low skill levels it can and will buy you cheap kills. Congrats on the 20 bomb at MGE.

>The argument that it takes no skill to use is also dumb
Because hitting a single bodyshot is hard now? Lel.

CS isn't a point and click adventure game.

The fact that you're so blatantly missing the point makes me think you're a troll or just bad at the game

So, were you watching when french overlords used the most beautiful wallbang there have been in a long while ?


Why is Sup Forums so bad at video games? I see the same shit in Overwatch threads.

Sniping in FPS games is pretty close to that though.

How does that miss the point? Sniping is easy in just about any game unless it has a weird gimmick like breathing sway. Again, the AWP may be perfectly balanced for what it's intended to do in CS but it's still a retarded concept that lowers the skill level of the game dramatically. A mediocre player with an AWP can stall shit and force people to engage in counterplay with smokes and the like as the only viable counter if they don't have a sniper themselves even if he did nothing up until that point of the game. This is akin to how shit Overwatch is with its hardcounter system where you can basically do nothing in several matchups unless your hero beats the other one by design.

>A mediocre player with an AWP can stall shit

So you're just bad and blaming it on the game

Git gud

>beat someone consistently on pistol and smg rounds which are about strafing and raw aim above all else
>they become an actual impediment when they get access to a certain weapon which by its design requires me to either get one of it as well to counter, or to break the gameflow entirely and do ridiculous strategies to play around it which by the way require cooperation from the entire team
Yes its bad gameplay design and that player should simply continue losing fights to me like they would in any skill-based shooter, end of.



Quake 3 has two OHK body shot weapons.

>a team game requires teamwork
holy shit man

>strategies to play around it which by the way require cooperation from the entire team
That's the whole fucking point. It's not just about raw aiming skill, it's about strategy. The AWP is really good at holding angles at long range and kinda shitty at everything else, so you use the tools available to you to play around it and engage them in a situation where the AWP gets outshined by the weapons you have.

If you're shitter shattered because a "mediocre" player with an AWP can consistently beat you in a straight up aim duel at long range it's your fault for being the retard who's trying to fight him on his own terms with a weapon that's inferior when it comes to that kind of engagement.

the so-called "perfect" game was deader than gabe's grandma up until the arms shit update.

the game is alright, but only if you play on ESEA which filters out the 99% of pols, turks, ruskies and the majority of blatant public hax using mongoloids

if you play valveMM your opinion on "perfect" is not worth shit.

People don't buy ESEA to get better at the game

>it's just about it being garbage skilless gameplay.
AWP becomes a lot more skillful when you get to ranks where everybody can easily headshot you if you don't shoot first, a miss is a death sentence, and playing around you is second nature. Not to mention people just knowing how to actually use grenades and trade effectively.

To play around 1 single person who isn't executing any sort of team strat and isn't even skilled simply because of a weapon he purchased.

It is POSSIBLE to beat him in an aim duel only if you are AWPing yourself, don't be retarded. It reduces gameplay to the same inane counter-picking bullshit as Overwatch.

And regardless this escapes the original point - it is a dumb, skill-less weapon that allows people who suck at aiming to use it as a crutch, period. End of. It doesn't matter if it's balanced because the game is designed around it, in pure skill-related terms it's shit.

i argue the awp isn't OP cause i'm not retarded.

You probably think the auto is OP too, you autist.

admin he's doing it sideways

I can just tell you don't ever use nades.

CS:GO is a balanced, competitive FPS guys!
>Half the guns in the game are worthless and nobody buys them

There are people in Global Elite who don't know simple smokes.

if you havent got good enough to leave valve mm than you have no rights at all to talk about cs

How do those points contradict each other?

I know right. It's ridiculous that a high power rifle shot to the chest is a OHK.

If half of the weapons in CS:GO are worthless, then CS:GO is not balanced. Even MOBAs have a better ratio of competitive : garbage.

You can find any game and Sup Forums will make any excuse they can dream up to say it is shit.

>Arguing realism in a game where pistols instakill on headshots but rifles don't

Why do those weapons need to be balanced for the game to be considered competitive? Do those weapons even need to be balanced if there are plenty of other weapons that are well balanced in accordance with each other? How does the game benefit from a dozen more weapons thrown into the meta?

the game is balanced around half the guns being shit/very situational, you fucking degenerate

>game has pre-programmed recoil patterns which is exactly the same everytime
>TTK allows players with faster reaction times win 9/10 times
>FPS players call this the epitome of competitive gaming
Fucking COD and Halo are more competitive.

>It is POSSIBLE to beat him in an aim duel only if you are AWPing yourself, don't be retarded. It reduces gameplay to the same inane counter-picking bullshit as Overwatch.
You seem to think that pure, raw twitch aim duels are the end-all be-all of skill. You have four teammates, you can get one to flank him and trade if one of you dies, you can use grenades and rush him, you can have your own AWP user pick him off, you can just fuck off and go somewhere else because chances are they have two AWP's at most, and more likely just one. This isn't "counter-picking", it's knowing how to employ even the simplest strategies. If you come across someone using an AWP and all you can think to do is play peek-a-boo with him you're the only one to blame when you inevitably get bodied.

>why is more variety a good thing

How does the game benefit from a dozen more weapons all trying to fill similar roles? How does that make it more competitive? More variety isn't automatically good. Just look at any stealth/action game. There is such a thing as spreading yourself too thin.

>the game is balanced around there never being a reason to buy an AUG, an LMG or a Sawed-off
Which again fails to take note that IT ISN'T IMBALANCED, yes all those things are legit and I have even stated that there is counterplay to an AWP, none of it changes that it takes no skill and is bad gameplay design. Have you seriously never played matches in competitive, in PUGs, in scrims, in lan parties or what have you in which there was someone who sucked with other weapons and always needed an AWP to stay relevant in the game?

Aaaaaaand opinion discarded

That game isn't designed around every weapon being good, that's why you have the fucking money system. If all guns were excellent nobody would buy the expensive ones you fucking retard.

The only objectively bad gun in the game is M249, other are situational and/or used on different skill levels. This way the game can be balanced for both silvers and gms

You clearly dont know shit about this game, go to cod with your way of thinking, cs is cs, its and ak and an awp, deal with it.

>dont know shit
How many times do I have to AGREE with you that there are indeed ways to play around it which are perfectly balanced in the game's logic? All I'm saying is that it's dumb and skill-less.


8/10 of the pistols are used

3/4 of the shotguns are used

6/6 of the SMGs were used until recently when people started favoring the UMP

6/11 of the rifles are used, 2 of which are once again a product of the UMP currently being too strong

0/2 of the machine guns are used

That's really good. Incredible considering 1.6 and Source were notorious for there being like 5 worthwhile guns.

>someone who sucked with other weapons and always needed an AWP to stay relevant in the game?
On the same note there are people who can't hit shit with the AWP and so pass it over to the teammates that use it a lot and are a lot better with it. If you wanna talk scrims then it's definitely not a surprise that the fucking AWPER on somebody's team is a lot better with the AWP than he is with anything else.

>they didn't join the insurgency master race

stay plebfags

>inb4 rainbow six siege fags give me (you)s

>there are people who can't hit shit with the AWP
Honestly if you can't hit shit with an AWP there has got to be something wrong with you or with your setup which hampers your most basic aiming skills. Sniping is always one of the easiest things in shooters, doubly so in the case of fucking bodyshots.

Insurgency is pretty shit if you want something actually competitive.

>it's another "AWP isn't OP because muh smokes and muh price" episode

I am the guy who argued about the gun variety, not the awp guy. You are wrong there too, btw. Just stop posting about a game you dont even know or play.

Great counterpoint, love this episode.

Alright can you point me to any tournaments in the recent months in which a single LMG is purchased?

>3/4 of the shotguns are used
fake news
>0/2 of the machine guns are used
negev is getting some use with the price nerf desu

if you mess with a cop they pull OHK on your torso with the glock every fucking time

could as well complain about why the fuck all grenade or molotov hits arent a one hit kill

>You can't call a bad game bad if you don't waste your time with it

>fake news
He's not wrong
>negev is getting some use with the price nerf desu
Negev isn't getting used at all because it's shit.

There are a number of spots where people use the nova/sawed off/mag7 for quick close kills.

As the others said, its the only objectively trash meme weapon in the game, most of them do serve a particular niche role.

>someone who sucked with other weapons and always needed an AWP to stay relevant in the game?
Yes, and as I've said before, those are bad players. The fact that a bad player can use a weapon as a crutch isn't bad design (in a game with varied enough weapons it's damn near inevitable), especially in a game where he can't count on always having that weapon. If you absolutely can't do shit with any weapon other than an AWP then you're guaranteed to be a drain on your team for at least three rounds, and likely far more than that.

>Negev isn't getting used at all because it's shit.
negev+smoke is a great alternative to famas for ct now that its lowered to 2k

>Honestly if you can't hit shit with an AWP there has got to be something wrong with you or with your setup which hampers your most basic aiming skills.
I'm talking about fucking pro players or at least people on ESEA teams. Any retard can hit easy shots with an AWP, but good players won't give you easy shots.

>Rev up your Negev
>Get shot through the smoke because they see all the tracers or they literally just sit and wait like they were going to do anyway
>Be literally useless whenever you're not standing still and in the midst of firing
Just buy a UMP, it's cheaper, gives you more money back, and you don't need to wait 2 seconds to hit anything.

Playing against AWPers all the time sucks ass in casual and for some reason I can't find a custom server that disallows them anymore so when I'm trying to practice other weapons I end up with a server full of people AWPing AWpers with AWPs. I just wish some of these faggots had honor and would play with the scout since that shit is a real challenge.

>>Rev up your Negev
>>Get shot through the smoke because they see all the tracers or they literally just sit and wait like they were going to do anyway

Scout is still easy just not quite as brainlet as AWP. Also the way it is so accurate when unscoped, moves fast when scoped and recovers accuracy nearly instantly when you stop moving allows for some pretty hilarious plays.

the awp has always been considered to be a noob shit gun and an abomination of fps by everyone except counter strike goyim

>esea players
top lel

esea has been bad for the game. it breeds players with bad habits. now the that the yuros have started adopting esea they will see. esea has plagued the usa scene for so fucking long and creates selfish players

I don't really like using AWPs, but I'll use a scout on casual to train for when an AWP inevitably ends up in my hands during a competitive match. The skills don't quite transfer 1-to1, but the aiming transfers over well and it's satisfying as fuck using a scout to wipe out people using their $5000 crutch.

jesus fucking christ how fucking bad Sup Forums is at video games? ive never seen anyone unironically crying about how op the awp is above silver

>game has pre-programmed race length which is exactly the same everytime
>allows players with faster running speeds to win 9/10 times
>Olympic committee call this the epitome of competitive running

They need to stop calling it an E sport and start calling it a video game tournament.

Fucking so stupid.