Don't mind me, just pirating this kid.
Don't mind me, just pirating this kid
Other urls found in this thread:
>The guy who posts this pasta everyday doesn't even know how to make a decent pirating analogy anymore
Just kill the kid, man, i don't care
That'll get you arrested, unlike pirating digital media.
Only because the law hasn't caught up to you criminals.
That's not how piracy works my dude
Don't mind me, just pirating this plane.
you figured out how to clone people? shit man, that's cool
Don't mind us, just pirating your country
Don't mind me, just buying these M&Ms from G2A
Don't mind me, just pirating this image.
You fucking thief
I pirated Sup Forums
cloning people is illegal and immoral, making copies of a game is not
fuck off
Don't mind me ,cracker ,just pirating yo wife.
Just bring the master back when you're done
I actualy laughed. Ty op
you fucking CRIMINAL SCUM you stop this RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Saudis aren't Syrian you dip.
>implying I'm good enough to tay tay as a wife
It's okay, if I like it I'll pay for it :)
What the fuck!
Consoleniggers have compared copyright infringement to:
Maritime commerce raiding
And now kidnapping. What's next from the minds of 2 digit IQ joystick pushers? Time will tell.
Don't mind me just pirating this 4
Reminder that devs have equated used games to theft many times in the past, firebomb your local gamestop to truly make a difference OP.
Even if it's not literally those things (it is literally stealing) it is figuratively those things.
This analogy bothers me.
If you were to pay for the game, would that mean you are paying to buy the child as opposed to stealing it?
It's not, though.
If anything, it's more like DIY. If you figure out how to build a table from scratch you won't need to buy one, pirating stuff just happens to be easier.
>not child trafficking
Don't mind me, just pirating this thread
This desu.
Between licensing costs to Sony/MS and the cost of manufacturing physical copies compared to digital distribution, on top of consolefaggots buying used games, it's a fucking mystery why devs even make games for cucksoles.
Don't mind me just pirating your presidency
You're figuratively an ape.
buying game = having sex and raising child
You are holding the knife wrong, dumbass
don't mind me, just rolling the dice
Thank you for your service
Fuck no
Don't mind me, just pirating this dice
I want a blacked video of tay tay more than if i was fucking her myself.
Dont mind me, just pirating your attention
Gimme your love
here we go
>assblasted consolefag mad that he has to pay upwards of $100 dollars for digital code that dosnt even exist in a physical sense
Don't mind me, just pirating this dog
I want tay tay to be my waifu.
Not so fast, Podesta!
Post more stock images
Don't mind me, just pirating your major population centers.
>Don't mind me, pirating myself
Well then by that logic then me buying a game is like buying a slave. Hang yourself
Can you steal him instead? I don't want my copy anymore.
>piracy is merely copying the original!
Tell that to fucking Edward Teach
gimmie these memes and don't let me free and i need this please
>is stealing milk duds
I know I am missing the point but whatever.
lucky me
Don't mind me, just pirating this ship.
Don't worry, i'm just pirating this 5
You fiend
i will pirate this girl's virginity. haha i hope you had a laugh at that.
It's not piracy if i'm open sourcing her.
fuck off
>not knowing about opportunity costs
just pirating this song again
Rolling into the abyss we go
Just pirating this monster girl
Dont mind me, Im just pirating YOUR 5!
Don't worry, just pirating the 4th wall
>Legless ninja with sword
don't mind me, just pirating this (you)
Don't mind me pirating this roll
Don't mind me, my business is just failing cause you keep pirating my game.
Don't mind me, just seeding your games.
Don't worry, just pirating these innocent lives
>pirating is okay
>leeching isn't
Don't mind me, just pirating the fucks i give
What's that, bradley?
Wheres this from?
>Don't mind me, just pirating this kid.
Don't mind me just pirating this post
who should I blame for this ?
no, because civil law is not the same thing as criminal law.
whats going on here? Some sort of remote controlled turret?
fuck you
Don't mind me, just pirating this hooker.