>we want the Hannah Montana audience
We want the Hannah Montana audience
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NoA lets a literal prostitute and child predator work for them but have to censor video game characters in bikinis.
Nintendo is a feminist company.
they fired her for prostitution
who actually cares about senran kagura though
Y'all cared about it when a Switch game got announced
Why the fuck would they be wearing swimsuits in the middle of the city? Bottom pic is much more fitting
>Why the fuck would they be wearing swimsuits in the middle of the city?
They're modeling.
Also, who the fuck cares? They don't need a reason. The devs are not under any obligation to justify their design choices to you.
In Miami, girls walk around in swimsuits.
>minor cosmetic changes
Don't care. It's 5 minutes of custscene and then it's off to the next plot point.
I wish they hadn't changed it but you have to be a blithering idiot to throw a fit over the change.
They're desecrating Hachiko's waiting spot with their vulgar bodies
>It doesn't need to make sense xD
Average weeb
Putting "xD" at the end of a statement doesn't make it untrue. Not an argument.
I actually like those costumes
>In a beachside city women walk around in costumes befitting a beach area
Miami is near the beach, though. Nobody walks around New York in a swimsuit unless they're going to or from a swimming pool. Cmon now
Is Tokoyo Mirage Sessions pretty much a Persona game with the whole 2 activities per day and social links thing?
Where in Japan is it acceptable to dress up as a nigger?
Not an argument
Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.
Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.
t. virgin weeb
It's a photo shoot.
not an argument
Censorship is my fetish. My dick gets rock hard when you see game developers make poor attempts at covering up skin with tight clothes that were obviously not intended to be there. I pity those who have not developed superior taste such as my own, and are thus unable to enjoy censored videogames with raging erections.
>Not an argument numale fuckboi
What the fuck happened? Nintendo used to have a reputation as a tough mature and intelligent company that didn't let things like children, political correctness and soccer moms dictate the terms
Now they're just another sjw kiddie company "thinking about the children!!"
WTF I hate Japan now
The shouldn't have censored it, just let the idolfags have thier shit.
That said, idolfags are cancerous because of muh purity, so they cant be in a romantic relationship in any story. Its so boring
are you me
>Nintendo used to have a reputation as a tough mature and intelligent company that didn't let things like children, political correctness and soccer moms dictate the terms
SNES had the best version of mortal kombat
>What the fuck happened? Nintendo used to have a reputation as a tough mature and intelligent company
In what universe?
Present a valid argument in favor of the censorship then
>make a waifu game proceed to remove waifu content
>literally no one buys it
I wonder what went wrong here
too obvious
The games are bollocks but why would anyone bother devs to not publish them if they dont like the games on principle?
It's almost like, hol up a sec; Japan is a bunch of islands. Also since when is beach a requirement for a model to dress in a bikini for photography purposes?
I think its hilarous that Nintendofags try to present Nintendo as this pure company that doesn't pander to SJWs, then when they're shown evidence of Nintendo pandering to SJWs they go into autistic screeching mode
Nintendo has been censoring games for foreign markets since the NES.
Castlevania being one example.
>>minor cosmetic changes
Yeah, let's ignore that they rewrote an entire chapter of the game too.
Pretty sure it was meant as satire or sarcasm and not bait/falseflagging. Not everyone is out to get you.
That's not true, it's only a problem if the idol has a relationship with someone that's not the player. Any wota would fuck their oshi if it was possible, a lovely and pure fucking but still a fucking.
Bottom is cuter desu
Less is more
It's TMS, OP, it doesn't matter and it never will.
I don't even know why they bothered doing it since all they did was piss off 3 out of the 5 people who cared.
They made her of age why do this?
but the top has less
The top has EXTRA LES.
>we could have had this
I'm still baffled by the stupid-ass decisions they made over localizing this.
The same reason the completely remove dialogue, change characterization, remove content, and add dank memes in all their games. Instead of preserving the author's content they think they know what's best for their "audience". Also nintendo isn't the only one who does this. Every single publisher does.
That full body stocking is disgusting. If they really needed to censor it, they could have just given her a camisole and turned the armpit window into actual sleeves, then make her gloves shorter.
But instead we got White Ranger.
>Atlus does the same shit
>Absolutely NO ONE on Sup Forums gives them shit for it
It's only bad when Nintendo does it. I guess we really have to see those animu tiddies though, literally unplayable without them.
Like who the hell even noticed this, put in the motion to have it removed, and actually got that shit approved?
Isn't it also missing a dlc?
List e (2.718281828) games that Atlus censored.
"We want the muslim audience"
This is atlus though
>guy complaining on how all of them do it right above you
>Absolutely NO ONE on Sup Forums gives them shit for it
I shouldn't expect much from a phone poster.
Atlus censored Dungeon Travellers 2 by changing 4 CGs. It's bad, but it's not comparable to this bullshit.
Atlus were not the localiser for #FE, much like Squeenix were not the ones localising and censoring Bravely Default.
What an ultra faggot.
This, the clothing accentuates the shape of their breasts more in this particular shot
For at least a year it was just nothing but NOA making retarded decisions.
>Fire Emblem Fates alters support dialogues and drops a whole mode.
>Fatal Frame V made digital-only with no advertising and bikinis removed.
>Xenoblade X removes boob slider because pedophiles or whatever the fuck.
>#FE neutered in the most pointless ways imaginable, but battle dialogue isn't subbed.
Atlus blames it on Nintendo
Play Persona 5. The dialogue is awfully translated and one of the worst localizations in recent memory.
>hasn't noticed the million of other posts complaining about this trivial bullshit
I shouldn't expect much from a newfag
>Play Persona 5. The dialogue is awfully translated and one of the worst localizations in recent memory.
I agree, but a poor translation isn't censorship, and I suspect you're making this misrepresentation on purpose.
I wish this game had a better presentation, because the gameplay is solid.
The rest is loud obnoxious and annoying especiallyTsubasa had to give up on chapter 3
>Play Persona 5. The dialogue is awfully translated and one of the worst localizations in recent memory.
This is bait.
>>Xenoblade X removes boob slider because pedophiles or whatever the fuck.
It did far more than just that, it changed the script a lot to remove religious references, changed Dolls to Skells because they're insecure about their masculinity despite Dolls being an intended name with plot relevance, and they changed the location names to make them sound cooler, which was entirely missing the point which is given in game.
Also a bunch of outfits were censored too.
>almost no tits to speak of
If they only thought of the children the way i do, that those little shits cant afford games and only ask for calls of duties from their parents
So you haven't played the game?
I really enjoy it and it is probably my 2nd favorite game of this year so far, but the translation is awful.
>one of the worst localizations in recent memory.
Didn't even know this existed. Got so fucking bored after the first dungeon that I put that shit down indefinitely. Even if you still got your pandering anime tiddies, the game would still suck shit.
I prefer the bottom a lot more to be honest
Nothing about NoA's censorship is for the sake of impressionable young children. It's SJWs wanting to push an agenda and edit the games they're working on to conform to what they believe is the correct way society should be. This is why they go out of their way to change dialogue too; god forbid anyone deals with topics in fiction that might make them uncomfortable.
>we want the horny manchild audience
No it isn't.
>but battle dialogue isn't subbed.
What the fuck
The audience that has disposable income and consumes most of the related media, yes. That would be a good audience to appeal to.
bottom image looks like the tits are bigger
>It's SJWs wanting to push an agenda and edit the games they're working on to conform to what they believe is the correct way society should be.
And "think of the children" is one of their excuses in their quest for ruining fun.
It really is. Almost everything that comes out of Ryuji's mouth is a blatant rewrite to make him sound more vulgar.
>Play Persona 5. The dialogue is awfully translated and one of the worst localizations in recent memory.
Technically, the dialogue was translated very literally. You can call it out for a lack of "localization", but the translation was accurate, almost to a fault
both audiences only have their moms buy things for them
Tsubasa was pretty fucking stacked for teenager not affiliated with Senran Kagura or DOA. Why they edited shit like the wedding dress or having a girl reposed to sitting on a couch instead of lying down, while ignoring the cleavage shot you get in every battle, nobody knows.
You mean the audience that actually buys games?
>while you were guys
Ok buddy
>The right used to be the ones that were prudish faggots and wanted to censor everything
>Now it's the left
Fucking horseshoes'n shit
No, its more like a typical SMT game. There's no social links.
I heard this game is actually really good disregarding the censorship stuff but I'm not paying 60 bucks for it
>Effin' and shit.
In that case it has to be an improvement over the apparent choirboy they had in the jap version.
friendly reminder that Sup Forums and 2ch allowed this to happen
That's a grammatical error, a typo made in english, not a mistranslation.
Nothing in P5 was censored. At worst there's maybe a dozen lines of text that are a little awkward, and 2-3 that are outright wrong.
Which for a 80-100 hour JRPG is pretty good.
>It's poorly translated
>No it isn't
>Yes it is
>Well it's better that way
Tsubasa should be in Smash.
isnt that just a grammatical error rather than a mistranslation ?
>Hey... Wassup Persona...
>the translation was accurate, almost to a fault
Was referring to TMS, m80
typo =/= mistranslation
Why does it matter though to this game? It's not like Senran where you specifically play to see some tits. For this, they rewrote the storyline to fit the change and it still makes sense in the narrative. What exactly does this change for the narrative, combat, and characters besides not seeing tits?